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Mafia TBT Mafia XV: The Siren's Call (Game Over/Mafia & Third Party Win!)

Spotlight: Jeremy

So I'm going to take this hour before work to shine the spotlight on our friendly neighborhood Jeremy. He has come off as scum this entire game so far. Majority of Jeremy's posts have been "I agree with -". It makes him look like he's contributing, but he doesn't actually weigh in with any thoughts of his own.

My day 1 thoughts so far:

I wouldn't say kills are missing like a lot of you have said. We don't know what the KP is. It could be 1. Mafia had 1 KP throughout the whole game in Karla's Pleasure Cruise game. It could also be 1 just for Night 0. Who knows.

The one thing that stood out to me so far is when Sataric said he wouldn't kill Feloreena on night 0, but then oath posted examples of Sataric's strategy in past games where he wanted to kill Feloreena as soon as possible. So there's a bit of a contradiction there.

Filler about KP, followed by repeating what everyone had previously said about Sataric.

I am still moderately suspicious of Karla and it's not because of the role block thing, which we've settled.

However, his attitude after ryan's vote was pretty interesting. On one hand he said, "I don't respond to most people who are suspicious of me, only when they proceed to make a terrible post." No one in this game considers ryan to be a strong player, and we all know that, and he was the only one who had voted for Karla at this point.

What appears to happen to Karla, though, is possibly... panic? When I read Karla's subsequent posts, it looks like he put far too much effort into reacting to a vote from someone who no one took seriously at the time (this was before ryan role claimed). It reminds me of how others have acted in the past, and I think even I've done it. Normally, it's nothing to panic about because the accuser probably won't gain support for the vote. But if you know that person is right, sure they may have made a lucky guess, but it makes you feel uneasy and overreact to it.

Even after everyone brushed aside the vote, he was still making trivial comments about it. I said "trivial" purposely because I think those are the type of posts that panic induces. I posted examples of what I'm talking about here: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...Call-DAY-ONE&p=3710884&viewfull=1#post3710884

Now if we end up lynching SP and he turns out to be mafia, I think that most likely clears Karla of being mafia (not sk obviously). Surely SP wouldn't so aggressively attack Karla as he did earlier if they were both mafia.

Reposting his baseless Karla suspicion. Most of us had stated that Karla's behavior seemed strange, but didn't necessarily make him scum. I personally think Karla was upset (like I was) at being called scum by noob players based on "posting style". Honestly, even considering that Tina would allow a factional kill to be blocked would be ridiculous. I agree with Karla in thinking that Ryan is just dumb town (He has proven time and time again to be unreliable), so I have to wondering why Jeremy so readily went after Karla.

It's not just about ryan, you acted overly sensitive about suspicion directed at you throughout the entire day yesterday. This post is completely unnecessary, for example:


Nobody was even suspicious of this. It's like you made a preemptive defense against nonexistence suspicions.

Maybe you're strategy right now is to show us that you always overreact when people talk about you, because look at you go now! Me oh my, you're off your rails!

Jeremy continues to go after Karla, even attempting to provoke some rage out of him in the last sentence. I find that particularly scummy as arguments only serve to derail the thread.

I've merely said that I have moderate suspicion of you. That's the best I can do on day 1.

The cherry on top - Karla asks Jeremy if he thinks he's scum and Jeremy immediately backs off with an "oh but it's only a suspicion!". To me this looks like someone that was chastised to stop poking Karla from another source. For a moderate suspicion, Jeremy seemed to stick to Karla like glue.

I am most suspicious of C r y s t a l and Karen right now. Both seem desperate with their posts.

For example, Karen made a long post about accusing town for messing up and not being smart about lynches, etc. However, she did not contribute anything to the game herself and ironically that very post she made was useless and was basically just a summary of what happened in the game so far.

C r y s t a l seemed overly paranoid about the third party thief roles and tried claiming thAT they might be mafia. Although that's possible, it just doesn't seem likely given the circumstances that they were claimed. And I don't see why anyone would think that so soon.

Repeating everyone else's reads on Crystal. Jeremy was the last player to actually vote for Crystal, even though the "evidence" he provided was her just being paranoid about third party? It's ironic that now we're actually considering what Crystal said when it was Jeremy's reason for voting for her. It also struck me as odd that he had been reading the thread and our suspicions, but only voted in the last 30 minutes of the day.

I think killing the thieves at this point is a bad idea and a complete waste of time. If you're really worried about it, we can wait until town numbers are dangerously close to losing majority. If the thieves do happen to be scum, we only need to lynch one and we will quickly find out that the rest of them are as well. But it's a bad move to attempt something like this at this stage in the game. Also, Karla, your general attitude is a distraction to our objective. Try cooperating with other players instead of acting smug all the time.
I think it's unlikely that they're scum and we'd be better off lynching unknowns and I think we should stay on the same track we're on. If we find out that one of them is scum, it really won't make a difference when it is since it would lead to us lynching all of them either way. But if we do it now, it will just continue to delay us.

I agree with this, but I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for the time being so we don't spend kills on them until we have to. At least if they are the mafia team, we are (in theory) safe waiting a bit since we only need one to find out who most or all of the team is. If they are mafia, I imagine it went down something like this: Natty decided to make the claim, but it was flawed. So then the other two scummates claimed to save her from looking suspicious. We'd have to believe that Natty was capable of making a mistake like that and dragging two scummates down with her, but I find that hard to believe.

I'm beginning to be persuaded. Besides, like I said in the last game, I'm sick of third party roles acting like all they have to do is claim and then they're safe for the rest of the game. If I were a vig, I wouldn't shoot them, but I don't know if I'll continue defending them.

Jeremy was very vocally against killing a thief, even at the possibility of it benefiting town. He made ~5 posts solely dedicated to persuading the vig to not shoot a thief. He quickly flipped his opinion to be in favour of them dying (not by vig) and stopped defending them, which I found particularly odd. It appeared to me that he was drawing too much attention having the opposing opinion (much like accusing Karla) and backed down again.

Meatloafs is certainly playing much less aggressive than she has in the past. Even as an important blue role in Majora Mafia, Mutton was aggressively arguing with me, which appeared to lead to her death. She appears to be trying to not ruffle feathers, which could possibly be a sign of scum playing it safe.

He repeats what Tom, Dad and Karla stated about me. Notice a pattern? Jeremy attaches himself to the current target and basically just says "Yeah I agree" and slaps his vote on them. I feel like he's being far too wishy washy this game, he's not even trying to make a case on anyone. Everyone excused his silent behavior in the beginning of the game, but it's still lackluster. He accused me of playing it safe, but I get the same read from him.

Why not Jello? Both Karen and Jello stick out to me as not contributing very much to town's overall goal. Karen claims she is, but her posts are simple observations.

alise isn't active, so I have no "scumreads" on her, but we can't let inactives slip by. I'm curious to know how everyone else wants to deal with her.

Fourthly, Alice seemed overly anti-Dad. Then when he died, she kind of just brushed it off. I'd be interested to hear more from Alice or what everyone else thinks about how's she's playing this game.

In my eyes, Karen has contributed far more than Jeremy in the game so far. I don't think she can be fully trusted, but saying she hasn't posted any content as a reason to kill her when she has doesn't sit right with me. Alise has been posting more often as we have prodded her. Personally I don't get a really scummy vibe from her. I don't think I would call her inactive at this point in the game. I'm still undecided on Alice, so I won't comment on that part. This all just looks like weak arguments to push for people to get lynched.

I agree that Karen looks scummy. She voted for Dolby even though he has a pretty convincing claim for being blue.

Target switches fully to Karen - Jeremy agrees yet again without providing real reasons why other than her posting "simple observations".

I'm really getting a funny feeling about Yui Z's post. There are people who have been up for question as possible scum recently, yet she said she is convinced that they are town. Big red flags here and if we find out either Karen or Yui Z are scum, it opens the door to a few others. Does anyone else share this feeling with me? I know Tom said basically the same thing abovr.

Backpacking on Trundle and Tom on Yui Z.

I personally think Jeremy is scum. I think his behaviour changes from game to game and he doesn't have an incredibly predictable style. He puts forward weak arguments and suspicions on people, most of which are spoon fed to him by other players, but quickly backs off by saying "I merely said-" (as if that makes his previous post disappear). He has spent a majority of the game provoking Karla, who I find to be quite town at this point in the game. Every time a new name comes up as a topic, he immediately jumps on that person as well. His thief argument was wishy washy and he dropped that too. In my eyes, he has only been agreeable with other players, but backs off as soon as something becomes the unpopular opinion.

This is why I'm probably going to ##VOTE: Jeremy today.
Good post Minties.

What are you nuts? It's not a good post, I've already responded to everything she said in my discussions with Karla. And then she says I might be scum because I don't want to kill the thieves? Why would I want to kill them before mafia? And she lied by saying that the thieves dying will benefit town. And most ridiculous of all is my "backpacking" for Karen, even though I've consistently been suspicious of her, far longer than the other people she mentioned. In fact, Trundle responded to me not vice versa. What a silly.
Also, long and good grammar =/= good. Look at the logic of the post, not the way it's presented and you will find many ways in which it is flawed.
What are you nuts? It's not a good post, I've already responded to everything she said in my discussions with Karla. And then she says I might be scum because I don't want to kill the thieves? Why would I want to kill them before mafia? And she lied by saying that the thieves dying will benefit town. And most ridiculous of all is my "backpacking" for Karen, even though I've consistently been suspicious of her, far longer than the other people she mentioned. In fact, Trundle responded to me not vice versa. What a silly.

No I said you were scummy for multiple reasons. If you read, I pointed out how you were supporting the thieves and then quickly flipped your opinion to be against them after multiple people responded to you negatively. You can't claim that I am lying by saying the thieves dying will benefit town. I said "even at the possibility of it benefiting town" which would be if Karla's theory is correct about the 3 thieves being scum. I don't get why you rule that out so readily? It's not impossible.

Also, I said you backpacked on Yui Z after Trundle did, which you did. Trundle was the first one to post on Yui Z today.

This above post really irks me. I am now strongly feeling Yui-Z is mafia. Funny how she didn't comment on the whole Minties situation right now, which is essentially our main topic for lynch today. All your above opinions are just wishy washy opinions where you try to appear town by sympathizing with mainstream, yet dull opinions, which is essentially how I usually play as scum.

It looks like you didn't even fully read the post before attempting to debunk it.
I'm going into deep analysis tonight of many different people from beginning of game until now. Hopefully it will bring new insight to the game.
Slowly being slightly persuaded is the opposite of "quickly flipped". And the only reason that happened was because it came out that they lied about working together.
If nobody claims the shot on Dolby, then we're dealing with a vig that has multiple shots. If they have unlimited shots, I find it pretty strange they would wait until N2 to start shooting, when there are perfectly good lurkers to start eliminating on N1. Therefore, our vig is probably 2-shot, which means we can still shoot one of the thieves.

I like Ashtot's list of names, going to go through their filters.
It's likely then the vigilante is two shot and while there is lurkers, I can understand being a little hesitant on withholding shots on them.

Can we expect a case from you on one of those people from the filters sometime before day ends?

You know what I just realized? My Majora's Mask Mafia post was AFTER the game had ended. It was considerably more aggressive than the bird mafia one, so you're making a case on me based on a single post?

I contributed a ton when it was the weekend. It's now Tuesday in Australia. I work full time and don't have the luxury of sitting on my ass on the forums for hours like many people do. I literally work Sun - Thurs 9AM - 5PM currently. You're all sleeping by the time I even leave the building. Who am I supposed to debate with? Myself? I posted suspicions, but you guys have just skimmed them or ignored them all together.

You guys have continued to harp on me for posting less aggressively (when my previous playstyle made people WANT TO NOT PLAY). This is the exact ****ing thing we all did to Karla at the beginning of the game and now he's cleared? Tom, you're trying to pull a case on me out of your ass. Can everyone just take TWO SECONDS of their time and just take one damn look at my posts from Sunleth (one of my recent games) where I was the Godfather?

I posted literally nothing on anyone. All of my posts were short and lacking in content.


I've been spending hours putting together posts for this game BECAUSE I'M ****ING TOWN. I haven't tried so hard in a game in a while now, most of my postings in previous games have been short. That's why I'm confused as to why you and Ashtot think me posting longer posts is scummy? Have you not been around for the past few months that I've been back? I've been trying to change my playstyle to not be so aggressive and angry because it definitely didn't help new players learn mafia by jumping down their throats. Yeah it pisses me off that you guys are putting me up for lynch based on the same thing you excused Karla for.

It's seriously ironic that Tom is putting me up for lynch when his behavioral change from being a strong player to playing like **** and lurking is far more significant to me. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Ashtot and Tom were scum buddies trying to push someone vocal out of the game (because mostly everyone else is silent anyways or just bandwagons).

Also @Ashtot, you win the award for the most hypocritical post of the whole game!

Click here for Ashtot's Filter

Note the majority of one liners, questions and stating blatantly obvious things. "Town is screwed" "I'm not good at no PM games" "Dude I'm totally town" You haven't contributed ANYTHING. All you have been doing is backpacking on Tom or Trundle or Karla without contributing a single original thought of you own. Don't you dare tell me for a second that you've done more than I have. I'm at least trying while you sit there and spew out one liners and other bs.

You wanted pissed off Minties back? Here you go.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, where the **** is Alice during all of this?
Oh? My bad, I was quickly skimming the previous games for examples so I didn't completely check when that one was made. And no, this case does not hinge on a single post, it hinges on your playstyle and how many of us remember it. You've always been aggressive as town, I brought up the case because I didn't see or feel you being aggressive against any one player. If my calling you out on this is truly upsetting, why not build up a case against myself or someone else you see as equally scummy? So far the only three people you've built up a case on were mostly lurkers or inactive.

You could always review posts like Karen's and offer opinions on that, or go back and review any of Dad's large posts. Even though nobody might be on, there's always something you could talk about for which others could take and talk about. You're acting like there's nothing at all to discuss when you log on, save for a post accusing you of being scum.

Sure it might be a little hypocritical for us to harp on you for pretty much the same reason we harped on Karla at the beginning, but this is DAY THREE. You have not updated your suspicions list, you haven't brought up any new cases or mini cases, so of course I'm going to ride your ass. Would you like me to start pissing off the other players soon? Or would you preferably like to keep this going? :) Also don't think I haven't forgotten Karla, he's not cleared yet. Gonna start riding him soon.

I don't think you posting longer posts is scummy, I think the lack of cases are scummy. Surely it really doesn't take you hours like you imply to make those largish posts unless you're posting on mobile, that's time that could have been spent building a case. Sure, Jello or Cariad might be scum and the others can harp on them for all I care, I'm interested in trying to take down the leader of the scum. Whoever it is, they're undoubtedly playing it smart which is exactly why I want the vig to shoot someone strong (myself included). There's no new players here, so why hold back? Tear us to shreds, make us angry, do whatever. Nubs have Nub mafia.

I don't know Ashtot's motivations, my motivations are to get town to move on from Cariad/Alise/Jello and actually find some damn scum. If it wasn't for scum being so damn cocky Majora Mafia, they would have lost it because Nick's a turd and because third party was actually only playing it in their interests until Mafia held the gun against your head. Town's gone to **** and I'm tired of waiting on someone else to bring up the discussion because it's clearly not going to happen. The fact its now just starting to happen on DAY THREE is embarrassing and it took pushing you to do. Yet here some are still wanting to lynch weak players and inactives, THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING.

I think that mafia didn't kill Cariad last night because they saw Dad as more of a threat. They probably knew that town would expect Cariad to be killed, if she is in fact a blue, so they chose to leave her to town. That's all I can come up with if she really is a blue, although I'm unsure about her role name.

As for Ryan, I think it's a similar thing to what I said about Cariad above. Mafia want to leave town to believe that he's scum for not being killed after claiming. That way town does the messy work for them and they can continue to kill off the player who're on their case.

I can kind of understand where Tom's coming from here, but I'm half and half. We can go ahead and continue to lynch the inactive users, but meanwhile town is most likely being led by one or two mafia members. Sometimes you've gotta take risks in mafia, but I don't know if it's really worth it right now or not.

Dolby's claim makes sense to me. If there was a mafia doc, then it's possible that Dolby was protected and able to claim veteran, although I think it's unlikely (unless there's any counter claimers).

Just wondering, are you 100% certain that the diamonds were randomly given to anyone in the game (except thieves obviously)?

From what I've gathered, you've stolen from Jeremy, SP, Ryan and Crystal so far. Crystal and SP turned out to be town, and I'm convinced that Ryan is telling the truth about his blue role claim. I have no idea about Jeremy because I'm not completely convinced he's town.

It's kind of difficult to come to a conclusion on whether only town have diamonds or not considering we haven't killed any mafia yet and not enough people have had diamonds stolen from them.

I'm pretty sure Jello managed to slip by in another game as scum. Can't remember what game, or even if it's Jello I'm thinking of, but it turned out that they were just scared scum or something. Does anyone know what game I'm thinking of here?

Please go on and tell me how I normally play as town, because I'd really like to make sense of it for myself. I've stated many times that my playstyle revolves around how I'm feeling at the time, whether I'm town or scum. I'll admit I've done pretty crappy this game.

It's one of the reasons I don't place my own suspicions on people only for playing differently to another game. People change, and I'm not as predictable as people might think I am.

While sirens and mermaids do look similar, they're very different. I found this to explain it:

I don't think that the three thieves are lying. Besides, the thieves aren't all mermaids.

If I had to take a guess at who I think the mafia are on the spot then, I'd say Sataric, Ashtot, KarlaKGB, Karen and Jeremy. This list will probably change when I look through their posts again.
Not only that, I'm sure they figured the may be protection on Cariad or hoped we'd sit around and bandwagon Cariad because sus. Gives us the same amount of knowledge as lynching Ryan88 right now would, exactly nothing. We're better off leaving Cariad be for now unless they continue to not make sense, but I don't think we should waste a lynch on them.

Why would we even consider going after inactive players, we have nothing to analyse and even if just one flipped scum, what would it matter? We'd probably be a lylo then. If we don't take a risk on lynch a strong player now, then when? MYLO? Or would we just like to bandwagon the inactives out?

It's a possible solution, but we won't know for sure. Blues aren't dropping dead, so I don't think Dolby is leading the mafia anyways. Then again, it could just be that the person sending in the kills is choosing priority targets.

If there's only 7 diamonds, I doubt all of them will come from town unless only green town has it. Who knows though, this side game is a bit irritating to me.

I don't know about recently, but Jello nearly skirted by in Sunleth mafia if we didn't go back and lynch him.

This above post really irks me. I am now strongly feeling Yui-Z is mafia. Funny how she didn't comment on the whole Minties situation right now, which is essentially our main topic for lynch today. All your above opinions are just wishy washy opinions where you try to appear town by sympathizing with mainstream, yet dull opinions, which is essentially how I usually play as scum.
What exactly stuck out to you?

I honestly don't feel minties is mafia, I personally have a strong feeling for Alise, her play style niggles[\b] me. She says one thing but doesn't do it. She makes no effort to actually help us find scum. I just don't like it.

Yui, like I said is slippery, she is another im keeping a close eye on. She's good at deceiving, you could be on to something here, trundle.

I ****ed up my bold tag, feck.
Alise is annoying yes, but I don't want to waste a lynch on her yet. We need to move on from the inactives and actually take a look at the strong players. We can't always expect at least one or two inactives to be scum. They could just be idiot townies who chose to DITCH this game for Nub mafia.

I don't think you are predictable at all. Far from it. You're clever and slippery and difficult to read. And this applies to the current game very much as well. I found you scummy at first, then when you started to write more posts I found that I agreed with much of what you were saying, and I suddenly felt you were way less suspicious again.

But the truth is that you're just popping in and telling people what they want to hear this game. You're sort of just floating by. There has not been a terrible amount of original ideas coming from you, and that bothers me. You played similarly to this in the Apocalypse/Super Natural Mafia. I mean, if you were town, wouldn't you try a little bit harder to find scum? I just feel that you're normally better than this.

But there is one thing that really speaks in your favour: Ashtot, Karen, and Jeremy are all on my radar as well. (Though I feel that Ashtot and Karen are both stepping up their game a bit now) - Not so much Karla; I think he's town. And I think that both Tom and Alise are very shady. So we have similar scum reads. And you suspect me meanwhile I suspect you.
Shady for wanting to reveal the Kallie thing or shady for a different reason?

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh a case hi
It's likely then the vigilante is two shot and while there is lurkers, I can understand being a little hesitant on withholding shots on them.

Can we expect a case from you on one of those people from the filters sometime before day ends?

I made a short post on why I'm fenced about Yui, and why Jeremy is my strongest scumread right now: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...s-Call-DAY-THREE/page69&p=3748726#post3748726

Minties essentially said the same about Jeremy, except she went into far more detail and I agree completely. Vote on Jeremy from me, and I don't see myself budging unless something big comes to light in the remaining 23 hours.
Ok, so Karla wants to lynch me because I didn't agree with killing third parties that apparently have no affect on town. Yes that's right, I think town should find mafia before worrying about these completely separate roles. So somehow directing town away from third party kills (which mafia would support), makes me scummy? So if you find validity in logical inconsistencies, then you may find his post meaningful. And if enough of you fall for that, hopefully my death would make it even more obvious that it was a dumb idea.
@Jeremy: actually I voted for Dolby before he claimed blue, and decided to keep my vote for him until a vig speaks up and if there's any CCs. So far it seems there's nothing to counter his claim, so I will be changing my vote.
@Jeremy: actually I voted for Dolby before he claimed blue, and decided to keep my vote for him until a vig speaks up and if there's any CCs. So far it seems there's nothing to counter his claim, so I will be changing my vote.

For the record, he claimed half an hour before you voted. :lemon:
This is really suspicious to me, first, apparently you block Tom, then Karen says that they think power roles can't perform an action on the same person two days in a row, and then you change your apparent block to Cariad. What the hell! You should be remembering who you blocked if you actually are a town roleblocker, and Cariad claimed blue! If you are town, all you're doing is preventing their actions. Also, since day one, everyone knew that you were a town roleblocker, yet, you have not died or have claimed to be roleblocked. That is extremely suspicious
Ok, I see a potential scum connection here, now, Cariad has claimed to be blocked last night which is good for you, it validates both of your claims, this move is the perfect move from a scum perspective because it "clears" two "town-aligned action roles at once". It confirms both you as town and Cariad who many people were onboard for lynching and was almost lynched until she claimed blue after claiming townie and who many people are still suspicious of. Two people who claim to be blue roles who have contributed almost nothing in this game, one blocks the other, the other claims blocked so both would be clear. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FINDS THIS SUSPICIOUS!
Excuse me? I don't know whether you've over looked my posts but I have actually posted so please don't talk ****.
Yes, you've posted however I was taking into account your lack of posting while you were away/sick. Wasn't trying to discredit you, I just thought it strange Yui felt that way. Suspicions should mostly be ever changing through the game, not a singular concrete thing.

Ok, so i've been reading through as I've been working. Now I have finished, a few things have irk'd me, I have already mentioned Alise, now for the rest. I feel my thoughts on Karla have gone as he retaliated as I wanted him to, as his usual sassy and aggressiveness. That was literally the only thing bothering me, as I stated in previous posts, sharing the same time zone, it would have been that but I wanted my thoughts down.

These are people I haven't seen much of and I feel need to contribute more to discussion.

Not much to be said, I can't read them, they've attempted from what I can see, but its early days, with only a few posts with minuscule information to each one, I will have to wait a little longer to have any form of opinion on them.

C r y s t a l
Attempting to contribute to discussion, but small amounts, via asking questions or just a few words for answers. Doesn't want a no lynch BUT was/is up for lynching inactive. Now I feel lynching inactives is a little ****ty, they could be a blue for instance and too scared to use it or speak out in fear of drawing attention to themselves. So I disagree with the inactive lynch. We have loads of time left so we can find someone worthy of a lynch in that time.

A name used in a topic of discussion today and also a lynch candidate from Superpenguin, a few posts with their thoughts on, I was worried when he said and I quote "Anyways, If you find me suspicious, feel free to grill me - I have nothing to hide and will answer any questions I can without revealing too much about my role." Now, this may be him saying, Look, I'm town and I'm willing to prove it as best as I could but I usually say this when I am something and I'm trying to deter people from thinking I'm anything. Their posts are kind of padded out but we'll see what the rest of today brings.

Where are you? What are your thoughts and opinions? You must have a lot of catching up!

We expect nothing less than nothing with Dolby, the best inactive player in the game. Literally skates through the game by doing nothing, no one can get a read on them, because THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING. Where are you too?!

Another one no where to be seen? I haven't seen her viewing the thread, i don't think she's on invisible either. She's one player I can never ever get a read on because she plays the same, and just posts a little a day!

First of all, you saw the spat with me and Karla this morning, why on EARTH are you voting without reason for one and two, him of all people who will ruin you for this? There is no logic voting at this time anyway? Its not like its a place holder vote, we have more than enough time plus you literally haven't said anything of use or to back up your vote for Karla? Please, elaborate, explain your vote to us.

These are people I feel need to pull their weight.

Cory we know of his ?role? now has he been confirmed or is it still him, natty and trundle all claiming the same thing? Is it possible for them all to be the same thing? Also, win condition I think I missed it, do they win if both town and mafia lose? Or can they win either if so, we need to end them. If not I say leave them, if town can still win with them alive then why waste kills on them? (I don?t really understand the Thief situation so please correct me)
Also, the spelling situation? I doubt Tina would spell anything incorrectly, so I don?t think that?s a thing if ever was.
So I made my case on him, after reading how head strong everyone is about him being the Town Roleblocker I am going to agree and drop any suspicions I had one him. I dislike how quick he was to role claim hence why I was so eager to make my case and suspect him, I also didn?t like how he was quick on the mark with Karla, read your role pm?s, if it?s not stated what your action blocks, you can?t be too quick to jump the gun.


Minties has been very pro town, posting to help and making posts that state exactly why she votes people as well as actively taking part in discussion despite being at work (I understand this), I have town reads from her.
Not posting as much but its not out of character, she tends to post her thoughts on people not giving a **** really, but she actually posts sensible ideas and adds her thoughts into discussions. I don?t really have a read on her personally. But she?s contributing.
I said this last time in my previous post, Dolby is.. Dolby. I will quote it again as I still feel the same.

I don?t have a read on Dolby what so ever, this panics me, I will also be keeping an eye on him too. We?ll see I suppose.
Dad has been contributing yes, calling me out for ridiculous reasons, I replied accordingly. Now, I recall Dad being dead set on Oath2Order and made a big case on him, then night 1 he died, this I feel is a frame, this is not to be forgotten. His activity is giving me town vibes, actively posting and contributing his every thought. I applaud this. I feel he is town aligned.
I don?t know her play style anymore, I know she?s usually more active than she is currently BUT she has been replying to posts calling her out, and we all know there?s been a few. Now, whether or not anyone still suspects her is beyond me but she has been contributing more than some.
I just don?t understand how someone can defend themselves so poorly when I?ve seen their name mentioned various times. Terrible posts and no more than 2 a day, I?d accept two or so posts a day if they were actually insightful. Jello?s of which are not. They do not take part in active discussions and have pitifully defended themselves when called out, I will be keeping a close eye on them from now on.
So I made my first poke at Karla, now this was because he wasn?t as active and as head strong as he usually is, now this had me on edge, now as I stated I was willing to wait till he came online. He came online and I had 2 debates with him, both of us sharing our own thoughts, this is why I feel he is town, I don?t have any doubt about it. He is my strongest town read. I am 100% convinced he is town.
I have already said reads on him previously. The Feloreena death never sat right with me. He has been taking part in discussion but as already stated, waffling on and padding his posts out and making them go on and on. Stop fluff posting and get straight to the point. Quality over quantity, it?s distracting from the main point of finding scum.
Ashtot is another I feel is town aligned, he is active in discussions and will defend himself. When I called him and Cory out for their jumping votes without just cause, he fought back, not very well mind you but at least he didn?t over look it.
I had thought on him, but he has become much more active and talkative about his thoughts. I don?t have a read on him at all. Not being active for the past 2 days I?d say was the cause, whilst I was active he was not. From reading his posts, hes contributed and questioned accordingly. Asking for counter claims on Trundle, Cory and Natty. This was a good call, I implore anyone who is a Thief to come out about it, if anyone of them is scum, this could break their cover.
He obviously Claimed Thief and there was a situation between all 3 claiming. Usually Trundle is much more vocal, I don?t know if something is occupying him or what but I could believe his Thief claim.
Making no effort what so ever, she only will reply do the occasional post calling her out. No active effort in discussions, no active effort in anything, barely posting. I don?t like this, she gives a full blown scum vibe to me, unless she?s claimed and I?ve missed it? Please tell me.
I made a little post on them, I said I?d wait till I had an opinion on her, my opinion is she either puts some effort in and stop hiding away behind invisible so she can lurk the thread without detection.
Yui, Yui is very slippery, good at being deceitful. I will refer to frozen mafia, she is easy to slip by. She has been acting very clueless but will actively take part in discussions to some degree. She?s brought up her own suspicions on Jeremy, but I don?t think it had any grounds. She gives me a bad vibe and I don?t get town vibes from her. I don?t know if it?s because I?m on edge with her and unwilling to trust her but still, I just won?t trust her without reason.
I am getting scum vibes, point blank, godfather if I was to be exact. Oath2order death for one;

Now, she said this, she wanted to be inspected? If she was town aligned why would she? That would be a huge waste of an inspection, no? She could be the Godfather if any then she could be ?cleared? of all suspicions and continue through the game, unscathed and untouchable as she?s ?confirmed? town. This doesn?t sit well with me at all.
She avoids peoples questions to her, then comes up with some lame excuse that she didn?t see it or something, I believe she?s done it, I recall seeing Jeremy talk about her in the previous game doing the same, I presumed she had done it in this game.
She made her little case with no grounds, and placed next to my name ?lauren [shes quiet, but this is more of a gut feeling, like with karen}? I?m sick, I felt it no one?s business to know, I did mention in IRC that I was bed ridden yesterday due to ill health when she was around, so this has no grounds. Don?t even say ?don?t be defensive? I will defend myself till I?m dead, especially when town aligned. If I am called out, I sure as hell won?t let it slide unless I feel necessary.
She stabs in the dark to claw to each strand of ?town? she has. I don?t like her play style and she?s prone to mistakes, I?m very sure if she is scum, she would have slipped up by now.
She states she will ?make a case? on people, Ashtot for example yet doesn?t.
Yes, he did fade away but for a day only, he will openly talk about his points. We have to forgive like many of us, he is busy throughout part of the day.
My reads on natty are simple, the same as Cory and Trundle, there?s not much else, she has spent the game defending her role of which she shares. Karen brought up a good point, I will quote below; I CANT ****ING FIND IT NOW, Basically Natty said something like ?The more people accuse me, the less I want to post? or something, I can?t remember now >.< but yeah, Karen said this gave her a bad feeling and I agree, you should continue to fight till the very end, especially if you?re not a threat to town.

Ok, so I feel sick now, ick! I?ve given my thoughts on everyone alive. I worked on this for a good hour or so, so please tell me if I am wrong at any point, feel free, I might have read stuff wrong but I thought I owed it to town to give my thoughts.

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**** that didnt look too long when i previewed it... sorry!

I honestly don't feel minties is mafia, I personally have a strong feeling for Alise, her play style niggles[\b] me. She says one thing but doesn't do it. She makes no effort to actually help us find scum. I just don't like it.

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Yui, like I said is slippery, she is another im keeping a close eye on. She's good at deceiving, you could be on to something here, trundle.

I ****ed up my bold tag, feck.

For reference of others, I thought these were Lauren's most interesting posts/contributions.

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That at least confirms Ryan is indeed a roleblocker and that you possess some sort of action unless you've both been dictated to do so.

Felt the same Dolby. I'm just not 100% sure.
If there happen to be any remaining Detectives in the game, I feel like it would be more rewarding than anything at this point to give us what you've found so we have more confirmed roles. We need to find scum today.
After reading through the player list, I found out that the only people I trust are the people I know are third-party - Natty and Cory.
I honestly just remembered that I usually go through dead player's posts to see why they were killed.
First up, oath2order:
You'll also notice that Jer jumped on voting for alise with me, which I found odd. Was it because he knew SP would flip town and wanted to hide behind voting for someone else so he wouldn't look guilty?
Any information being hidden kind of hurts town imo.

Also alise by your words you've been acting scummy. Youve been making a post and leaving so suspicion is off of you
Crystal is interesting and Im personally not getting scum reads from her. Maybe because she's hecka good as playing scum in IRC mafia (except in kingnaker rip)

So was oath on the right track or was he killed because they thought he was blue? Well, chances are, they had no idea he was blue and killed him while his suspicions on Jer and Alise were paid no attention to. He definitely was not killed to frame them because his posts gained almost no attention most of the time, but he would be a threat if left in with his suspicions. At the same time, in his goodbye post, he mentioned he was also roleblocked, so mafia did definitely have suspicions of him as blue and saw him as a threat.

Next is Dad.

We all know he has many good posts, but after many spats with multiple people, I wouldn't trust his death to him being on the right track. One thing I noticed: he suspected alise as well, but not much attention was brought to the post.

Now to look at Jeremy and alise's posts:

i can't right now as i got off the computer {using fams computer} buut heres mine:

lauren [shes quiet, but this is more of a gut feeling, like with karen}
karen (?)

No suspicions or attention brought to Jeremy all game, while she has made a post on Sataric that revolved around one big outdated post.

Why not Jello? Both Karen and Jello stick out to me as not contributing very much to town's overall goal. Karen claims she is, but her posts are simple observations.

alise isn't active, so I have no "scumreads" on her, but we can't let inactives slip by. I'm curious to know how everyone else wants to deal with her.

Fourthly, Alice seemed overly anti-Dad. Then when he died, she kind of just brushed it off. I'd be interested to hear more from Alice or what everyone else thinks about how's she's playing this game.

This is the only time Jeremy mentions alise at all. In my opinion, either Jeremy or alise or both are scum, but I believe alise to be a mafia power role. I'm voting for alise today the way things are going. I'd like to hear a defense.
If there happen to be any remaining Detectives in the game, I feel like it would be more rewarding than anything at this point to give us what you've found so we have more confirmed roles. We need to find scum today.
After reading through the player list, I found out that the only people I trust are the people I know are third-party - Natty and Cory.
I honestly just remembered that I usually go through dead player's posts to see why they were killed.
First up, oath2order:

So was oath on the right track or was he killed because they thought he was blue? Well, chances are, they had no idea he was blue and killed him while his suspicions on Jer and Alise were paid no attention to. He definitely was not killed to frame them because his posts gained almost no attention most of the time, but he would be a threat if left in with his suspicions. At the same time, in his goodbye post, he mentioned he was also roleblocked, so mafia did definitely have suspicions of him as blue and saw him as a threat.

Next is Dad.

We all know he has many good posts, but after many spats with multiple people, I wouldn't trust his death to him being on the right track. One thing I noticed: he suspected alise as well, but not much attention was brought to the post.

Now to look at Jeremy and alise's posts:

No suspicions or attention brought to Jeremy all game, while she has made a post on Sataric that revolved around one big outdated post.

This is the only time Jeremy mentions alise at all. In my opinion, either Jeremy or alise or both are scum, but I believe alise to be a mafia power role. I'm voting for alise today the way things are going. I'd like to hear a defense.

Jer is so quiet sometimes I forget he's playing.
Just because I didn't suspect Jer = scum? K. Dad was only mildly suspicious of me anyway.

Also why a mafia 'power role?'. I can claim if you guys want me to. ^v^ I cannot say much more, because really, what can I say? I'm not exactly the player to have lots of suspicions, really.
Jer is so quiet sometimes I forget he's playing.
Just because I didn't suspect Jer = scum? K. Dad was only mildly suspicious of me anyway.

Also why a mafia 'power role?'. I can claim if you guys want me to. ^v^ I cannot say much more, because really, what can I say? I'm not exactly the player to have lots of suspicions, really.

We've entertained the idea of Mafia Power Roles due to the lack of KP. I'm all for you claiming, but we're still probably going to lynch ya if not Jer.

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Also Jer posts more frequently than you, how can you forget he's playing?