TBT's Sakura Week

Event status


Nefarious did this.
Jun 11, 2005
White Sakura
White Sakura
White Sakura
Purple Sakura
White Sakura
Pink Sakura
White Sakura
Pink Sakura
White Sakura
Golden Watering Can

Welcome to The Bell Tree's Sakura Week, the latest edition of our annual hybrid growing event, running from March 24th to 31st! During this event, you can find special limited time opportunities to purchase flowers, grow hybrids, collect historic scenery, and earn bells.

As the name implies, the highlight of this year's event are three brand new Sakura flower collectibles to buy and grow!

Sakura Week's Flowers To Buy & Grow

For this event, the Shop will sell common Sakura, Rose, and Hyacinth flowers. These same types of flowers can then be grown into special hybrids as well. Find an overview of all the flowers involved in this event below, and keep reading for full details on how hybrid growing works.

  • 308.jpg
    Pink Sakura and White Sakura are available for 59 Bells in Shop.
  • 1469.jpg
    Purple Sakura and Blue Sakura can be grown as hybrids.
  • 208.jpg
    Red, Yellow, and White Roses are available for 39 Bells in Shop.
  • 712.jpg
    Gold, Black, Orange, Purple, Pink, and Blue Roses
    can be grown as hybrids.
  • 624.jpg
    Red, Yellow, and White Hyacinths are available for 39 Bells in Shop.
  • 714.jpg
    Orange, Pink, Blue, and Purple Hyacinths can be grown as hybrids.
Looking for a different flower type? Other types of flowers, both common and hybrids, will make a return or new appearance in future flower events.

Hybrid Flower Growing Guide

During Sakura Week, you can enjoy a fun unique forum feature we call hybrid flower growing! You will be able to grow hybrid flower collectibles in your line-up from your regular flower collectibles, just like in the real Animal Crossing games.

Each night, the flowers in your collectible line-up have a small chance to produce a new hybrid collectible from the list of eligible hybrid flowers. This will begin on the evening of Tuesday, March 25th and take place for 7 nights through Monday, March 31st.

How To Grow Hybrid Flowers

  • Flower collectibles must be visible in your line-up and can be paired horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to breed.
    • To increase your chances of growing a hybrid, you can fit as many pairs into your line-up as possible.
  • Each hybrid combination has a base 1% chance of growing a hybrid.
    • Placing a Watering Can item in your line-up increases the chance of growing a hybrid from any pair in your lineup.
    • Other users watering your new posts with a Watering Can increases the chance of growing hybrids further with an additional bonus.
  • If a hybrid combination has multiple possible results, equal random chance between all possibilities will determine the final result when a hybrid is grown.
  • If you successfully grow a hybrid, it will not decrease your chances of growing another one in the subsequent days.
    • However, you cannot grow more than one of each hybrid per day.
  • You can only grow a hybrid if you have logged into the forum since the last round of growth, or the event's start for the first round.
    • Each round of growth will take place around 10PM EDT beginning Tuesday, March 25th.
Special Gold Rose Rules
  • Golden Watering Can must be displayed in your line-up to grow Gold Roses.
  • All bonuses, including watering can bonus and water reaction bonus, do not apply to growing Gold Roses.
Available Hybrid Flower Combinations

The following hybrid flower combinations can be grown during Sakura Week...


Input 1​
Input 2​


Input 1​
Input 2​

✨ Red Roses grown from the Orange + Purple inputs are a special Magic Red Rose that is required to grow Blue Roses. Animation only appears during flower events.
❗ Gold Roses have special growing rules.


Input 1​
Input 2​

Improve Flower Growing with Watering Cans

Want to increase the odds of growing a hybrid flower collectible in your line-up? Leif is selling Watering Can items in the Shop during Sakura Week to help you out! Watering Cans give multiple perks to help both yourself and others increase the odds of growing hybrid flower collectibles.

You can buy two different types of Watering Cans in the Shop:
  • 717.jpg
    Flimsy Watering Can costs 149 Bells and...
    • Increases the chance of you producing hybrids by 2.5%, when placed in your line-up.
    • Unlocks 💦 Water reaction, which Increases the chance of another user producing hybrids by 0.075%, when watering their new posts.
    • Expires as a temporary collectible after Sakura Week ends.
  • 718.jpg
    Golden Watering Can costs 499 Bells and...
    • Increases the chance of you producing hybrids by 5%, when placed in your line-up.
    • Unlocks ✨ Sparkle Water reaction, which Increases the chance of another user producing hybrids by 0.15% when watering their new posts.
    • Enables the exclusive ability to breed two Black Roses into a Gold Rose, when placed in your line-up.
    • Keep as a permanent decorative collectible after Sakura Week ends, but a refill may be needed in future events to use flower benefits.
The benefits of these items do not stack, so there is no benefit to owning both watering cans.

When watering other user's posts with either Watering Can, the following applies:
  • Water other users by using the special 💦 Water or ✨ Sparkle Water reactions on their posts.
  • The watering bonus only applies when water is reacted on new posts made since the last round of growth, or the event's start for the first round.
  • You can only receive a maximum total of 7% bonus increased chance through other users watering your posts.
  • The bonus chance resets each night after the latest hybrid growth time.

Look Out For Weeds, Bees, and Lily of the Valley

Introduced for this edition of flower growing, look out for three new possible suspects to find their way into your line-up throughout the event!
  • 1471.jpg
    Sometimes when growing flowers, a pesky weed or two may appear and disrupt your line-up! These can be sold back to the Shop for 3 Bells or you can keep them as collectibles.
  • 425.jpg
    Bee Plush:
    Rarely when successfully growing a hybrid, a friendly Bee Plush collectible may appear in your line-up to celebrate! Buzz buzz!
  • 491.jpg
    Lily of the Valley:
    Rarely when successfully growing a hybrid, a beautiful Lily of the Valley collectible may appear in your line-up!

Leif's Community Goals

New for this year's flower growing event, you can unlock Community Goals from Leif together as a team! All of the goals in the table below are unlocked based on the total number of new hybrids grown throughout Sakura Week. Good luck everyone -- let's see if you can unlock them all!

Hybrids Grown​
125 ✅
✨ New possible appearance in line-ups after hybrid growth!
250 ✅
✨Another new possible appearance in line-ups after hybrid growth!
💰 Leif Bell Bonus extended by one week!
Free Leif character collectible

Collect Historic Scenery

Historic Scenery -- a special kind of scenery collectible that features datestamps into the past -- is now available again for a limited time during Sakura Week helping to make new line-ups possible!

How Historic Scenery Works

Here's what you need to know about how Historic Scenery works during Sakura Week:
  • Historic versions of all Scenery styles released to date are available.
  • Each Historic Scenery item costs 50 Bells each, regardless of style.
  • You can choose datestamps from October 1st, 2012 to March 1st, 2025.
  • A maximum limit of 5 Historic Scenery may be purchased during Sakura Week. This will be enforced at the end of the event by automatically discarding excess purchases and is not limited by the Shop's cart.
  • Transformations of Historic Scenery into your desired date and style will be processed after Sakura Week ends.
Further opportunities to buy historic scenery may come in future events with different options or limits in place.

How To Buy & Use Historic Scenery

For the time being, the process to buy Historic Scenery is a bit clunky and complicated, so please be patent with us following these instructions carefully in the spoiler below:

Step 1: Purchase up to 5 Historic Scenery items from the Shop, regardless of the style you wish to have.

Step 2: Find the Historic Scenery items in your inventory and click Configure.


Step 3: To select the historic date and time, you must enter a unix timestamp into the matching Unix Timestamp field.

To complete this field, go to this website and input your desired date and time. Ensure the time zone matches your forum time zone setting for consistency with your existing collectibles. Copy the very number in the list that is in a pure number format and paste it into the Unix Timestamp field. It'll look something like this: 1713660180


Step 4: To select the style of scenery, you must enter one of the following keywords into the Scenery Style field that matches the styles seen in the Shop here:

lightbrown, lightgreen, skyclouds, skygrass, golden, snowstorm, playful, nightsky, arcade, enchantedforest, beach

Please be sure to enter the keywords exactly as seen above or your Historic Scenery will not transform.

Step 5: As an example, the screenshot below is what I would input if I wanted a Night Sky Scenery to appear in my line-up on September 19th, 2020 at 9:44PM. Be sure to hit Save!


Get Bonus Bells From Leif

Looking for some extra bells in your wallet during Sakura Week? There are two ways Leif can help you out right now!

Daily Leif Bell Bonus

Until the end of March, earn an extra 15 Bells bonus for every day that you create a post in an eligible board.
This is an additional bonus on top of whatever amount of Bells you may already receive from posting. Happy earning!

Eligible boards include Animal Crossing discussion boards, Nintendo Treehouse, Gamer's Lounge, The Museum, and bell-eligible Brewster's Cafe threads. The daily bonus resets and can be earned again after 22 hours have passed.

Pick Weeds In Leif's Mini-game

Leif needs your help cleaning up his garden from a weed infestation! Play his mini-game here to earn some Bells for your assistance, and look out for an extra clean up shift or two to pick up later this week.


  • Jeremy: Hybrid flower growing feature development.
  • Justin: Event planning, organizing, writing, weed picking mini-game.
  • Chris: Sakura collectible recolouring.
  • Laudine: Original Sakura collectible creation.
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Wow!! The purple and blue Sakuras look so pretty!! 💜💙 And I'm glad we're breeding roses and hyacinths this time around since I was hoping to get a purple hyacinth and a gold rose (if I'm lucky) before learning of that.

I didn't do well in the last event and I'd be happy to give flower breeding another shot, but I've been occupied with a lot lately so I have to skip this one for the time being. (I do want to add however, that since I still want to get my dream flowers, I'm having someone else help me out instead.) I hope those of you joining in can get lots of pretty flowers!! Good luck!! 🍀🌹
sakura week!!!! the sakura collectibles are so so so pretty 🥹

i probably missed it in the OP, but can we breed using old sakura collectibles (like the ones from last year), or do all the sakuras have to be brand new from today? thanks!! c:
Is the zipper balloon going to be available in the shop? I missed out on the balloon whenever it was available.

No, sorry, it's just a little extra on the side. Maybe the balloon will come back another time!

I wish the weeds were permanent!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if you get the weeds can you keep them after the event or will they disappear?

They're set to disappear, if not sold back to the Shop first. It's just intended as a silly extra game mechanic, not a beautiful collectible to keep -- it's very quickly thrown together and kinda ugly in my opinion! But maybe we can reconsider if you guys actually like it for some reason lol.

sakura week!!!! the sakura collectibles are so so so pretty 🥹

i probably missed it in the OP, but can we breed using old sakura collectibles (like the ones from last year), or do all the sakuras have to be brand new from today? thanks!! c:

The old Sakura are fine to use!

Edit: I bought the flimsy watering can but I don't see it in my inventory, is that normal?

Oops, fixed!