100% high
no just blessed by superior moba
100% high
We lynch Campy today for two reasons:
I brought this up early, that he townreads Campy when she has barely posted. He claims it's because he has been in private contact with her. Pretty obvious.
2. She defended Axeler with so much conviction. Look at the evidence on which we lynched him. There was also the extra thing that wasn't shared with the thread - he sent a Protect action on Ashtot TO Ashtot, seemingly by mistake. In hindsight it WAS a mistake, but we gave him credit and didn't think he was the type of player to make that mistake. Anyway, the point I'm making is, look at the evidence that was presented on him, and honestly judge if you thought he looked scummy. Most people obviously did since they voted for him. But Campy was steadfast and insisted on his innocence, while only addressing a few of the points that were raised against him. The only way she could be so certain in the face of the evidence was that she KNEW he was innocent. In other words, she is scum.
I guess by your same logic, trundle pushing me hard on day 2 was all an act to make me look innocent when he flips?
Don't try and character assassinate me either, Axeler was the only mislynch and you would be stubborn to say it was an obvious mislynch. Yes, you're scummy for truly believing he was innocent, because that's not a rational position to take given the evidence.
But of course you know more than us, you knew he was innocent, because you're scum.
Also, you're ignorant if you think the simple fact that I led a mislynch means I'm scum.
It's the fact you KNEW he was innocent. Scum knows who is and who isn't innocent Campy.
You can't exactly agree that his pushing to use the votelist on Ryan is scummy, because that would make you a hypocrite.Given the evidence? Oh, the evidence that I didn't consider to be scummy at all, you mean? You brought up maybe one or two points that I could agree with being scummy, the rest was bs in my opinion. Him "pushing" to use that votelist for Ryan and being a "distraction" for example.
I already pointed out why I think you're scummy earlier. Plus, I'll be your second mislynch.That just strenghtens my suspicions, as it should others' when I flip the role I named. I refuse to believe you're just playing really badly as town; the only way your
actions make sense to me is for you to be scum.
You can't exactly agree that his pushing to use the votelist on Ryan is scummy, because that would make you a hypocrite.
I'm playing bad? You're an idiot if you think good players can't mislynch. You and your scum team have spent the whole game trying to get me lynched. Bellgreen and Trundle are dead, both of whom were among my top suspects. You're the last one. I'm not afraid of being wrong because I'm trying to get things done.
No, I meant that him pushing to use that votelist wasn't scummy in my eyes. I considered that to be one of the bs reasons you brought up.
Nah, I know mislynches can happen. But that's not what I think is happening here.
Campy seems slightly scummy, but I'm not 100% sure of it. 2 people have asked me to vote for her though, which I don't think I'm going to do
who else do you want to lynch then?
I'll just be bandwagoning again... cries
Idk I don't find campy thattt scummy but I have to vote so :S
I'll just be bandwagoning again... cries
Idk I don't find campy thattt scummy but I have to vote so :S