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Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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Soo many excuses Luca! Anyway I'm at a standstill right now, I'm not sus of anyone so this is a big problem. Most of ya'll are null right now. I'll give it more thought.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I meant to but I was fearful of a target on my head, as Cass said. I also dont know if it woulda helped since I think Kirby targeted me for being someone he played with before and then Kirby died leaving me back to square one. I was trying to piece together why they shot me and I think it was just due to experience, the only people I questioned were all townie except for Kirby and the unconfirmed Rosetti. It may have been because I was on the right track with Kirby, who was scum, or maybe Rosetti?

So that means the vig did not shoot him? I don't know what to think anymore damn.
did locket even use any of their abilities?
I really don't think this game was fair to town at all lol
basically 4 abilities wasted

i'm looking forward to hearing Luca's cases, i feel like it's too risky for me to post all of my cases rn/at night, so i'm going to 'keep low' until night is over, i'll be around for the results this time since i'm not going out
I look forward to everyone's cases, I'm getting null reads on all of you. Also I may have to leave at some point because my mom is in the hospital. I'll still be playing as I can though.
I look forward to everyone's cases, I'm getting null reads on all of you. Also I may have to leave at some point because my mom is in the hospital. I'll still be playing as I can though.

i'm sorry to hear that, hope you and her are ok. i would also like to state i won't be active tonight as i'm going to a study group. will post my thoughts on everything (assuming i'm not dead) once i'm able.
i'm sorry to hear that, hope you and her are ok. i would also like to state i won't be active tonight as i'm going to a study group. will post my thoughts on everything (assuming i'm not dead) once i'm able.

Thank you. She is currently having testing done because she has heart damage. Good luck at your study group.
i'm looking forward to hearing Luca's cases, i feel like it's too risky for me to post all of my cases rn/at night, so i'm going to 'keep low' until night is over, i'll be around for the results this time since i'm not going out

this is how I feel about my cases since they're almost done but I'm a little worried about posting them lol
but I guess if it's gonna happen, it'll happen, so I might as well :/

my cases will be up soon, I just gotta go through and make it less disorganized and messy
I might as well roleclaim now to avoid another mislynch. I am Sapphire the Detective and I have inspected Cadberry and Qwerty111 both of whom returned town. If I die tonight, I hope that this will prevent you from lynching Qwerty because we need them to win.

As of tonight 8 players remained, 2 of which are mafia. Assuming that Shiida is a third party, we have only 5 town players left with three confirmed towns. See below.

Seroja - Confirmed town, detective.
Cadberry- Confirmed town, veteran? Inspected N1
Qwerty111- Confirmed town. Inspected N2
Cass123- Definite town. I have town locked Cass from Day 1 and I absolutely can't see her as anything but.
mogyay- Town lean. I have considered her answers to my questions very carefully and I believe that she is town. It was however quite disconcerting when she accused me of killing both Miharu and tui simply based on my reads on them, but I think this is a natural town thing to do (if not, this could be something to look into). She is also very consistent with her reads.

Rosetti- Scum-read. I do believe that you were clueless when you made those reads. Just not as clueless town, but rather, clueless mafia. You overused the clueless excuse. For every single scummy thing that you did, it was because you were clueless/new. There are links on the opening post for mafia guides. I find it hard to believe that you're 100% clueless about this game. Also on the fact that you did not know what sheeping is despite it being a hot topic on D1. Plus you said you PMed someone asking about it hmmm, who was it?

The last point was something that I picked up from your interaction with Lucanosa.

Lucanosa- Scum-read. Going on my gut feelings alone, I have always felt uneasy with your posts; every single one of it. They just sound, a bit, too calculative. Like you were trying real hard to be helpful to us NOOB townies and were shoving this fact down our throats every chance you get, right from your first ever post to your latest one. I have always felt like you were hiding behind the pretense of wanting to HELP us noobs with how the game works so that you can get away with not contributing much on anything else. And for the longest time, I bought it.

Your posts were mostly on wanting to catch up on posts, 'give advice to newbies', and promising to write reads. And when you did give reads, your reads were mostly the same as other players' with absolutely nothing new added in. You scum leaned Moonbrink and Qwerty who everyone else were already sus of. Then you were suddenly sus of Shiida, Mog and Rosetti after Qwerty and I made posts about them. And yet you were blaming the NOOBS for bandwagoning. How ironic.

I call any townie lynch a ****lynch lol it's just my word for a mislynch.
tbqh, I never really suspected Sparro of being scum, and more like scared/busy town, and when he flipped blue, it confirmed it. what's bothering me now though is how someone (person A) brings up someone else (person B) as possibly sus and then everyone bandwagons and because most of the players here are new, the reads are all over the place (which is to be expected), and the bandwagons are literally running us all over.

What does this make you then hmm? A ****ty Mafia. That's what.

And to the part that I am most suspicious of:

Rosetti - scumlean - shady af, you've posted massive posts all in response to people attacking you, and it makes me wonder why you're so desperate to protect yourself

like.... esphas's death was different (the esphas effect is what I'll call it I guess), but even tho they seemed scummy, moon and sparro's deaths were via bandwagon. someone posted their suspicions because of a few sketchy posts and no one tried to argue about how they are or aren't what the claims said they were. and the only person who really fought for their safety from fear of lynching was rosetti.
I'm starting to suspect if some of the people who I've thought were town are actually scum....
while I'm working on my reads/cases I'll also be going over everyone's posts along with the meta of the few players on here who aren't newbies.

1. You thought Rosetti defending herself as shady af for 'desperately' defending herself.
2. You claimed Rosetti was the only one who put up a fight to protect herself from being a mislynch victim(at least that's how I read that sentence)

Okay Luca. What were Mog and I doing all these while then? Did we look like we were hanging out having fun talking to each other? Did you not see the 'walls of text' between me and Mog defending ourselves from each other's suspicions? Hmm. You kept saying how you're 'going' to read everyone's posts but now I'm starting to think you didn't even bother because you didn't need to. You already know who everyone is.

Did you bus Rosetti because she's looking scummy to a lot of people then? So that if she got lynched and she flipped scum people won't think about looking at you? But when you see that she didn't get lynched you tried to salvage her image?

Also it seems to me that you were preparing to shift your scum reads to me and mog. You're already planning to make a case for mog anyway, which I beat you to btw.

timing is key with mafia
you say something at the wrong time and your head will be on the chopping block.

Tell me then Luca, if you knew this, why did you ask who I think the 2 scums are in the dead of the night (#676)? Did you purposely want to get me killed? Or were you looking for a reason to kill me? This is very telling Luca. You did not care for my safety at all, I am somewhat hurt by this.

also I said before I don't have all day to come on and read, post, etc.
like, I have a lot of things I need to finish by the end of the summer for college so I can't waste all of my time questioning and pushing people, especially when it's giving little in terms of results seeing how quiet the thread is.

I guess I was on silent mode then? I made so many posts on the previous day and night. And so many others replied to my posts. No, the thread was not quiet Luca, you were. Stop giving excuses. Just come out with it, you're scum.

first off, I didn't vote because like I said I wasn't sure on his alignment, plus even if I did vote it wouldn't have saved him considering everyone ran him over w/ the bandwagon, and a #NOVOTE would've done literally nothing. the only thing that would've saved him was a case protecting him, or he himself speaking up, and I read him as null then so I wouldn't have made a case just to save him at that time.
second, eshpas's lynch was from a bandwagon, but he got the bandwagon pushed really hard on him because he posted some really sketchy things just to get the game going.... someone else called it the esphas effect I believe. there's ways to get the game going.... and then there's the esphas effect aka what he did. that's why I said that. and like I said, all of the lynches so far are from bandwagons, no one is defending theirself and no one is defending others. plus being inactive isn't making finding scum any easier.

You kept repeating the same thing over and over and over. It's obvious you're trying to use this 'Esphas Effect' to justify yourself for not voting. Why didn't you defend him? Why didn't you get online to try and push a lynch on your scum leans - Rosetti/Qwerty? That's because you didn't care. You already knew he was town and his lynch was to your favour.

Also Luca, even if you flipped town after all, I'm still pretty sure that you feel superior to the rest of us noobs.

Shiida- 3rd party. I believed her claim from the beginning of the game because it's kind of her thing to claim early. She could be helpful to town.

The fear of making incorrect reads makes me feel really anxious but there are still 2 scums left and these two are my biggest suspects.
1. What is your timezone? GMT +1/ BST
2. How do you react under pressure? I crack. Real bad. But I've cracked very hard in both town and scum roles so it's not a giveaway i am just sensitive and fragile
3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia? town. you feel less on edge 24/7
4. What are you going to be known to do this game? probably die first or something. it always happens. hopefully not tho. dying isn't nice no matter the role.
5. How many games have you played? 4! three newbie mafias (this will be 4th newbie oh god) and one main game. still not good at this though .n.

" town. you feel less on edge 24/7 "
Qwerty has been on edge all game. just pointing that out

Hi! I have been reading the thread as often as I can, but I honestly can't see anything worth pointing out, so I've kept quiet. I'm still not very good at reading people, so that's why I'm in newbie still, hah. I haven't replied to all the posts questioning my inactivity - i've been writing this post for about 40 mins now!!! haha. But this is just a general thing.

Oh, I'm not on edge - You'd be able to tell. [x] - As town*[x] - As SK. I get salty real fast. Anyway, since you'd like to hear more o v o

Mafia/third party reads - [COLOR="#FF0000"]donald trump[/COLOR](red)
Town + blue roles reads - [COLOR="#00FF00"]a cat[/COLOR](green)
Don't know - leave blank
sus reads - [COLOR="#808080"]danger noodle[/COLOR](grey)

1. Miharu
2. Kirbystarship
3. Enchilada
4. Xerolin
5. Moonbrink
6. Seroja
7. Cadbberry
8. tui
9. Lucanosa
10. Cass123
11. Rosetti
12. Esphas
13. Shiida
14. Qwerty111
15. Mogyay

Here's something we can all use! It's simple, and you don't have to explain why you picked that colour, though it may be helpful if you do! This was used in one of the last games I played and it was invaluable.

anyway gonna go vote as no lynch so i don't get modkilled

*Some eager beavers may notice i was very active in this game - it was my first game in absolutely ages! I've learned from my mistakes and now I am a lot more careful with what I say, so I don't change opinions and change sides rapidly and so i'm not sheeping all the way through a game, So yeah!

Did you read the post at all? I have said, in the post, that I have no reads at the moment. If I had reads, I would of made a reads post. I thought the template would be of use to everyone, I'm sure everyone can copy paste, no? Also it's sk vs town- ooooh! but you wouldn't know that because you didn't read it! How rude.

throwing shade

What? The only reason that mafia would be wasting their KP is if you were a role that you can't kill at night, or are you just dead set that someone will protect you? or maybe ur just calling yourself stupid and insignificant?? man i am bad at jokes

this was at shiida's post: [x], and it's worded really weirdly....
as if qwerty were trying to decide whether or not to kill shiida

I think Moonbrink is someone I'm pretty sus of.

She says a lot of off topic things, which makes her seem like she's pretty active, post count wise... but she's not.

(gah the word kill here just gives me the heebie jeebies.)

Anyway, into some actual ready stuff, because THE EVIDENCE GODS ARE SMILING ON ME TODAY

While a pretty good suggestion, Everyone has kind of been active. There's like 4, 5 people who have been very active at one time. Though Kirby has been rather active, significantly so. But hey.. maybe they have more time to kill than you. It is summer break season! Also, the "great deductions" phrase makes me think that Kirby has been picking up on some of Moon's scum mates, and now they're getting in a huff about it.

(in response to the above post)

(to which moon replied...)

This only confirms it. Moon doesn't want to apply pressure to Kirby because they're active, only because of some other reason, maybe not b/c of found scum mates, but another one? Either way, she made this "read" to try and get us off her back. If you really were going to call someone out because they were active, wouldn't you pick the most active?

mentions Kirby as if defending them... which is a little off-putting knowing Kirby flipped red

ikr you need to get that perfect mix™


I'm nervous 24/7, every day of the year~☆

(no joke)

Also can I mention that this entire post is the vaguest thing ever? (maybe apart from her views on Cadbberry, which is taken from meta? ��)

more specifically, what makes Mogyay and Seroja "def town"? Those were the most vaguest in my opinion.

- - - Post Merge - - -

yikes that emoji screw up

mog and seroja are semi-strong townreads to me (with mog leaning more towards null), which seems pretty sketchy from reading this.

Oh, no. I posted a read on Moonbrink .w.

the response to when Cass asked if they were sheeping on moon
and it wasn't really a strong case that she made on moon, lol which is the ironic part

Oh no. Not another townie! I was certain Moonbrink was scum... ><

oddly worded

I'm really sus of Shiida atm.

In my opinion, Survivor is a pretty easy role to claim. Your goal is to live, and while you're not really town, you're not really a threat either and since Shiida "claimed" so early, nobody has been sus of them at all!

Onto my points.

1)The aforementioned Survivor is an easy role to claim.

2) They haven't posted since right after Night 2 ended, despite being quite active in the forums.

They haven't posted on the thread in a long time, and I guess trying to blend in?

and then....

you're so goddamn defensive of yourself, i'm starting to think you're not a survivor at all, you're trying not to stick out like a sore thumb, and more worried about saving yourself than anyone else.... oh. so you may be a survivor after all. So, here's a question. Would you prefer winning with mafia or town?

And the whole "mogyay is town unless someone i won't name flips town" business sounds shady af but i guess that's probably just me

Also if the "someone I won't name" has flipped town, could you tell us? Having more confirmed town would be great!

threatening someone who I'm also partially sus of..... it seemed like you were trying to point the spotlight on her tho and not really making a strong case for/against her, which seems really off

wanted to quickly put this up
" town. you feel less on edge 24/7 "
Qwerty has been on edge all game. just pointing that out

throwing shade

this was at shiida's post: [x], and it's worded really weirdly....
as if qwerty were trying to decide whether or not to kill shiida

mentions Kirby as if defending them... which is a little off-putting knowing Kirby flipped red


mog and seroja are semi-strong townreads to me (with mog leaning more towards null), which seems pretty sketchy from reading this.

the response to when Cass asked if they were sheeping on moon
and it wasn't really a strong case that she made on moon, lol which is the ironic part

oddly worded

threatening someone who I'm also partially sus of..... it seemed like you were trying to point the spotlight on her tho and not really making a strong case for/against her, which seems really off

wanted to quickly put this up

You already made a case on Qwerty before Luca. And it doesn't look like added in new insights to it. Were you running out of things to scumread them for?

Seems to me you're trying to push another ****lynch on Day 4 to further your agenda. Bet you were even banking on us to jump on your bandwagon eh?
It's Day 4

Jamie died his invisible box was crushed ill ad flavor later.

]Jamie (Lucanosa) will get his flavor later.

Town Remaining: ??/??
Mafia Remaining: ??/??

Players remaining: 07/15

Mafia KP = 1

You have in 48 hours to decide who to lynch. Day 4 ends roughly 3PM EST time. Good luck.
Last edited:
Also Luca, even if you flipped town after all, I'm still pretty sure that you feel superior to the rest of us noobs.

:') yeah, I think this'll be my last game.
I was trying to be nice and helpful since a lot of you are unfamiliar with this, but this alongside with saying how I'm really condescending is why I'm kinda happy I'm dead now.

anyhow, good luck town! I know you'll need it LOL
Since we're in such a dire state, if yall want me to respond to a specific post can you quote it or something? tho I guess it doesn't matter bc I guess I'm confirmed town now. Unless someone wants to counter-claim Seroja for Invest?

I'm so sorry for being such a donkey about replying. I keep reading it at like 10pm and then it slips my mind by morning. I ended up just replying to the stuff I saw first thing which wasn't exactly the best idea.

Also, Luca flipping town is shocking. ngl.
Hmm this is making me feel useless. Lmaoooo I'm so bad at this game. Anyway, I'll make a quick assessment now. No use in feeling ****ty.

Looking at the 7 players, aside from the confirmed towns, that leaves Rosetti, Mog, Cass and shiida. I'll think about it more tomorrow, but now with Luca gone, the most suspicious is Mog. Not sure about Rosetti anymore, my reads are off the mark so far. I'll look into the possibility of shiida being scum after all.

And yes Luca, that was the vibe I got from you for this game. Sorry for being so harsh though, you got on my nerves real good.
:') yeah, I think this'll be my last game.
I was trying to be nice and helpful since a lot of you are unfamiliar with this, but this alongside with saying how I'm really condescending is why I'm kinda happy I'm dead now.

anyhow, good luck town! I know you'll need it LOL

we literally don't need it since mafia are incapabale of making an actual blue role kill. no doubt they wouldn't even kill seroja and cad now they're that useless. sorry you're dead

anyway i'm thinking a lot about all this and i think some people are suspicious as hell and not the ones you want me to think mafia
Remaining Players - 7

- 2 Scum
- 4 Town
- 1 Third Party

Cleared Players - 2/4


- There is no godfather anymore meaning mafia cannot return as town, and mafia does not have any framing roles. So the investigations must be correct (if no one counterclaims Seroja). Seroja's "clearedness" I will be certain of later.

Third Party - 1/1

- I'm putting myself here. Also I like blue so I picked that color.

Scum - 0/2

- Subtract Seroja (again assuming she doesn't have some diabolical plan). Cass123, Rosetti, and Mogyay are left.

So out of those three, which 2 are the scum?
One of them I feel strongly about is Rosetti.
As for Cass123, does anyone think that she is capable of acting as completely clueless as she did for the sake of mafia?
Lastly there's mogyay. Qwerty111 was the person I had in mind who if she flipped green, I said I would think mogyay is scum. Anyone have any thoughts? Does anyone think now is the best time for everyone to claim? I'll be going through mogyay's lynch candidates throughout the day.

For the record, I still have my eye on Cass123. I'll be comparing her and mogyay and Rosetti to see which of the three are the most likely. It would help if someone else would do the same as well.

If the real detective is out there, please claim. Now is the time to claim. If not, Seroja is innocent.

- - - Post Merge - - -

@ shiida, why did you vote without posting here first?

check it
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