Here you go, Tina. My thoughts of everything so far~ I'll start by listing the people I trust the most/and or find the least suspicious, starting with the ones I trust the most:
Tsundere: Pretty self explanatory. They're the 3rd squid, no CC's, and the squid is harmless so yeah.
Alice: Yes we all know Alice claimed the miller, and with the name of the role and the fact she came out so early about that makes me inclined to believe her.
Epona: Epona claimed to be a miller as well. The reason I trust Epona is because (and I know this has already been said a lot but w/e) I can't see her claiming a miller as scum. Yes there is the possibility of reverse psychology, but IMO Annie would probably be too scared to make a bold move like that as mafia.
Tina: Tina's been the most pro-town player so far, and she's probably contributed the most out of all of us. I know being pro-town doesn't clear her and we should keep our eyes on her, but I don't find her suspicious right now.
Jeremy: I trust Jeremy, sort of. I don't see him as scummy, and he claims to be a peacock. The only thing I can say that is a little odd, is that he kind of pushed that his claim of being a peacock is 100% honest and should be trusted. And then he wants everyone to claim what bird they are, but I don't see how that will help. Like he said himself, anyone can just look through a list of birds on google and pick a bird. But for the most part I don't find him too suspicious.
Tom: I trust your claim of being third party, though I don't know if I trust that your only ability is to see who uses an action on you. You've made it clear that you'd throw anyone under the bus - whatever their role is, and to that I say: GG. You're definitely using your ability to survive and ward off any actions from being used on you.
ShinySandwich at first I was wary of him because of how quiet he is which could easily let him slide by. But the fact he did confirm that a townie bird can die in place of the ostrich has me believing he is telling the truth. The only thing is, he hasn't answered multiple questions about which bird he is, so I would like to see him answer that. The last post he made was the start of Day 2, which was about a day and a half ago. He also didn't vote yesterday, so hopefully he actually starts posting and doesn't let himself get modkilled.
Everyone else that I'm unsure of, or find slightly suspicious.
Lauren: I don't know how I feel about her tbh. She's been relatively quiet compared to the last few games she's been in, and she claims she can't get a read on anyone even though we're almost on the third day. Like I said, I'm unsure of her.
Cory: Ugh again, I don't know how to feel about Cory. It's been a while since he's played so I can't remember what he played like. Yes I could look through past games but I can't be bothered to do that right now. The only thing that stuck out at me personally, is that he pushed for me to vote for Ryan. Yes I did say I'd be willing to vote for Ryan if we couldn't decide on who to lynch, but I still find it odd. He also claims to be an unhatched chickie, which is really weird sounding but this is Nicks game~
Alise: don't really know what to say about her. Like she's posted often but it's been lots of one liners, and that dramatic "NOOO" when Minties died. She's been all over the place this game tbh.
BlueLeaf: I had a feeling about him because of his high activity compared to his the last game where he was scum (cell mafia II - I think?) and he gave me an explanation that he wants to get in as much before school starts, and as town he is much more comfortable posting his opinions. I don't buy the second part because, um... He posted a ton as mafia so that really doesn't do anything for me. Also find it funny how when Tsundere brought my name up for lynching, he really seemed keen on voting for me.
JelloFishXD: They've been given a ****load of time to post and they haven't done squat. (How ironic would it be if a replacement was modkilled?) I can't really even from an opinion of them because I have literally nothing to go by. Sid really didn't leave much either. Jello is apparently in Australia (?) but regardless, they've had plenty of time to post.
Dolby: I feel very uneasy about Dolby. I feel like he's been posting the bare minimum, and he's just barely riding along. He claimed to be a dove (and I'm assuming implying he is a townie, since it was green) but I don't know if I buy that or not. I also listed my opinions about Dolby earlier and he didn't really say anything, so Dolby, could you atleast adders the points I've made?
BlueLeaf, Lauren and Dolby are ones I'll definitely be keeping an eye on. Anyways, I apologize in advance if this is just another useless post and is hard to read (it's choppy I know), but I spent like an hour on this, so hopefully it actually contributes. :<