Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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no, being consistent is better because if you guys keep playing like this, you are slowly leading up to town winning every game ever.

what the heck? thats the reason of the game, for town to win.

scum = no win
town = yes win
i don't understand what you're saying.

- - - Post Merge - - -

{lmao im saying this because im town and i want us to win}

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm a weird person.

this isn't an excuse bb
no, being consistent is better because if you guys keep playing like this, you are slowly leading up to town winning every game ever.

Err what? I don't know why you would say that as town. You know town = good guys, scum = bad guys right? And I'm pretty sure it's 14 town wins vs 9 scum wins so that honestly isn't that bad. And like Ashtot said, there's no way you can have a consistent playstyle - there will always be a small difference. Honestly you're acting kind of weird, you bring up issues that aren't really related to the game (ex you in Mean Girls when you brought up in PMs) and I don't understand why you do that, but okay.
Am I allowed to voice my opinion without getting accused? Because that;s what happened with Ashbutt.

That's interesting, do you mind quoting where you were accused? I don't think I saw so in any of your posts.

I definitely agree with the suspicions on Nikki and 8floor, I almost forgot 8floor was playing at some point until I saw the vote count for Day 2.

ugh do i really have to go here now, i guess i do...

the way i play is intended to be extremely consistent. i am noticing a billion problems with the way that the game is played here, which boils down to the fact that you guys read too hard into what people did in previous games. i am trying not to be transparent in that way so i can win as much as possible, regardless of my role.

also defending myself because i said nothing in the thread when sunshinetea was making their case on me, and if i address nothing, i am sus too. so what am i supposed to do? ._.

Reading what people do in previous games has helped us a lot and caught us several scum. I speak from experience, people noticed I (scum) was less active than my Town behavior. No matter your alignment, reads will always be formed on you. Even scum read heavily into things, which is how some people are able to take out Blues. Like Ashtot said/hinted, there's always going to be one thing that distinguishes you from town and scum.

But anyway, you will have to at least address something to defend yourself. From your wording in some of your posts, you don't seem that enthusiastic to defend yourself.
But anyway, you will have to at least address something to defend yourself. From your wording in some of your posts, you don't seem that enthusiastic to defend yourself.

i will address consistency and other stuff elsewhere i was going to write up a post about it but...
i just have too many problems with the game right now and it leaks into my playstyle and i do not want this to happen but i am so full of salt

but you tell me what i can do to defend myself. honestly. what can i even do.
i am powerless vanilla town. i literally can offer nothing to prove my alignment.

also i am not getting this flying under the radar thing. i am here. i post my theories.
i did not know that i am flying under the radar unless i make a huge case and accusation toward someone... :c
That's interesting, do you mind quoting where you were accused? I don't think I saw so in any of your posts.

I definitely agree with the suspicions on Nikki and 8floor, I almost forgot 8floor was playing at some point until I saw the vote count for Day 2.

Reading what people do in previous games has helped us a lot and caught us several scum. I speak from experience, people noticed I (scum) was less active than my Town behavior. No matter your alignment, reads will always be formed on you. Even scum read heavily into things, which is how some people are able to take out Blues. Like Ashtot said/hinted, there's always going to be one thing that distinguishes you from town and scum.

But anyway, you will have to at least address something to defend yourself. From your wording in some of your posts, you don't seem that enthusiastic to defend yourself.

Ashbutt and I got into an argument because I made one remark about him being scummy IMO. That's what I was talking about.
i will address consistency and other stuff elsewhere i was going to write up a post about it but...
i just have too many problems with the game right now and it leaks into my playstyle and i do not want this to happen but i am so full of salt

but you tell me what i can do to defend myself. honestly. what can i even do.
i am powerless vanilla town. i literally can offer nothing to prove my alignment.

also i am not getting this flying under the radar thing. i am here. i post my theories.
i did not know that i am flying under the radar unless i make a huge case and accusation toward someone... :c

what are your problems w/ the game?
well you wouldn't be suspected if you posted a little more..
no, being consistent is better because if you guys keep playing like this, you are slowly leading up to town winning every game ever.

First of all, that sounds really scummy. But to add to your theory (which I think is flawed), part of this game is to put on a "persona" - Especially when you're scum or a blue role trying to hide. By analyzing people's behaviour from previous games, and getting called out on them, you can constantly adapt your playstyle to your role/alignment and to iron out the flaws and tell-signs you might have. Playing the game the exact same way does not work with every single role - Instead, when you're evil, you're supposed to trick people that you're not.

Also, Town has a slight advantage in Mafia, not just in numbers but in win chance as well. They always have. If they do not, the game isn't very balanced - It's not supposed to be a 50/50 outcome. And some roles and alignments are far more difficult to win with than others, but that's part of the fun. The Serial Killer, being all alone on his team, yet has to be THE LAST MAN STANDING - That's really hard, but still a fun role to play as.
not this game in particular, that is. more the game culture.
feloreena is doing a great job here <3

i post when i find the things i have to say are meaningful.
i mean, i feel like i led a lot of suspicion toward capella, since i helped bring the thread back on track after distractions, when addressing noodle's will
i do not feel like i am doing nothing here, i feel like i am saying things that are useful

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, Town has a slight advantage in Mafia, not just in numbers but in win chance as well. They always have. If they do not, the game isn't very balanced - It's not supposed to be a 50/50 outcome. And some roles and alignments are far more difficult to win with than others, but that's part of the fun. The Serial Killer, being all alone on his team, yet has to be THE LAST MAN STANDING - That's really hard, but still a fun role to play as.

i am not saying that the game is supposed to be balanced, that is not it at all
serial killer is great fun, i love the role, i love to be the role, and i get that it is hard

what i AM saying is that i feel like the game culture is creating a rift in which it becomes inherently easier than it already was for town to win

but can we leave my issues here alone? if you guys wanna talk about it, we can pm. i really did not mean to bring this bs in the thread again. idc if you guys keep using this as evidence against me, but i do not think this is the right time for me to really talk about this publicly yet and i feel like an idiot for getting to this point (because salt)
not this game in particular, that is. more the game culture.
feloreena is doing a great job here <3

i post when i find the things i have to say are meaningful.
i mean, i feel like i led a lot of suspicion toward capella, since i helped bring the thread back on track after distractions, when addressing noodle's will
i do not feel like i am doing nothing here, i feel like i am saying things that are useful

For me, that's not what this is about: There is two scum teams in play and the fact that you made some contributions towards getting Capella lynched might've been entirely favorable to you if you're EXALT, since she was an Alien. The reason I find you so suspicious is because of how you word your posts, what you decide to comment on, and for being so strangely defensive when your name is brought up.

You claim that you're just a green role? Well, I don't really understand why people seem to find them so powerless. The fact that you've got no powers to use means that you can be way more forward and aggressive in the thread, and you can forward the finds of the blues you might be in contact with in the thread. Putting a target on yourself is usually somewhat beneficial because it's better that you die than a blue role, at the end of the day. I have been green in almost every single game I've played here on TBT (was Godfather once, and powerless Miller once..) and I still try my best to contribute - It's all about putting in the effort, and talking to people a lot so you can get good reads on them. Sometimes you'll mess up, but you won't get anything out of a green role by just sitting back and doing very little. But I don't think you're green - I think you're EXALT - And I hope that the truth will be uncovered soon enough!
i only commented once when my name popped up, and since you guys pushed it harder, obviously i have to fight back harder. when sunshinetea brought their suspicions up, i said nothing in the thread.

i am not literally powerless, i was saying that there is no way for me to prove, meaning without a doubt, that i am town. i offer little leverage for you guys to believe me. it looks like i just seem more suspicious for defending myself than for staying silent.

i do not want to be forward and aggressive in the thread because that is not who i am (i am a really shy person, and even with this persona act, it still scares me when people pay attention to me). i am also not really in contact with anyone because of many reasons, but probably more because i have stunted myself in that regard. i have not gotten any response from the one person i truly tried to speak to, and i do not really trust anyone else enough to make that communication open (again, my problem)

that being said, i feel like i have sabotaged my chances with making that communication, because generally speaking, once someone is suspected publicly, it is not like people really want to communicate with that person.

all i really have to stand behind is my word, and again, i will say that i am green.
Day 3 hasn't been posted yet, Feloreena said it would be a bit late since she's out.
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