Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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What a bloodbath! RIP everyone. Looks like the Sanitizer worked their magic. I'm worried to see our numbers drop so quickly. :(

I would have expected Mewm and Dolby to be more active as a Blue's, what happened there?
Okay time to get down to business.

The only people who knew that tsundere was a doctor were Harry and Tom. I personally believe that Harry is scum, but not so sure about Tom. Harry has been deceptive throughout this entire game, which he is mostly playing through PM's with other people. I and alise have some evidence of him working closely with tsundere. This will hopefully be brought up soon and gradually in the next half hour or so. Now as we can see, Mew just simply decided to claim blue and get herself killed. I definitely didn't expect Dolby to be a Medic, and it really sucks for us, and the fact that we lost Dr. Vahlen is terrible because we lost two important power roles. Aerious was sanitised which is basically saying to be that she was either an Alien or an Exalt member, so thanks to SP for getting her killed. We should now also be looking at Moron. I'm going to assume that 8floor was killed by an XCOM Sniper or other shooting role thing (whatever they're called). There really wasn't enough evidence, or any really, that he was scum. I'm looking at Sataric and CookingOkasan here because I know they've been working together quite closely for a while. It's possible that either Sataric or CookingOkasan are scum, or that they somehow got a vig to kill 8floor, which I think is definitely possible. Now, I'm going to point out that alise is most likely not scum. I claimed XCOM Sniper to her, although I'm really an XCOM Rookie. I was baiting her thinking that if she was scum, I would be dead tonight, but that didn't happen. I'd love to hear from the people I've mentioned, as I think Harry and/or Tom are pretty much screwed right now. Other thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I'd also like to put Alice, Shiny, Crystal, and oath2order into the spotlight, you're going to have to start talking.
Thank you Superpenguin. :)

I have updated the post with Death Notes and Last Wills. All PMs should be out now too.
0n Okasan- His playstyle is much different from when he was town in And then there was one and newbie mafia. In those games I felt he was much louder. This probably doesn't mean anything but I saw him viewing Feloreena's profile. Sending in scum kills eh?
Tsundere's will: "(I was going to protect Tina but Tom made me protect him smh)"

welp tinaa died n1~ makes me believe he is scum - dolby wanted to lynch scum too

SP's will: "Moron should've died tonight as a result of XCOM Heavy. If he didn't die, he performed an action last night and was instead roleblocked. You should just lynch him then because he has been claiming to be XCOM Rookie all the time, so if he has an action, it's a scum one"

So moron is either blue or scum i guess

We know aerious was scum so moron probably is too
Okay time to get down to business.

The only people who knew that tsundere was a doctor were Harry and Tom. I personally believe that Harry is scum, but not so sure about Tom. Harry has been deceptive throughout this entire game, which he is mostly playing through PM's with other people. I and alise have some evidence of him working closely with tsundere. This will hopefully be brought up soon and gradually in the next half hour or so. Now as we can see, Mew just simply decided to claim blue and get herself killed. I definitely didn't expect Dolby to be a Medic, and it really sucks for us, and the fact that we lost Dr. Vahlen is terrible because we lost two important power roles. Aerious was sanitised which is basically saying to be that she was either an Alien or an Exalt member, so thanks to SP for getting her killed. We should now also be looking at Moron. I'm going to assume that 8floor was killed by an XCOM Sniper or other shooting role thing (whatever they're called). There really wasn't enough evidence, or any really, that he was scum. I'm looking at Sataric and CookingOkasan here because I know they've been working together quite closely for a while. It's possible that either Sataric or CookingOkasan are scum, or that they somehow got a vig to kill 8floor, which I think is definitely possible. Now, I'm going to point out that alise is most likely not scum. I claimed XCOM Sniper to her, although I'm really an XCOM Rookie. I was baiting her thinking that if she was scum, I would be dead tonight, but that didn't happen. I'd love to hear from the people I've mentioned, as I think Harry and/or Tom are pretty much screwed right now. Other thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I'd also like to put Alice, Shiny, Crystal, and oath2order into the spotlight, you're going to have to start talking.

[1:48:56 PM] kallie: i tlaked to harry before you asked me anyway and he told me what you said
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:48:58 PM] kallie: im a townie
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:49:02 PM] cool: 0 wow
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:49:09 PM] cool: u said that in frozen maf but u wer godfather
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:49:10 PM] cool: cries
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:50:16 PM] kallie: well yeah but am i playing like i did as scum
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:50:26 PM] cool: idk i have to look in frozen maf
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:50:32 PM] kallie: besides i only claimed to one person becuase i know 100% that theyre town
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:02 PM | Removed 1:51:16 PM] kallie: This message has been removed.
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:09 PM] kallie: especially when the roleblocker is already dead
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:11 PM] kallie: whoops
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:18 PM] cool: WHAT
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:24 PM] kallie: you dont know his role i forgot
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:28 PM] kallie: you only know hes a blue
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:34 PM] cool: o
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:44 PM] kallie: but yeah
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:54 PM] kallie: doesnt mean you cant talk to me anyway
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:51:59 PM] kallie: sataric said the same thing to mew
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:52:01 PM] cool: but i have no sus
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:52:03 PM] cool: tbh
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:52:07 PM] kallie: how
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:52:11 PM] cool: i dont
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:52:16 PM] cool: have any
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:56:41 PM] kallie: but honestly me roleclaiming to other people isnt suspicious
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:56:49 PM] cool: i didnt say it was
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:56:56 PM] cool: ??
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:56:57 PM] kallie: why bring it up
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:57:02 PM] cool: i cant really trust someone
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:57:09 PM] cool: i dont know like its just me
[22:35] <Elise-> [1:57:24 PM] kallie: ok
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:09:55 PM] kallie: why didnt you take out the part about harry when u posted the log..
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:11 PM] cool: i felt like it would kind of
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:12 PM] cool: give it away
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:18 PM] cool: like u kno when u said 'i know harrys role"
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:20 PM] cool: i started freaking out
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:30 PM] cool: like "io mg what if they catch the drift"
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:10:40 PM] cool: i meant to cut that part out dsfsdf
[22:35] <Elise-> [2:15:41 PM] kallie: o

This is just a conversation that alise had with tsundere. It might not reveal that much but I'm trying to get as much information as possible and display it here.

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Tsundere's will: "(I was going to protect Tina but Tom made me protect him smh)"

welp tinaa died n1~ makes me believe he is scum - dolby wanted to lynch scum too

SP's will: "Moron should've died tonight as a result of XCOM Heavy. If he didn't die, he performed an action last night and was instead roleblocked. You should just lynch him then because he has been claiming to be XCOM Rookie all the time, so if he has an action, it's a scum one"

So moron is either blue or scum i guess

We know aerious was scum so moron probably is too

And yes, aerious was obviously scum, and I agree that moron should be looked into immediately. If oath2order and AndyB could get in contact with me (preferably IRC) ASAP that would be great.
I should be asleep, yet here I am.. Posting from phone, no BB-Codes.
Very sad to see us take such heavy losses. I was clearly wrong about MewMew - I truly thought she would turn out to be scum. I believe the watcher checked Okasan so we should have more info about him soon, though I cannot forward it until tomorrow morning since I do need to sleep. I am guessing the EXALT rocket hit Minties since both her and Tsundere died. Dolby was protecting me but I did not get targeted. Perhaps one of the scum teams was afraid he was on the OTHER scum team, or perhaps they thought he would find them all given enough time. Central is still alive and I think he should send another Rookie ASAP!
Oh. /itshappeninggif

I noticed Alice has been posting incredibly actively on other parts of the forum, just something I wanted to point out. I believe she's either bored Townie or intimidated scum.

I hope the supposed massacre won't kill lots of Blues, or we're in for a lot of trouble. :(

Incredibly active, lol. I guess 5 or 6 short posts constitutes incredible activity. In never intimidated as scum, I'm really not that stupid. Life just isn't dealing me a good hand right now I've been been only checking in when I have the time to read a few pages or feel up to it. I said before I joined that I'm busy and don't know if I can play.

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I'm*, rather.
I'm looking at Sataric and CookingOkasan here because I know they've been working together quite closely for a while. It's possible that either Sataric or CookingOkasan are scum, or that they somehow got a vig to kill 8floor, which I think is definitely possible.

Goddamn. First of all I was going to add Sataric to my sus list earlier tonight but I wanted to contact you first and ask your opinion. I felt that if I added him to my sus list he would just call me out as scum, espeically if he is telling the truth about being in contact with so many blues.

I have not been contacting him outside of like a small handful of PMs, and even then he didn't respond to them... Like you said, I also find it hard to believe him and basically decided to cut communications with him. Every second of contact with him was done with serious suspicion in the back of my mind. the way he tends to friendly up to everyone in the beginning just doesn't sit well with me. I played along and shared a few pms with Sataric, but he is in my will plain as day that I do not trust him at all.

I'll be damned if I had anything to do with any of these deaths.
Goddamn. First of all I was going to add Sataric to my sus list earlier tonight but I wanted to contact you first and ask your opinion. I felt that if I added him to my sus list he would just call me out as scum, espeically if he is telling the truth about being in contact with so many blues.

I have not been contacting him outside of like a small handful of PMs, and even then he didn't respond to them... Like you said, I also find it hard to believe him and basically decided to cut communications with him. Every second of contact with him was done with serious suspicion in the back of my mind. the way he tends to friendly up to everyone in the beginning just doesn't sit well with me. I played along and shared a few pms with Sataric, but he is in my will plain as day that I do not trust him at all.

I'll be damned if I had anything to do with any of these deaths.

I'd like to hear what Sataric has done with his control over these power roles.
I will surely disclose the pms that we shared. However, there is one that includes a very risky and ill prepared plan that I thought up but decided would be horrible to act on, especially having just lost 6 town members.

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wait. ****. I'm not sure I have all of them. I hope I didn't just **** myself before I checked my inbox.
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