TBT's Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I got 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 18
I'm too lazy to look for the rest honestly! XD
I only usually find 1-2 per hour anyway. And the only thing I gain from that is feeling starved. =w='
I'm back! still need 2 more to get a sakura or pikachu. if i get 5 more i can get those plus regular egg.

still need:

clues 10, 12, 14 ,19, 24, and 25.

just thought i had great new idea for 12 but it didnt net me anything. i better grab a coffee and come back!
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In all honesty I traded the Candy Egg for an Apple so i'm satisfied. The only egg I actually somewhat liked this time around was the Sakura egg but I bought the pikachu egg instead.

I found 17/25 eggs, so i'm satified. Really excited to know what the hell #5 was.
I only found 10 eggs ;-; I don't feel like searching for the rest of them, it would save me the stress. But I am excited to see the answers at least. c:
I'm still at 22/25 since my last post. I already have a regular egg collectible, so that was my excuse to not search any more! I'm missing 24, the receipt one and another one. Looking forward to the answers!
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