Lmao when I flip you'll be the next target so don't even try that bandwagon bs with me
And I know.... but I don't even know how to contribute with this game. Like, literally, all of my 'shtty' reads would just be opinions. Because I don't even know how to take any of the posts during the game. But, you want my reads? Fine.
Starry is sus. All inactives who haven't contributed are sus (yes, this is hypocritical. after all, 'shtty' reads). And Trundle is most likely town for scumhunting.
There. That's all I literally have so far. Go ahead, bandwagon and lynch me, but it won't get you anywhere and it'll just hurt us in the long run.
If you paid attention, I didn?t mention you as scum anywhere and it was more of a pressure vote so you contribute more. I don?t understand why you?re so threatening to me over one vote and one post. I?m hardly even bandwagoning you?
And like I said, just because one player said your reads are bad, doesn?t mean you should give up trying at all. Opinions are still helpful because it gives us insight to what you?re thinking and why. What you said here seems to be based on what you?re thinking currently, instead of analyzing all the posts made so far. If you think Starry is sus and Trundle is town, maybe point out why? As someone already said, Trundle is mostly posting one liners and randomly pointing people as lynch candidates.
If you really want to improve your reads, stop thinking about what other people said and still make them. I?m not agreeing your reads are bad nor saying you?re scum because of it, but it would help you improve and give us more insight to your alignment.
I would also like to hear more from
Minties, Dolby (saw his post on Sataric while writing this), KarlaKGB, and Natty. You guys are experienced and hearing your thoughts so far would certainly help. I know with how the game is setup, things are confusing and there?s not much to go with, but this game could only get better if we all contribute
Meanwhile, these are the people that are on my
null reads because I'm not sure if they?re playing like this because there?s not much to go with, or because they?re taking advantage of the situation.
Ness is mafia, don't ask why. Just vote.
if you are reluctant to vote ness you're probably scum
He's scum and so are you, we're lynching you tomorrow.
Am I scum? That's a fun question. I'm not. That was easy. I know no one has asked yet but I thought I'd spare you all the trouble.
It's StarryWolf. Lynch StarryWolf.
I appreciate what Trojan did and now we must lynch Karla!
why don't we just play this like we would play an insane game in mafia irc and randomly lynch someone? I have a very strong hard-on suspicion for Karla

so let's lynch him
The rest of Trundle's posts
In Forest Fire, iirc Trundle has more to say about his accusations, but here he seems to point at anyone who seems to be suspicious as scum. He did state his reasons for voting for Ness
here, though, but after I asked why it seems?
I do not like Lucanosa or Llama's silence this game...
I don't like llamas silence...
I don't even know anymore man. I'm just waiting for someone to make a good case because I'm just stumped.
I guess since Starry normalized me, I'll tell you guys what i was.
I was a 1 shot Beloved Princess. Out of fear of being killed too early, i just used my shot on Trojan because i thought he was a good choice right after night started. I think a bus driver may have switched my shot to kill Panda instead though, unless another vig shot her. But with me and panda being vigs(and blu technically) I doubt there's 3 vigs, so I guess i killed panda.
The rest of Daniel's posts
Daniel certainly got better at mafia as last game he was only lynched because Sataric was kinged and had a gut feeling on him. He?s been pointing out players who haven?t said much, but maybe because he is stumped as he said.
I?m still not sure what Starry?s role is, but his claim relies on if Bus Driver actually exists in this game and switched Trojan & Panda. I?d really like to know why the Bus Driver switched the two, and if they actually exists in this game.
He also switched his vote on Ness on the last minute and he hasn?t explained his reasons why. He also voted for himself instead of Trojan, who he had enough suspicion on to shoot at night.
These players also haven?t voted yesterday:
mother of all llamas, m3ow, Lucanosa, doughssant
llamas has been silent for a while, m3ow seems confused on who to vote but I?d like to hear from them too, Lucanosa I already pointed out, and doughssant was banned and replaced by Runeraider.
If you noticed, I only have null reads because there?s not enough posts from some players to discern who is more suspicious than the rest. Lucanosa, Daniel, and Trundle stands out to me right now but I?m not exactly sure myself.
Please share any thoughts you have about the game so far and who you find suspicious, no matter how small.