Sweet Feather
Hello everyone! Let us do a micromafia while waiting for Tina and Tom's sign up!!
I will limit this game to five players and this is an open set up. With Three town (resistance) and two mafia (spies).
The mechanics:
1. No day and night set up. Everything is on a "mission" basis. We do have a voting scheme.
2. Leaders will be assigned each mission and is on the order of sign up
3. Each cycle, the leader will propose people to go on a mission with the following guideline:
Mission 1: 2 people
Mission 2: 3 people
Mission 3: 2 people
Mission 4: 3 people
Mission 5: 3 people
3. Once the leader pick the person he like to go on a mission, everyone will vote nay or yay. If the vote is no or tie, the leadership will go to the next person on the list and will propose his /her own personnel. This continues until a proposal is accepted. Five consecutive ties or no will result in spy winning the game.
4. The mission is simple: Resistance (town) automatically will be marked as "mission success". Now Spies on the other hand, can either give me a "mission success" or "mission fail" card. One fail card means failure for the whole mission. A mission success is a point for resistance, and a mission fail is a point for spies.
5. To win, the resistance or the spy must get to three points first (three mission success or three failures).
This is highly experimental but is really based on strategy. There will be no lynching. Everyone will participate if chosen to go on a mission. Mafia can communicate with each and work on a strategy to either botch the mission or let it continue.
1. Dolby
2. Antonio
3. Punchy
4. Ness
5. Toads
I will limit this game to five players and this is an open set up. With Three town (resistance) and two mafia (spies).
The mechanics:
1. No day and night set up. Everything is on a "mission" basis. We do have a voting scheme.
2. Leaders will be assigned each mission and is on the order of sign up
3. Each cycle, the leader will propose people to go on a mission with the following guideline:
Mission 1: 2 people
Mission 2: 3 people
Mission 3: 2 people
Mission 4: 3 people
Mission 5: 3 people
3. Once the leader pick the person he like to go on a mission, everyone will vote nay or yay. If the vote is no or tie, the leadership will go to the next person on the list and will propose his /her own personnel. This continues until a proposal is accepted. Five consecutive ties or no will result in spy winning the game.
4. The mission is simple: Resistance (town) automatically will be marked as "mission success". Now Spies on the other hand, can either give me a "mission success" or "mission fail" card. One fail card means failure for the whole mission. A mission success is a point for resistance, and a mission fail is a point for spies.
5. To win, the resistance or the spy must get to three points first (three mission success or three failures).
This is highly experimental but is really based on strategy. There will be no lynching. Everyone will participate if chosen to go on a mission. Mafia can communicate with each and work on a strategy to either botch the mission or let it continue.
1. Dolby
2. Antonio
3. Punchy
4. Ness
5. Toads
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