Hi it’s been a bit since I’ve been on here. When I was on here a few years ago most things were bought with IGB rather than TBT. What is tbt and how do you get/buy it? I know it stands for “The Bell tree (forums) bells”, but I don’t know what it actually is, how you can get it, etc. Do you have to buy it with your own actual money? And lastly how do you pay someone with it? Can someone walk me through that? I’m on a mobile device so do you just tap/click on their profile and is there a button or something? Sorry for all the questions, I’ve been searching around for some answers but can’t find any so I figured I’d post a new thread. Thanks to anyone who answers
Edit: also is there an app anybody knows of that I can get that allows me to use this app through it? Rather than using my browser all the time?
Edit: also is there an app anybody knows of that I can get that allows me to use this app through it? Rather than using my browser all the time?
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