Mafia TBT Nub Mafia IV: Hijinks in Sugar Rush (Game Over/Third Party Win)

Unless you can present a convincing case as to why you should not be lynched or if someone else needs to be lynched, I will have to cast my vote for you.

I think I'll be voting for Ryan today. He gave terrible reasons to vote dan, contradicts himself and generally isn't making sense.
Like gam said he hasn't contruibiting much and is just telling town what to do, not think for himself. He also bandwagoned on Dan.

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Oops didn't mean to quote Axler.
Unless you can present a convincing case as to why you should not be lynched or if someone else needs to be lynched, I will have to cast my vote for you.
I can't pass judgment off of these posts coz mine are the most suspicious and if you've read everything you'll think so too

so have some predictions instead cuz i got nothing else

[1]If I get lynched, and turn out to be town, those who sided with me would (probably, unless they're sk since both sides dying benefit them) be lifted of all suspicions of being mafia. congrats ur home free

[2]If someone else gets lynched and turns out to be town, next day there'll be 2 casualties and I'll probably be headed for the chopping block next. Day 1 we didn't really accomplish anything aside from establishing that "i am sckum pls rek me". But that's coz its day 1. slow start is slow. Hopefully, mafia don't kill me on night 1 so I can get lynched on day 2

[3]If someone else gets lynched and turns out to be mafia, yay best case scenario hopefully everyone believes that I am not mafia, but I highly doubt that.

tl;dr general populace thinks i skum, i've no ability to prove otherwise so ill just present possible futures since I refuse to fall asleep

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going to vote then go to bed bye~
Not quite sure who to vote for, since everyone has either been making good cases against other people, or they're just bandwagoning. I'm leaning more towards Ryan88 as he doesn't seem to really be contributing that much, and seems set on dalandanator without good reasoning. It seemed like a really half-hearted reason imo. I'll vote when it gets closer to the end of the day as I want to re-read the posts to be sure of who I'm voting for.
Not quite sure who to vote for, since everyone has either been making good cases against other people, or they're just bandwagoning. I'm leaning more towards Ryan88 as he doesn't seem to really be contributing that much, and seems set on dalandanator without good reasoning. It seemed like a really half-hearted reason imo. I'll vote when it gets closer to the end of the day as I want to re-read the posts to be sure of who I'm voting for.

I'm with Summer here. {Do you mind if I call you Summer? ;)}
Also for gamora's post - Yes, I always start posting when night/day cycles go. Usually after D1/N1.
However, Ryan ALWAYS plays like this, regardless of his alignment. Though, he's a big distraction in games. To be honest I'd rather vote for someone else than Dalan, but it looks like the lynch won't be changing anytime soon.
Ugh you know what I'm just gonna vote for ryan, dan will probs still be lynched but w/e. I would rather lose an inactive townie over a townie that's defending themselves/mildly contributing.

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Hi kawaii please explain why you voted for dal :).
I'm with Summer here. {Do you mind if I call you Summer? ;)}
Also for gamora's post - Yes, I always start posting when night/day cycles go. Usually after D1/N1.
However, Ryan ALWAYS plays like this, regardless of his alignment. Though, he's a big distraction in games. To be honest I'd rather vote for someone else than Dalan, but it looks like the lynch won't be changing anytime soon.

I don't mind. You can call me that :')
I think I'll just go with my gut feeling and vote now, though.
In gonna change my vote because I thought we vote for who we want to stay but I checked the rules and its opposite
Went ahead and voted for dalandator. Reasoning here. We will see how this plays out. Only have an hour and a half left.
Are we supposed to post here too?
hmm I might be switching my vote to kawaii. Maybe I'm just reading into it to much but maybe they said "are we surpassed to post here" to me this indicates 2 things.

1. she was talking to her coach
2. She was talking to her scummmates

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Alright. With a little more than 6 hours left, I really think we should start making a call.
Here are my suspicions so far (so sorry for the long post D: ) :

First, talking about no lynch at the start of the game was sorta strange. The OP directly says that we can't vote no lynch. But, he brought it up.

But, he does say some things that contribute to the discussion.

Then, he says that he is one of the most active people here. I don't think so and I'm sure other don't agree with this.

He doesn't add his suspicions or anything of the sort.
This may just be his playstyle but this kind of playstyle will always put him under suspicion.
I don't think he is lynch worthy but very suspicious.

Gives some good advice to those who are new. But, does only posts just one-liners, which is hard to read sometimes (at least for me). And, really doesn't give her opinion on anything, except:

Here she just votes on someone that bandwagoned. I can understand that reasoning but doesn't make it seem like its an informed decision. It almost makes me want to believe that she hasn't read most of the conversation and just voted for someone else because of a simple bandwagon. I just want to point that out, but I don't think she is lynch worthy yet.
Oh, and looking at this post:

Skaro did have some form of opinion. So, this changes how Crystal may not have been paying attention and just calling someone out without verifying whether he had some thought on dalan in the first place. Maybe he was just too scared to post and waited for someone else to vote first. Or, he could just be bandwagoning, but for her to make a statement like that and just go with it is kinda strange.

Probably forgot about this game. In the last nub game he was modkilled. So, I doubt that we will see much activity from him at all. Hopefully he doesn't have an important role.

Also, probably forgot about this game. They have played other nub games but was much more active.

First, mentions she wants to play better this game. Even though she has played a ton of mafia games. That just seems strange to me.

But, I don't see her contributing a lot like she has in previous mafia games. But, pretty much all her roles in previous games were townie/blue roles. So, she could be scum and not posting a lot. Or, she just doesn't have time to play this.
But, of course, it might be too early to tell at this point for her. I would keep an eye out for her.

Now, she is not saying much in the post at all. Like what is she trying to say in this post? Sorry but, she does seem to be scummy to me.

C a l l a w a y:
She's only made two posts the entire game. And the other was her wanting to play. She does give some good input for inactive players and newbies. But, she doesn't give her reasoning on her vote for dalan at all. Seems strange for no reasoning and if she reads this and gives a reasoning than I can understand. But, it seems very strange for her to post one thing then to vote. I'm sure she read everything based on who she voted for, but we don't see any reasoning behind it.

Has only made two posts after 'checking in'. Then votes for dalan. He does have a post about his position on dalan.

But, he waits another day to vote. Seems fishy that he would wait for someone else to post. But, like I said above, he could be scared and could just be bandwagoning. I can't really get a read on him though.
Plus, this is his first game so his coach might be swaying his decisions a lot (and that goes for any person who this is their first time).

Has made a couple good posts about who candidates are to lynch and gave some good feedback.

But, I would like to hear more on her suspicions. She posted a lot last nub game and I hope that she keeps it up this game.

Also does post some informed candidates for lynch. Which is good. I really can't get a read on her regardless of what she is posting. Looking at previous games that she has played, and basing that on this, she could be pro-town, or just not scummy. We will have to see. No reason to lynch.

I'm getting strange vibes from her (hopefully she is female D: ). First she posts right off the bat that she is a vanilla townie.

This whole posts throws me off. I don't know if other people play like this on other forums, but this is an uninformed decision. Unless, she is informed from a coach to do so, which could really mean that she is scum or the coach is horrible (no offense). But, she could be making her own calls. In which case she is putting herself in a dangerous position, and possibly a harmful decision for the town.

Then, she says that she didn't read everything before posting. I'm just going to point that out and leave it there. I can understand her logic in this post, the mafia getting rid of more important roles. But, there is a possibility of an SK which they could just kill that person regardless. Role claiming is never good that early and I'm going to believe that there is more to this person than meets the eye. I don't believe she is townie just yet. This is her first game also so

This whole confused thing is really not making much sense to me. We have coaches for a reason, so there should be no excuse for not understanding the game. I can understand not getting terminology like scummy and SK. But, the coach should've (doesn't mean that they would've) clarified all of that up for you. I can understand if the coach is gone a lot, then that person should not have said that they wanted to be a coach in the first place. In which case, Daniel justs needs to suck it up and do the research.

And this whole post just doesn't make sense to me. Either he really is confused, in which I suggest checking out Oath's TBT Mafia Wikia, or his coach is feeding him something so that he looks confused. This makes me really want to think he is scum in some way. This is also his first game so we shall see about him.

Hasn't really aided in the discussion at all. She has pointed some things out about SK's and modkills.

So I mean, she does have something to say. But, in terms of who to lynch, she doesn't give any type of opinion at all. Which is really strange being that she is a more experienced player.

Makes informed decisions even though there is a huge lack in the amount of posts (made 2 posts so far). This could either mean that she just doesn't have time to do this all the time (like others). Or, she is scum and has to make sure she is saying the right thing without stepping her bounds. This is her first TBT mafia so she might be getting some good information from her coach, which could also mean that she is scum. I don't get those reads but that is a possibility with her. We will have to see what happens.

Has made three posts so far, One for wanting in, one for checking in, and one for asking if we should wait for more discussion.

There has been discussion so I would like to hear what they have to say now. Worst comes to worst, he is scum and just doesn't want to post or is being advised not to post.

Hasn't said much of anything even in this post:

He is basically saying stuff other people have already stated. And that was yesterday. I think its time for him to post his thoughts or he might be a candidate for lynching.

This is another I have major suspicions on.

First, he assumes there is four scum (which is a good assumption) but that could keep us off the trail of thinking that he doesn't know who scum is by asking about it (does that make sense?). Which I mean, could just mean that he is scum, or just wanted to post about that. This just seems scummy to me.

Then, he asks who is townie about a day later at the same time. I don't know if that means anything but asking that does seem really fishy. After asking about scums, then townies... Leads me to believe he is trying to track people down. He doesn't ask about blue roles and just haphazardly posts about there being a serial killer, but there is no guarantee that there is an SK. (He could a an SK for all we know).

Here he talks about a powerless townie. All coaches will tell you that vanilla townies are not useless at all, which probably his own ideas about town. And saying this only leads me to believe that he is scum. He says a ton before this post then, says he has a lack of ability. He's got to be putting up a face to try and lead the town astray.

And here, he adds in a little comment to try to put the scum title on someone else. For whatever reason, I feel that he is putting the blame on someone else to try and keep himself out of the scum scene. When reading this, I completely get a scummy vibe from this post.

Another reason why he would want to draw attention away from himself.

Another claim with really no evidence against Skaro. Along with a statement saying that he doesn't want attention, but all he has been doing is getting attention by asking uninformed statements and comments. If anything, Dalan is our best bet right now.

Hasn't said a word. But has checked in. Maybe a long weekend?

Cherry-Blossoms and Kawaii Cupcakes:
Both wanted to join, they are in and haven't posted anything. Maybe they forgot, but how could they forget so soon when they were the last two to enroll. Just a thought.

Well those are my notes on everyone. Hopefully this clarifies things.
For now, I would be looking into Dalan a little bit more and go from there.
o wow missed a whole page of posts. I did actually miss Skaro's reasoning.
Okay I'm gonna go ahead and vote for Ryan88 because I'm still conflicted about dalandanator. I think Ryan is acting the same as he always does in mafia, except in this game he didn't roleclaim like he normally does, but he isn't contributing much and losing a sorta inactive player probably wouldn't matter much anyway.
oh btw sorry if it says i'm like always viewing this thread? i always have it open so i can check in every so often, so it says that i'm always on

After Minty Zaki?s death, immediately attention fell on her Japanese recolour, Minty Sakura.

After the discovery of Gloyd Orangeboar?s body, the Sugar Rush racers pay a visit to Minty Sakura. She?s reluctant to let them into her little house.

?What do you have to say for yourself?? asks Taffyta.

?She?s your recolour!? says Rancis.

Sakura shakes her head. ?I don?t know what is going on, but count me out of it.?

Her defence is not enough to settle the racers. They bombard her house with chocolate eggs, that stain the front of her door. When she later emerges to yell at them, they wrap her up in strawberry laces and carry her off to the Nesquik Sand. She joins her international friend, Minty Zaki, in death.

ryan88 aka. Minty Sakura (Self-Aware Miller) drowned in the Nesquik Sand.

You have until the end of Night 1 to submit any actions.

Night 1 will end 12am BST on Wednesday 3rd September (7pm EDT Tuesday 2nd September). Please submit actions to both myself (Tina) and Justin to make sure they are counted.

Non-voters have been excused for Day 1. In future, you will be modkilled if you fail to vote.
Oops, sorry guys, I didn't forget about this game.

I went on a surprise vacation for labor day and didn't think it would start over the weekend, oh well, I'll catch up soon.

If I do become inactive again, it's because school is starting in two days. Just a heads up!
Dangit,missed the voting just by 16 minutes....Sorry for not being super active,getting ready for school which starts tomorrow.
Rip ryan, now we know that if someone returns mafia to an inspection they're actual scum.
RIP Ryan. Though I don't completely understand the role, I hope it doesn't hurt the town too much.

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Rip ryan, now we know that if someone returns mafia to an inspection they're actual scum.

There's still the Framer role right?
Gah RIP, Ryan. /:

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RIP Ryan. Though I don't completely understand the role, I hope it doesn't hurt the town too much.
It just means he was like a townie but if a detective inspected him he would've come back as scum.