Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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The reason I was silent for a little while was because I was sure I was going to die by morning and that until I flipped nothing I would say would convince anyone of me being less scummy. At first glance, I'm confused about a lot, particularly about the bit with SP lying to me and actually being town.

But I'm beginning to piece things together. Newbie mafia prepared me for this. What do I mean by that? In newbie mafia, Aerious and I were very questioning of Murray during the first day, and by the next morning Murray flipped town and some of the people who were obviously mafia tried to pull the good old 'Aerious and Moron were teaming up against Murray the first day and look who got killed!' tactic. Sure enough, I was attentive enough to catch them in their own plan. But this isn't newbie mafia and the mafia here aren't newb enough to post right after this day three post to try to drive a lynch against me. And this is a very different setup. However, it does resonate with the day two situation in Newbie Mafia II. Let me break it down.

1) I was very against SP on day two after he lied to me and tried to get me lynched because I haven't backed up my logs. This loss of logs has blown everything out of proportion and due to it I'm still not out of the clear. However, I'm just pointing out that I was wanting to get SP lynched, and look who ended up getting killed and look who ended up not getting killed. It must have been I who killed him, wasn't it? That's what the mafia wants you to think.

2) Aerious was killed and sanitized. Aerious was standing by my side and defending me on day two and so she becomes a part of this. If she flipped xcom rookie, she could potentially muck up the plan to frame me for SP's death, so she was probably sanitized for this reason, so that nobody knows what her alignment truly was. I think the sniper could have killed Aerious. They could have devised this plan to get me lynched before the majority vote was reached on Capella, and it was day two, so I see this as a possibility. Tbh, I can't be entirely sure this is what happened, and won't rule out other possibilities.

3) It's fair to say that even though I'm using this as my own defense, I should be looked into due to my loss of logs and panic on day two. At the same time, I would appreciate it if people also look into those still trying to get me lynched today if they're using SP's death as a means to persuade people to get me lynched.
I can't go back and edit but since I think it's exalt I should have said 'that's what exalt wants you to think'. DON'T GO SAYING I'M SUS BECAUSE OF THAT HONEST MISTAKE.
I can't go back and edit but since I think it's exalt I should have said 'that's what exalt wants you to think'. DON'T GO SAYING I'M SUS BECAUSE OF THAT HONEST MISTAKE.

The only part I don't understand is why you believe that Aerious is town?

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I mean I suppose it's true that EXALT would sanitize her corpse in order to trick us.
0n Okasan- His playstyle is much different from when he was town in And then there was one and newbie mafia. In those games I felt he was much louder. This probably doesn't mean anything but I saw him viewing Feloreena's profile. Sending in scum kills eh?

I was alive for literally one day in And Then There Were None. I had to be replaced due to a ton of stuff coming up IRL :l
This game has been full of back and forths between two or three people, like the whole Moron/Aerious x SP thing, and spammy one liners, and a hell of a lot of inactives. There really aren't many people as active as they usually are. I've been trying to use this game to dip my toes in the whole backchannel aspect with some PMs to Ashtot, four or five to Sataric, other than that there's not much for me to say. I've come up with a plan or two but its not something I'm comfortable with straight up sharing on the thread due to lurking Alien and EXALT eyes...

(I was seeing when she was last online because I was waiting for the Day 3 post... but sounds like you're lurkin', huh?)
I still think moron is scum lel

Less lel and more reason. Because I didn't vote for Capella and she flipped scum as you highlighted in one of your earlier posts? My explanation (you can buy it or not) is that I was still dead set on voting for myself in some bravado to prove that SP was lying because I thought that would get a lynch on a scum. And I wasn't as sure about Capella as I was about SP. But obviously that wouldn't have worked and I was wrong about him. But his lie and attempt to get me lynched over it was more than good enough reason for me to be that sure of his alignment being against town.

@Ashtot: Because I still trust her claim to me she was town and think that she got sanitized for a reason.
I'd like to hear what Sataric has done with his control over these power roles.

Longer post coming in the morning but I want to say that I do not CONTROL anyone. I just talked to some people who claimed to be blue roles. After seeing tonights deaths, it is possible that there's a leak and that scum has access to our circle's chatroom - But before jumping to such conclusions, I just want to say that Okasan is lying to us all.

The watcher has contacted me and Okasan visited 8floor last night, killing him most likely. This does not add up at all with his previous claim, sent to me in a PM:

CookingOkasan said:
I definitely agree and am down for that. The reason I quoted you on the Central post is because I'm an XCOM rookie and I'm certainly not trying to get catapulted to my death... Are you still talking to the doctor and watcher? What were you able to get from them last night if you don't mind me asking?

And furthermore, SP's will claims there is 2 XCOM Snipers. I don't see it being very likely that there's 2 XCOM Snipers, an XCOM Heavy, and a Jack of all Trades all having killing roles on the Town team all at once. Only the Jack of all Trades has a unique role with a given name. And it says in the first post by Feloreena that "Please note that not all of the roles listed here are in the game", as well as (under the Godfather description) "and the host will provide you with a blue role that is not in the game." - So I think that the XCOM Heavy is quite possibly the Godfather. Unfortunately I do not know who the XCOM Heavy is, but someone should.
Tsundere's will: "(I was going to protect Tina but Tom made me protect him smh)"

welp tinaa died n1~ makes me believe he is scum - dolby wanted to lynch scum too

SP's will: "Moron should've died tonight as a result of XCOM Heavy. If he didn't die, he performed an action last night and was instead roleblocked. You should just lynch him then because he has been claiming to be XCOM Rookie all the time, so if he has an action, it's a scum one"

So moron is either blue or scum i guess

We know aerious was scum so moron probably is too
Where's that case on me by the way Murray?

Yeah, I'm not as gung-ho as I normally am in Mafia games mostly due to IRL problems but I've tried supplementing my lack of overall involvement with the few "biggish" posts I've made. Thanks Tsun for revealing my role (told you not to ya Dingus) but that's out in the open. AndyB also pretty much figured out who I was (Jailer 25 says hi), so there's that. I really don't have much more to say now that my roles is out in the open. I received a gun from Noodle N1 (thanks!) but was unable to use it because it was either jail Andy or literally go for a gut kill.
Okay, my suspicions right now:

sunshinetea is quiet, like she was as scum in Frozen. Then again, she was chatty as scum in Mean Girls, so I don't know what to make of that.

Still on the edge about Moron.
Incredibly active, lol. I guess 5 or 6 short posts constitutes incredible activity. In never intimidated as scum, I'm really not that stupid. Life just isn't dealing me a good hand right now I've been been only checking in when I have the time to read a few pages or feel up to it. I said before I joined that I'm busy and don't know if I can play.

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I'm*, rather.

Do you mean 19 since your last post in the thread? Incredibly active was probably stretching it, it just seems like you can make a few posts in the thread during the duration of your out-of-thread posts. Sorry, I hope you feel better soon!

Well I'll be damned, what do you know... Speak and he shall appear.
I think we would all appreciate it if you explain what happened about you visiting 8floor.
I'm more or less ready to throw down my ##VOTE:Okasan right now since he's clearly online yet avoiding to give me a decent answer even after I revealed the Watchers results. It's been over 20 minutes already.
Q: Will Shinysandwich and Blue Rose be modkilled, replaced or forced to stay in game?

No idea if Blue ever got around to asking, but I thought I would ask.
Holy crap. A lot of people died o_O R.I.P everyone

My idea for lynch candidate is still Moron. He just smells scummy to me. Him voting for himself in some attempt to make himself look like town just felt weird to me. And superpenguin is dead now which is contributing to the scum reek coming off of him.
Longer post coming in the morning but I want to say that I do not CONTROL anyone. I just talked to some people who claimed to be blue roles. After seeing tonights deaths, it is possible that there's a leak and that scum has access to our circle's chatroom - But before jumping to such conclusions, I just want to say that Okasan is lying to us all.

The watcher has contacted me and Okasan visited 8floor last night, killing him most likely. This does not add up at all with his previous claim, sent to me in a PM:

And furthermore, SP's will claims there is 2 XCOM Snipers. I don't see it being very likely that there's 2 XCOM Snipers, an XCOM Heavy, and a Jack of all Trades all having killing roles on the Town team all at once. Only the Jack of all Trades has a unique role with a given name. And it says in the first post by Feloreena that "Please note that not all of the roles listed here are in the game", as well as (under the Godfather description) "and the host will provide you with a blue role that is not in the game." - So I think that the XCOM Heavy is quite possibly the Godfather. Unfortunately I do not know who the XCOM Heavy is, but someone should.

Firstly, I would like to clearly state that I never said you were "controlling" anyone. I want you to know that that is strictly coming from your reading of Ashtot's tone, and not at all coming from my initial accusation. I clearly stated that you seem to have made quite a bed with quite a few players, that is, if you were being truthful about this.

And with such a brazen retaliatory accusation about the Watcher seeing me use an action that I simply do not have, directly after Ashtot and I question the validity of your alignment?

Would the Watcher like to step up and confirm or deny this alleged night action that I used? Otherwise, I do not see how this accusation can stick.

Sataric had previously attempted to pin suspicion on me to some degree but directly after, pm'd me the following:

Sataric said:
I called you out in the thread over a minor detail primarily so people would not think we were talking to each other behind the scenes. Sorry if that was not obvious at first glance! No hard feelings mate. Heh.

This shows that Sataric is willing to toss around misinformation in order to conceal his intentions.

I hesitantly replied with the following, keeping a cloud of suspicion in the back of my mind, but he never replied..

CookingOkasan said:
Sataric said:
I called you out in the thread over a minor detail primarily so people would not think we were talking to each other behind the scenes. Sorry if that was not obvious at first glance! No hard feelings mate. Heh.

Of course, no hard feelings! I just started typing and kept going...

So we nailed Capella, what's the next step. I would say the detective should check Mew tonight. The framer will probably be using their action on Oath tonight since Noodle was spot on about Capella and although it's unlikely, her will does state that they both may be scum...

I distrust him.

If he is town, he is a powerful ally

however, with this behavior, I sincerely cannot trust him and believe him to be scum.
Well town's f*****
Oh and,

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RIP me.
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