TBT Suggestions and Feedback thread

there's a thumbs up post/like feature, but a thumbs down/dislike feature would also be useful...
The problem with the removal of the cart means that accidental buys can happen. Maybe as a toggle feature?
I definitely would like to see interest back up.

The TBT market is crashing and there is way too much poverty going on, interest would definitely benefit and boost it back up. *plus I've been waiting forever*

Thumbs down really wouldn't be such a great idea, people would get offended and gang up against a certain person. There are already numerous method of complaining, we don't need to bring it to the forum. *shrugs, too late*

Also, PLEASE make collectible line-ups organize-able! Trying to find collectibles to trade is a pain, especially when the date you need doesn't exist/belongs to inactive members. I suggest somehow making a sub link/redirect under your Inventory where you can drag/click the collectibles into the order you want. The dates could still show underneath your name, but the order wouldn't be organized by date.

As for the shop restocks, I think that there should be a limit for each restock, giving everyone a fair chance. I don't think that you should only be able to buy one at a time, since some people might want more than one for personal use, but maybe do like a limit of 5 per restock, and then they could buy another 5 in the next restock, etc.

Thread: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?236332

This is something I wrote up last year during the Halloween restocks, I still want to propose this idea and if the shop cart is not removable due to coding. I would like to suggest the removal of the "QUANTITY" box in the shop cart so that 1 person can't just buy 10+ collectibles with 1 click of their mouse. As well as the suggestion in the thread that once you have an item in the cart, it's taken away from the available stock and you're given a limited amount of time to purchase it.

I'm not familiar with coding or anything of the sort but it's just an idea to throw out. It's a bit disheartening to see during restocks only a handful of people getting majority of the collectibles only to sell them all for a mass profit.


You don't know how many times I tried to buy a flipping Pumpkin Cupcake and have it wipped out my cart by someone (who already had like 6 of them).
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Well I think we could keep it but once it's in your cart, it can't be taken out again.

This, could prevent this stupid lag and stuck items whenever they actually restock. Sure someone might not be able to get 10 apples at once but what's the fun ._.
Maybe the mods making this thread would've been a better idea, but that's just me.
there's a thumbs up post/like feature, but a thumbs down/dislike feature would also be useful...

It could be a thing, but it could be counterproductive. Maybe keeping the people who dislike the post hidden would be a solution to keep that in check.

I don't think it should be a priority, though, working on more refining features first would be a better idea.
Something that I have been thinking about that could help the site could be possible advertisement?

I personally don't think opening donations to TBT is a bad idea. It could help pay for add-ons from the vBulliten shop and maybe some advertisement to help TBT grow and prosper. Mods/Admins shouldn't be the only people who pays for TBT!
Something that I have been thinking about that could help the site could be possible advertisement?

I personally don't think opening donations to TBT is a bad idea. It could help pay for add-ons from the vBulliten shop and maybe some advertisement to help TBT grow and prosper. Mods/Admins shouldn't be the only people who pays for TBT!

I'm pretty sure ads only show up when you're not a member/not logged in.
As for donations, I think that would be a good idea, the forum I used to be active on used to get about $50-100 a month. Doesn't seem like much to some people but it definitely helps.
I'm pretty sure ads only show up when you're not a member/not logged in.
As for donations, I think that would be a good idea, the forum I used to be active on used to get about $50-100 a month. Doesn't seem like much to some people but it definitely helps.

I mean like tbt ads on other sites but yea
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I mean like tbt ads on other sites but yea

Could be wrong but I think Jubs said that the ad for guests was a test or something and depending on how it went would determine whether or not it would be on full TBT. Like I said I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I remember him sayin something like that.
Something that I have been thinking about that could help the site could be possible advertisement?

I personally don't think opening donations to TBT is a bad idea. It could help pay for add-ons from the vBulliten shop and maybe some advertisement to help TBT grow and prosper. Mods/Admins shouldn't be the only people who pays for TBT!

yeah the only person who pays for TBT as far as I'm aware is Jeremy the owner.

Almost 100% sure that none of the mods pay.
Speaking of donations I am still waiting on the avatar feature so I can have my shirt from almost 3 years ago !!
In regards to ads, they have been enabled for guests for a long time now and we intend to enable them for all users in the near-ish future. This additional revenue will help pay for real prizes in future events (like in past Fairs, which were a significant expense) in addition to server costs which have been mostly served by the guest ads.

In regards to donations, we have early tentative plans for some premium features through donations. These would only be additions that have been requested, I promise we would never take anything away and try to sell it. This is a long way down the line though.
i dont have a problem with using vms/pms to trade with people, but using a ping box would be so much easier because i wouldnt have to keep refreshing and keeping an eye on the site until the trade is over. this is something that i recall being brought up several times now, but i dont remember seeing any mods posting a response to this suggestion in the past

we should also have more options with our profiles and be able to customize it a bit more, be creative. i understand if we're not able to do this and i know other forums don't provide this option ether (like flight rising and myanimelist). in other forums boards i participated in, we were able to customize our pages to an extent just so there's something more to do to keep us occupied on the forums and it's just fun looking around and seeing what people have done to their profiles. i can see this being a hassle for the mods though, but i suggest keeping this in mind if you need ideas on doing something new with the forums
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i dont have a problem with using vms/pms to trade with people, but using a ping box would be so much easier because i wouldnt have to keep refreshing and keeping an eye on the site until the trade is over. this is something that i recall being brought up several times now, but i dont remember seeing any mods posting a response to this suggestion in the past

we should also have more options with our profiles and be able to customize it a bit more, be creative. i understand if we're not able to do this and i know other forums don't provide this option ether (like flight rising and myanimelist). in other forums boards i participated in, we were able to customize our pages to an extent just so there's something more to do to keep us occupied on the forums and it's just fun looking around and seeing what people have done to their profiles. i can see this being a hassle for the mods though, but i suggest keeping this in mind if you need ideas on doing something new with the forums

You can enable PM pop ups via the settings to get a pop up and automatically be taken to the TBT tab when you get a PM. I have this enabled, and I always keep the users online list open, which has auto refresh every 2 minutes. That way, as soon as I get a PM, I'll get it within 2 minutes if I'm online. No pop ups for VM's afaik, but I don't really use VM's that much so I'm not too bothered by that much.

Also could be wrong, but I remember a while ago jeff saying that profile customization is disabled because it will make the forum look too messy with everyone having customized profiles. P sure this was a good amount of years ago tho, so things could have changed BTS but iirc this was the last I heard about custom profiles.
Why is it such a bg deal somebody finally made a so called improvement thread? The OP is about posting ideas/complaints yadda. So do dat. Like its just to keep the site cleaner and make everybody feel heard.

As for mes.. I have none. I wish theyre werent so many spammy topics that were repeats constantly from peeps trying to be all cool and edgy but whatevs. I'll watch this place go down in the dumps. okay jk dont hate me.
You can enable PM pop ups via the settings to get a pop up and automatically be taken to the TBT tab when you get a PM. I have this enabled, and I always keep the users online list open, which has auto refresh every 2 minutes. That way, as soon as I get a PM, I'll get it within 2 minutes if I'm online. No pop ups for VM's afaik, but I don't really use VM's that much so I'm not too bothered by that much.

Also could be wrong, but I remember a while ago jeff saying that profile customization is disabled because it will make the forum look too messy with everyone having customized profiles. P sure this was a good amount of years ago tho, so things could have changed BTS but iirc this was the last I heard about custom profiles.

ah, yeah i have the pop ups enabled, but it doesnt work most the time. it's not much of a surprise when i refresh the page after like ten minutes only to get a notification from someone that was sent five minutes earlier

and thanks for the info on the customization part