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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XIV: My Little Mafia: Deception is Magic [Endgame - Ponyville wins!]

Since I don't think Campy is very scummy, I think I'm going to vote for Rage. I just have a gut feeling that they are scum, and no one else is really standing out for me right now.

While Campy was on her way to the Ponyville town square, she fell down a conveniently placed hole, never to be seen again.

Campy (Apple Bloom (Ponyville citizen) fell down a never ending hole.

Campy's role PM said:
Hello! You are Apple Bloom (Ponyville citizen)): All the older ponies feared for your safety and did not want you to help in protecting PonyVille. But being the rebellious pony you are (and because you're still a blank flank), you figure that you can gain your cutie mark by helping to save Ponyville from total takeover. You only have your voice, so use it wisely. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

You have until September 22nd @6PM to send in your actions - and don't forget to!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Will night end early if everyone sends in their actions
Ok at this point in time the following people are alive


At this point in time, all third parties are dead, meaning that all that town has to worry about are the mafia members.
Now, I doubt that Cory is Judas because Trundle wanted to attempt to lynch and he contributed to a vig's desicion to shoot two scum. He trusts Lauren, Ashtot, and KarlaKGB, so I trust them, and I know that me and gamora are masons, leaving Zigzag, Rage, and Cariad as possible mafia.
Now, I believe that tomorrow zigzag should be lynched (or the vig should shoot him). All he does is bandwagon, and posts almost literally the bare minimum, one post per day. He posts on average three times per and hasn't said anything of worth. Unless their is some information that I've missed or is being withheld from me, I believe that zigzag should be lynched. His behavior also reminds me of how he played in nub mafia four, few contributions, posts at bare minimum to be considered slightly active.
Day 5


Two ponies, Lauren and Rage were going for a late night stroll before they went to bed. When they arrived at Lauren's house, they parted ways - but Lauren being slightly weary of Rage decided she would follow Rage to her house. At first nothing was suspicious or out of the ordinary, until Rage got to their home. As she was opening the door, she looked around, almost as if she didn't want anyone to see her. Lauren peeked through a window to see Rage talking to a pony that was in the shadows. She continued watching quietly as Rage and the other mysterious pony started to have a heated argument. Lauren watched in terror as the pony, still hidden by a shadow, decapitated Rage with a machete. Green blood splattered everywhere. Lauren let out a loud "Eek!" and ran away, but caught the mysterious ponies attention. Running as fast to her home as was possible, she bursted through her door and locked it immediately. Lauren let out a deep sigh with her eyes closed, leaned up against the door thinking she was perfectly safe - but when she opened her eyes, the unknown pony was standing right beside her. Before Lauren even had a chance to run, the mysterious pony swiftly swung an axe at her, cutting her right in half. Blue blood began gushing out of both ends of her body.

Lauren (Rainbow Dash (vigilante) was butchered.

Rage (Spike (Ponyville citizen) lost her head.

Rage's role PM said:
Hello! You are Spike (Ponyville citizen) You're only a baby dragon with no powers, but you're here because it's your duty as a dragon to protect Ponyville. You only have your voice, so use it wisely.

Lauren's role PM said:
Hello! You are Rainbow Dash (vigilante) You're the fiery, hot-headed, stubborn pony that causes a lot of mischief in Ponyville, but the truth is you really do care about everyone. Learning of the looming threat against Ponyville, and being deeply affected by that, you take it upon yourself to kill people you deem suspicious. Each night you can PM the host a player you would like to kill. Your win condition is to eradicate all members of Ominous Equine.

You have until September 22nd @9PM EDT to decide who to lynch, and everyone must vote~
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/me waits patiently for conformation

May I ask why you trust Ashtot and Karla? Or is that sensitive information?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Just in case I can't vote tomorrow, I'm gonna vote for the player I find scumiest, zigzag
After seeing this I think zigzag is scum. Unless someone in the PM circle is, there isn't really anyone to choose from.