i don't really believe ryan either imo lol
people who don't believe Tom's claim: why??? he literally said inky mess, tsundere INKED him, it all makes sense and we know tsundere isn't mafia because nobody else has claimed squid. so. um. yeah.
I agree wth Tina's plan of the single ostrich, ostrich suit people etc
tom could be MAFIA PSYCHIC O; but you know i doubt it lol
umm yeah.
althoguh i think people are piling onto the ryan lynch too quickly but i mean idrc lol
also natty you FORGOT me in your post. i cried
Why does this post feel so bare to me? It gives off a vibe from XCOM. You post little and only talk about the current discussion and fail to bring up anything new, like you did in XCOM. I mean you do that kinda as town but you're way much more involved in the discussion and you don't just disappear like you did in XCOM. There's only like 3 votes on Ryan so I have no idea what you mean by people piling too fast. Lots of people suspect him, doesn't mean they 100% think he's scum.
Ok, how else am I supposed to defend myself? Do I have to claim?
Is it just because Dad died you think I'm scum??
Umm what the hell does Dad have to do with you...? Have you seriously been ignoring what I have said about you this entire game? I suspect you for more than that. Why do you keep saying "how am I supposed to defend myself?" ugh. Look back at what Tina and I said on you. Explain your reasoning for being so defensive and not helping town in the beginning maybe.
Don't claim unless you're backed into a corner. (Which you're not).
#HarryAndAlise4ScumTeam (revenge for toms cop mafia ahahahahaha)