TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

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Aww I love this! What a wonderful event 🌸 I haven’t taken part in any previous flower breeding so I’m excited! The pink hyacinths are my favourites 😫🫶🏼 I only have 80 bells to my name so will have to get posting so I can afford a golden watering can and some hyacinths 👀
This is so cute! I loved the first one, and it'll be nice to be able to get back some of the hybrids I regrettably sold, as well as the new ones!
Also, historic scenery?? Thank you staff, this is amazing, now I just gotta find a couple hours to figure out the optimal time and dates 😭
The golden watering can and new roses! ✨ Thank you for making the golden watering can a permanent addition. Now, I am crossing my fingers for some glittering gold roses. 🌹🤞 Come on, Lady Luck, where you at?

Also, thanks for the 1 bell Leif, much appreciated. Haha, every bell counts.
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this might be a stupid question, but I really don't have the time or energy to look through every post to find an answer. will flowers previously bought help with getting hybrids? like if I already have a bunch of white roses bought previously can they still produce a purple rose?
this might be a stupid question, but I really don't have the time or energy to look through every post to find an answer. will flowers previously bought help with getting hybrids? like if I already have a bunch of white roses bought previously can they still produce a purple rose?

To my knowledge, flowers you already bought should work in this event. I remember it being that way in the 2019 event.

please .... water me
Take me to splash town! I'm ready for the water fight.
I think this is so interesting logistically-- I would love to see how the flowers are generated.
And I'm also excited for the photo event! It will be tough to choose just one thing I love enough to submit for the beauty of nature.
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