Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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They cannot. I see what you're doing, but I'd rather we win this game fairly than try to manipulate the scum teams by making up imaginary rules - They would probably see through it anyways. To be honest, their biggest competition right now is each other. Only one team can win.

I've read the main post countless times.

Town win condition
XCOM must eliminate all hostile lifeforms to save planet Earth. They win the game if all of the Aliens and EXALT members are eradicated.

Alien win condition
All of the Alien roles listed below are able to send in KP, apart from the Chryssalid. Should the Chryssalid be the last Alien member standing, then they can send in KP. The Aliens win the game if they equal or outnumber XCOM and EXALT.

EXALT win condition
EXALT wins the game if they equal or outnumber XCOM and the Aliens.

If EXALT and Aliens team up, they could focus on killing all of town, which therefore means that Aliens will equal EXALT and EXALT equals Aliens, while outnumbering town. That satisfies their win condition.

I have to ask, how do you know for sure that your inspection is an XCOM?

The Uber Ethereal has an atrophied body, yet is kept alive by its supreme mental capabilities. It's brain is tremendously well-developed, and thus they are the masters of psionic abilities. As you are able to intercept thoughts with your superior psionic powers, you will return as XCOM to Psionic Soldier inspections. You must discuss a name of a role you wish to return as should a Psionic Soldier receive a Neural Enhancement genetic modification, and the host will provide you with a blue role that is not in the game. If you are captured by an XCOM Assault and spared, you will be able to discover the name of the player.

I hope you didn't give your claims away to the wrong person.
~@ Oath2Order - "Only one team can win the game and there will be no draws - working together with another team provides no gain for you."

Sorry, but you're mistaken. They need to outnumber each other as well. And of course there's always a chance that I trusted the wrong person. I made an inspection (Night 1 by the way), they showed up as XCOM, I figured it was like 1 in 20 that they'd be the godfather, so I started talking to them and they seemed very honest and all that. I am well aware of the fact there is a CHANCE that I messed up. That's why I wrote earlier that I'm worried there could be a leak in the circle. You never know. Sometimes you try your best and still fail, ya know?

Also, this is relevant:

Wait, night one?

Couldn't they be the one that was sent to EXALT? And maybe got converted?

Nothing's impossible. Wouldn't they show up as EXALT then, though? I think they would, but you'd have to ask Feloreena when she wakes up if you want to know for certain. The chances are still fairly small of that happening either way. Now please stop milking me for information, kind sir. I do not approve of your scum-like behaviour!
Nothing's impossible. Wouldn't they show up as EXALT then, though? I think they would, but you'd have to ask Feloreena when she wakes up if you want to know for certain. The chances are still fairly small of that happening either way. Now please stop milking me for information, kind sir. I do not approve of your scum-like behaviour!

I'm not. I'm honestly worried about where your information goes to.

It's 13 town to 10 anti-town.
Reading more into it, it does seem like the vig didn't listen to SP's change of plans to kill me and did go ahead and kill Aerious, because Tsundere dying with Minties does seem like a rocketeer death. So I don't think there have actually been any elaborate plans of trying to get me lynched today. They probably figure that all of my (I admit) stupidity so far in this game is going to get me lynched anyways.

Here is my solution to this problem.

If we go for a no lynch, we allow the Jailor to take in either me or Sataric and let them decide what to do. I would like to extend the offer of being jailed to Sataric in order for him to be protected from Scum and the jailor can figure out how truthful his claims are.

That way we can all role claim to the confirmed jailer and he can talk privately to Sataric.

What do you say to this?
The only down side, is the fact that it would be a no lynch. However, I think the odds wouldn't be horribly risky since there are two scum teams that are nearly at full roster... so any nightly kills would statistically be more likely to take place between the two.

This isn't a good plan at all because I think there's more of a chance for Exalt and Aliens to go after the people that aren't on their team but have roleclaimed to be a rookie or a blue role. They can gather these roleclaims from either the people who have claimed to be something in the thread or have heard about their claims through PMs/whispers. There's so much going on behind the scenes that this plan could make town quite vulnerable.
I'm not. I'm honestly worried about where your information goes to.

It's 13 town to 10 anti-town.

You are also drowning the thread in a whole lot of text, which means that when other people wake up to go through all of this, they might overlook certain valuable pieces of information that has been posted tonight, such as the post I made regarding the Godfather and the multiple Sniper claims earlier on for example, highlighted/repeated here just in case:

And furthermore, SP's will claims there is 2 XCOM Snipers. I don't see it being very likely that there's 2 XCOM Snipers, an XCOM Heavy, and a Jack of all Trades all having killing roles on the Town team all at once. Only the Jack of all Trades has a unique role with a given name. And it says in the first post by Feloreena that "Please note that not all of the roles listed here are in the game", as well as (under the Godfather description) "and the host will provide you with a blue role that is not in the game." - So I think that the XCOM Heavy is quite possibly the Godfather. Unfortunately I do not know who the XCOM Heavy is, but someone should.

If I messed something up, the damage is already done. We both know that. I hope I didn't but mistakes do happen. (For example, I heard you made some in Kingmaker..) - Let's just stick to the important stuff now, M'kay?
Also, sorry for lurking here for a while. I've been reading a lot and still just can't feel sure about much. I think there's a good number of aliens and exalts hiding behind reasons for inactivity or just...inactivity.
You are also drowning the thread in a whole lot of text, which means that when other people wake up to go through all of this, they might overlook certain valuable pieces of information that has been posted tonight, such as the post I made regarding the Godfather and the multiple Sniper claims earlier on for example, highlighted/repeated here just in case:

If I messed something up, the damage is already done. We both know that. I hope I didn't but mistakes do happen. (For example, I heard you made some in Kingmaker..) - Let's just stick to the important stuff now, M'kay?

Scum I wholeheartedly request you use all your KP on Sataric YOU DON'T ****ING MENTION KINGMAKER.

And I'm sorry for talking. Yes I forgot, there's SOOOOOOOOOO many other people sharing their thoughts.

Considering how much you like to blather on and on in past games, I'm a little offended you're telling ME to stick to important stuff.
I want to hear what comes up in the morning though, but from the looks of it, the lies are bursting from Okasan about as much as water from this girl:


[02:04:02] <+Murray> this needs to be incorporated into mafia
[02:04:26] <+oath2order> We had that role in Mafia 6 Weeaboo
[02:04:29] <+oath2order> It was the Creepy Girl role
[02:05:14] <+Murray> no i mean it should just be posted
I have literally no idea why I died, sorry for being inactive, now you know why
I want to hear what comes up in the morning though, but from the looks of it, the lies are bursting from Okasan about as much as water from this girl:


[02:04:02] <+Murray> this needs to be incorporated into mafia
[02:04:26] <+oath2order> We had that role in Mafia 6 Weeaboo
[02:04:29] <+oath2order> It was the Creepy Girl role
[02:05:14] <+Murray> no i mean it should just be posted

you know what else needs to be incorporated into mafia? active players.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I just got back from my date with a cute ass girl and you know what I sat there thinking about the whole goddamn time we were watching a movie?

this stupid, inconsequential game.

I won't even lie, I'm goddamn mad. I'm mad because 90% of the people in this very game should've been modkilled for spamming. Twice moderates had to visit the thread to remind people that post quality counts in the cellar. And god only knows if the other 10% are actually even playing or not. I'm mad because half the people in this game haven't contributed ****, are inactive, or have simply quit. I'm mad because those very same people, some of which haven't spoken up for 3 goddamn days are bout to come in the thread just to piggy back off of some completely out of the blue bull****, post "##VOTE: Okasan" and then go right back to being completely inactive and useless.

Forum Mafia: Sign up, Spam, Quit playing

- - - Post Merge - - -

Maybe that 100 pound bag of salt will get y'all posting. Jesus Christ.....
you know what else needs to be incorporated into mafia? active players.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I just got back from my date with a cute ass girl and you know what I sat there thinking about the whole goddamn time we were watching a movie?

this stupid, inconsequential game.

I won't even lie, I'm goddamn mad. I'm mad because 90% of the people in this very game should've been modkilled for spamming. Twice moderates had to visit the thread to remind people that post quality counts in the cellar. And god only knows if the other 10% are actually even playing or not. I'm mad because half the people in this game haven't contributed ****, are inactive, or have simply quit. I'm mad because those very same people, some of which haven't spoken up for 3 goddamn days are bout to come in the thread just to piggy back off of some completely out of the blue bull****, post "##VOTE: Okasan" and then go right back to being completely inactive and useless.

Forum Mafia: Sign up, Spam, Quit playing

- - - Post Merge - - -

Maybe that 100 pound bag of salt will get y'all posting. Jesus Christ.....

I'm seeing a lot of hypocrisy here. You sound salty as hell yourself. That being said, I'm not entirely convinced that you're scum, yet still this post right here would be my biggest argument for why you could be.

I'm suspicious of anyone who uses meta evidence as well.

Also, Sataric:
1. "I'm going to bed"
2. lurks the thread
3. suddenly appears with misinformation and bizarre accusations the second his name is brought up
4. believes that he has an out since Ashtot included my name with his

Grasping at straws right there.

Let's not forget about Moron's suspicion.
Q: Will Shinysandwich and Blue Rose be modkilled, replaced or forced to stay in game?

Blu Rose never told me specifically when he would actually need to leave the game via PM or saying when his last post was in the thread, so I haven't arranged a replacement for them. No more replacements can be made now, so if you're inactive you will be modkilled instead.
Last night I was literally built of salt. there was no hypocrisy? I was angry. I was angry at you, Alice, that's literally the 9th post you could muster in over 140 pages. I can count the number of posts youve made in this game that has been going on for DAYS on my own two hands. I was angry at literally every player for their continued spam throughout this entire game that was enough to bring in mods to "settle you down". I was angry at everyone else who, like you, Alice, have posted less than a handful of times.

I'm not going to lie Alice, you were the first one in my head when I was typing all that out. Please explain to me and to the rest of the town what you've contributed towards this game?

Now that I am awake, I stand completely by my remarks, however I'm no longer mad about it.

If your excuse is "that's my play style" like someone suggested that it may have been Dolby's, to simply not post.
how about we try playing in a game where everyone adopts this horrible and cheap play style... It takes all of the fun out of playing this game when half the players either aren't contributing or have roughly 10 replies.

I still can't look at that stupid gif without getting legitimately angry about it. Congratulations, your "use memes as 'evidence'" tactic is effecting me.
Guys, anyone remeber how me and NikkiNikki were cult?
I think that may be the case.
A DT is in contact with me. We were discussing possible lynch candidates, so I brought her up. She was checked, and she came up Exalt.
Im voting her for lynch.
...This suddenly became a difficult lynch.

Do we kill Okasan who interacted with 8floor, to drop mafia KP? Or do we kill Nikki the possibly confirmed cult, because Prin, are you SURE we can trust your DT?
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