TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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Egg 24 is ruining my pro puzzle solving streak and I don't like it
Congrats to the person who got the golden egg!

Also the header is literally terrifying 😳
Yay I got egg number 25! Now I have a reason to find more eggs ;) I really want the candycorn egg
for some reason when i came back to this i figured out 2 more eggs almost immediately but thats the last of my brain power i think..........the candy corn egg is so pretty
I just found egg nr. 25 after sleeping on it. Now today's productivity will be wasted because I will be looking for at least 2 more, out of 5 clues I have left XD
Welp, I tried looking one last time and I can't search no longer. Besides, I'm completely satisfied with the eggs I bought and keeping for myself. I just figured I'd find at least one more but no luck there. I surely can't wait until the answers are revealed.

I'm going to bed, been a long day!
So I managed to find another egg. Somehow.

I’m hoping to atleast find one more and give in to the candy corn egg. Make my suffering actually worth something.
Okay I was able to find some eggs and cashed it in for the candy corn egg. This hunt was really really hard, 😓 but at least I found some.
Managed to find another egg.
I’m going to keep going for a bit longer and see if I can gather a few more eggs up.
For my first egg hunt it definitely took a bit of time to get used to it. I found a few, happy with that number because I'm getting more annoyed than it's worth I think haha.

Fingers crossed I'm online when the next restock happens.
I'm back~
Currently have 1/3/4/7/8/9/15/20 and 21! I feel like, if I did try the puzzles,it would be a last min thing.
So just gonna continue those clues. :3 That Flick and zombie one shall be mine! Hopefully I'll have time XD
Oh! Epiphany... Tried a variation on something I already tried yesterday for egg nr. 24, and got it! :D Still to go: 5, 12, 17 and 22.
Sleep does help! Just found my 16th egg 🎉

Will all restocks be announced, or have they also been random?
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