TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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yay solved my first puzzle!
harder than expected I hope the other ones are easier o_O
i came back to this thread after about 12 hours away and found 5 in a row so i rly do suggest taking a break! i have stalled since then but this is by far the best egg hunt for me so far, i actually feel almost smart (not quite... but almost)
i came back to this thread after about 12 hours away and found 5 in a row so i rly do suggest taking a break! i have stalled since then but this is by far the best egg hunt for me so far, i actually feel almost smart (not quite... but almost)
There's no time for breaks eggs are limited I'mma sit here all day and look
Post #666!

To celebrate this thread reaching 666 posts, I am going to post the statistics of egg sales so far.

Candy Corn - 2
Moonlight - 33. 17 left.
Zombie - 3. 47 left.
Cobweb - 29. 1 left.
Flick - 2. 13 left.

My predictions for future sales...:
Cobweb is most popular and will sell out within the next half hour.
Flick will sell out towards the end of the event.
Moonlight will sell out a bit earlier than Flick.
Candy Corns will sell more when the event is closer to ending.
Zombie is least popular and won’t even get close to selling out.
i came back to this thread after about 12 hours away and found 5 in a row so i rly do suggest taking a break! i have stalled since then but this is by far the best egg hunt for me so far, i actually feel almost smart (not quite... but almost)
I honestly slept on it and some things made more sense! Taking a step back is a great idea y'all :D
I'm pretty sure I murdered a few brain cells but I finally found enough eggs to get the glorious Moonlight Halloweaster Egg - the one egg I wanted the most. I'm going to take a break and see if I feel like sacrificing more brain cells to keep trying. My poor old brain hurts...
Post #666!

To celebrate this thread reaching 666 posts, I am going to post the statistics of egg sales so far.

Candy Corn - 2
Moonlight - 33. 17 left.
Zombie - 3. 47 left.
Cobweb - 29. 1 left.
Flick - 2. 13 left.

My predictions for future sales...:
Cobweb is most popular and will sell out within the next half hour.
Flick will sell out towards the end of the event.
Moonlight will sell out a bit earlier than Flick.
Candy Corns will sell more when the event is closer to ending.
Zombie is least popular and won’t even get close to selling out.
I wanted that post number smh
While I'd like the Zombie Easter Egg, and admittedly the Golden Egg too, it looks like it just isn't going to happen. I just need to figure out two more to get the Candy Corn, Cobweb, and Moonlight Halloweaster Eggs. I'd say I did a bit better than my personal average in this Egg Hunt, so that's nice at least.

Still stuck on 6 for the second day as a row, and also 12, 16, and 20.
I managed to figure out 10 so far that’s more than I figured I’d get. I hope I can find a couple more before the event ends tomorrow night.
im hoping someone will be selling a candy corn egg after this cause i doubt im gonna get 3 eggs at this rate lol

maybe i'll be able to spot some tomorrow?? im in big dummy mode right now smh πŸ˜”

update, no longer in dummy mode!! happy with my candy corn egg, pairs well with my chao egg :blush:
I managed to figure out 10 so far that’s more than I figured I’d get. I hope I can find a couple more before the event ends tomorrow night.
tbh same, I've never done this well on an egg hunt before. I think practice really does make perfect.

I'm def going for three more so I can get the candy corn egg!
Oh there's no more cobweb eggs. Well I give up on my egg search then
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