TBT's Sakura Week

Event status
i cannot tell you folks how much i adore this event and how i've been waiting since they announced it would return this year. the first hybrid week was one of my first tbt events ever and holds such a special place in my heart.
I'm glad you guys like the little mini-game to mix things up, as absurdly simple and basic it is.

I hope this is an annual event and we get a chance for more hybrids next year. I don't think anyone managed to grow one blue rose last year

Annual flower events are my hope and plan. :) Yeah, lots of progress made towards the difficult ones last year, hope some of that hard work is rewarded this week!

is the pink sakura just the spring sakura renamed or what

i love how this event just fueled my spending habits 😭 i be like "okay one more sakura. maybe just one more. 59 bells wont hurt." and then suddenly all my tbt is gone ! wowee.

im still very open to helping others when i can, i just found it so funny that i didnt wanna buy a lot of sakura but i ended up. buying a lot of sakura. thanks tbt JDKSJD
I'm remembering why I borrowed flowers for breeding and didn't buy a watering can last year (kind of pricey esp bc I went crazy with easter and the pink sakuras last year skfdkg). Feels nice to be able to water other members posts this year! I felt the fomo before ngl. 😅 Rip to our wallets though.😩
Yay, Sakura Week is finally here!

Love the look of the three new Sakura color variants. Also glad to see that Zipper Sakuras can be generated with the Zipper Balloon. I've been thinking about collecting them eventually, so it's nice that there might be more in circulation via this method.

Had a nice sakura-themed avatar and signature set for Sakura Week, but I can't pass up the opportunity to try to grow a Gold Hybrid Rose, so swapped to Joker from Persona 2: Innocent Sin since he has some association with flowers. I'll just switch back to that other sakura-themed set after Easter for a general Spring aesthetic.

Missed out on the Golden Watering Can last year, but glad to have been able to save up and acquire one this year.

Here's hoping for a great growing season and that everyone gets something they're looking for during this event.