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Mafia TBT Nub Mafia IV: Hijinks in Sugar Rush (Game Over/Third Party Win)

RIP catlady. I'm home now and gonna work on a write up on my thoughts on everyone left. Maybe it'll help the Vig, I hope.
Okay, because I am home I'm gonna go ahead and do a workup on people in this game, because people are calling for my opinions. They might be short at times, I've been trying to keep up but you know... Traveling.

Because of that I know I have not been active, and I am sorry. I am trying...

anyway, without further adu...

OH if I gender you wrong I'm sorry. I'm very tired please don't get mad at me ;;

I have watched her make good points in this game, and yet it seems like she is half here (not like I'm one to talk). I don't have a read on them yet, personally, however I'm pretty sure they are town. But they could be very good.

I know they are busy, like I was. I can get some leeway for that, because I understand. I'm pretty sure they are town, I can't really see them any other way. I dunno, they have come across as helpful to me.

I know she's distracted and busy, but she seems to have the town's interest at heart. I wouldn't be shocked if she comes back town on a read out. In my time, people with power roles are way more active (but I've only played one other time so idk.)

Posts are generally helpful and insightful. Pretty sure she's town, too.

Very aggressive, honestly think she's town aligned however. I think she's trying hard to get this game active, and she's trying to sus out scum without much to work with. That's fine. I'm pretty sure she's good.

I'm really sus of Daniel, he's been kinda trollish this whole game, like he's on a power trip. He's not really posted anything of substance, he's bandwagon'd a lot and his reasonings are weak at best. I think the Vig should shoot him, or the detective look into him.

I mean, he wanted to vote at night. Only the Mafia vote at night and that's for who to kill. Red flag anyone?

She's playing like she's a townie. Not sus at all.

Not very active from what I can tell, I'm sus of them for sure. They don't give good evidence and they just bandwagon a lot. They were barely kept alive by Tina, but I've sus of them. I think they should be looked into or just shot since they can't seem to contribute anything of substance. I'll be voting for her next day because of this.

I'm a little sus of him, too, but not by much. He could be mafia or just someone who doesn't know how to play. I'd watch him and see if my opinion changes, but they really seem like they were just thrown into the game without any idea what is going on. That's all.

I've been sus of this guy since the beginning. He role claimed right off the bat, wanted to take a town head count and has just been bandwagoning. If he's not Mafia, he's dumb, but I'm pretty sure he's mafia. Every time he posts I'm more suspicious of him, he just doesn't seem to get it. Even if he's not Mafia, his ideas seems to point into helping Mafia. I dunno, I just get hinky feels.

I have no real opinion on them, they really just seem like a confused player going along for the ride. Catlady defended him and ended up being a townie so there is a chance he's a townie. I dunno, not sus of him, he feels genuine, to me.

I hope this helps. I was to lazy to get quotes. ;; but they have been quoted a few times and such so... I didn't see the point.

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*They could be a very good Mafia
@ crystal's final sentence.

should learn to read before posting lol

Sticky Wipplesnit summons liquorice snakes to do her dirty work. As they sneak up the legs of her victims, one betrays her wishes and too sneaks up on her. The liquorice snakes wrap themselves tight around the necks of their prey. The blood of Vanellope, Rancis, and Sticky mixes together to leave a rainbow on the ground.

gnoixaim aka. Vanellope von Schweetz (Mason) was killed.
Danielkang2 aka. Rancis Fluggerbutter (Detective) was killed.
Zigzag991 aka. Sticky Wipplesnit (Framer) was killed.

You have until the end of Day 4 to vote a candidate for the lynch.

Day 4 will end 12am BST on Thursday 11th September (7pm EDT Wednesday 10th September).

Death idea contributed by Zigzag991.
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RIP detective, RIP Mason

We hit the framer though. :3

RIP guys. sorry to lose you.

BUT since we got three kills... This means there is an SK, right?
I like how Zig contributed to his own death lol.

♥ crystal {suspicion: uneasy}
is it just me..or..has she been playing kind of..sloppy? um i dunno if this has been mentioned but shes been making a lot of errors, etc. she wants to improve but...most of her posts are broken. plus, her reaction to some posts have been kind of suprising? or kind of odd? its..kinda hard to explain. otherwise shes been acting really weird. i don't even know anymore, i'm starting to doubt myself with all those townies lynched.
To me, being on invisble mode is very scummy. I also dont think Shark would have come up with this well thought plan. So, In my opinioN I dont think it should be used as evIdence.
hmm I might be switching my vote to kawaii. Maybe I'm just reading into it to much but maybe they said "are we surpassed to post here" to me this indicates 2 things.

1. she was talking to her coach
2. She was talking to her scummmates
more power roles. Why? Is it bc you can kill them? It sounds like you expected them to be blue. I think I'll be voting for you.
I don't think I'll be voting for Kawaii. This isn't evidence at all but I saw them viewing Tina's page. The could be asking a question, or send in mafia kills or actions if blue.

? in a pickle
hes really hard to read, like, he hasn't been posting. like for callaway, and other people who are busy, i feel kind of guilty for suspecting them. i don't have much to say here. :confused:

♥ callaway
her inactivity bugs me a little. most of her posts aren't really contributing. a 'safer' lynch i suppose? she's not really contributing, and most of her posts have been bandwagoning and such. hm.

♥ saylor
i'm inclined to believe they are town, however, all 'pro-town' players make me feel paranoid..? for now, shes pretty clear to me? she MAY have been bussing zig, idk.

also rip daniel :c

sk/maf on mia/daniel and vig on zig? or sk on zig?

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also my school started today so um x_x
You Are welcome. I am Jubileena Bing-Bing (1-Shot Vigilante) I used my shot on zig and now I'm just a regular townie.
Yes!One Mafia down.Going to make a sus list of all the players soon,I'm trying to contribute more.
♥ callaway
her inactivity bugs me a little. most of her posts aren't really contributing. a 'safer' lynch i suppose? she's not really contributing, and most of her posts have been bandwagoning and such. hm.

I've been traveling, visiting friends to say goodbye and packing before my move to Germany. I've been trying to be as active as possible however my life outside this game does have priority.

That being said, I've been giving this as much attention as I can spare, and I happen to agree with many views because we are all seeing the same things. I've been trying to contribute to everything I can, and I have even put my 2 cents in for who's to lynch. And you want to point fingers at not contributing I'll have to point back at you. All you do is post one liners and bandwagon and you cannot even finish your write up because you are too lazy/busy.

Seems Crystal was the Vig, to bad she only had one shot. But the fact that three people were taken, we have an SK among us.

rip gnox and daniel tho :'(

and maybe daniel voted for alise bcus he inspected her and she flipped scum ?
because he was a confused nub.

um so??
wouldn't he have a coach..

also thts a terrible reason lmao to think im scum, u dont even know who he inspected.


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I've been traveling, visiting friends to say goodbye and packing before my move to Germany. I've been trying to be as active as possible however my life outside this game does have priority.

That being said, I've been giving this as much attention as I can spare, and I happen to agree with many views because we are all seeing the same things. I've been trying to contribute to everything I can, and I have even put my 2 cents in for who's to lynch. And you want to point fingers at not contributing I'll have to point back at you. All you do is post one liners and bandwagon and you cannot even finish your write up because you are too lazy/busy.

Seems Crystal was the Vig, to bad she only had one shot. But the fact that three people were taken, we have an SK among us.

>puts in 2 cents to lynch

kind of aggressive like sheesh i just pointed out 1 thing