Penguins! <3
By the end of the Day, rain began pouring down and continued throughout the Night. Patches of dirt turned into mud and all the birdies struggled to stay dry.
Minties, in particular, was having a very difficult time keeping her feathers dry. She didn't want to leave the pond, however, because the sun had gone down and her nest was a long walk away from the pond. The rain got too much for her to handle as she began to shiver in her soaked feathers. She needed to get back to her nest and get dried off, so she decided to leave the pond.
Her feet splashed in the grass and made prints in the mud. The mud was especially difficult to walk through being so slippery due to the rain. Minties fell down several times on her way back to her nest. After getting up after falling down once again, Minties would only walk five more feet before she slipped and fell again. This time, however, her head banged against a log and she blacked out.
In the morning, the other birds noticed Minties's footprints in the mud. They followed them until they noticed the prints turned into drag marks which led to the pond. Floating in the center of the pond was Minties's lifeless body.
Minties, the Stork, could not stay standing for her life.
It is now Day Two. With 15 players alive, it takes 8 to reach majority.