TBT's Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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im so sad i literally just got home back from a weekend of hell with my relatives and basically missed the easter egg hunt! the good news is that i still have a couple of hours to search for clues at least. so far these eggs are leaving clueless
HOLY CRAP! I finally found my last egg! Good one guys!! #14 was certainly the most difficult!
I just woke up like 15 minutes ago and had a sudden revelation about #11 omggg lol now i can spend the rest of these eggs
i believe in everyone in this thread ok!!! you can do it <3 also omg ppl saying 14 is easy ok then
Finally got all 25, glad to say the least :)

Time to trade these eggs for some collectibles now ( I don't like their looks lol)
I actually found 12 eggs this year, which is AMAZING for me, personally. Usually I top out at 9. :) I just can't stop though.
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