TBT's Season of Giving 2022 Gifts Revealed and Other Announcements!

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The gift collectibles are top notch this year too! Ooh another raffle...I don't think my heart can take it after the last one 😅
The new gift reveal collectibles are all adorable! Who doesn't love a yummy Gingerbread Man to go with their Hot Cocoa? And who wouldn't love to have the Silent Night Bauble & Red Holiday Candle to decorate for the holidays? Then after all the festivies we can settle down for a nice rest with our Toy Duck Plush. I really don't think I can pick a favorite this year! I absolutely love the new Oblivia's Ugly Christmas Egg collectible! (Please be made permanently displayable!) I must be honest - the 2022 Candy Cane is my favorite Candy Cane so far. Thank you @Laudine, @Oblivia, @Mistreil & @Mick for the incredible new collectible designs!

Thank you to @Jeremy & all the Staff for another wonderful event! Thank you to everyone who was able to send gifts and/or donate funds to help the four charities! I'm so proud of everyone for their generous hearts! I hope TBT's donations help people all over the world!
I love my duck and bauble!

But more importantly, I absolutely love Oblivia’s egg! I hope we can keep it permanently~
They are all so cute!
I really like the Hot Coco, and the candle is really nice too!
Thank you staff for such a fun event. I really liked seeing people decorate cookies. And I also liked the 12 days of Collectibles and the daily advent calendar!
Thank you, Jeremy and staff, for another amazing event! It really put me in the Christmas mood this year!

The new holiday collectibles look amazing! The Silent Night Bauble is my favorite because of the beautiful shade of blue, but they are all perfect. Thank you, Mistreil and Mick!

The new Holiday Candy Cane 2022 is my favorite candy cane color combo by far! Is it for Halloween? Is it for Christmas? Why not both? It's the Nightmare Before Christmas candy cane. I love the dark and gothic vibes! Thanks, Laudine!

Finally, I am so happy that we were able to raise so much money for the various charities this year! They are all wonderful causes and I appreciate being part of such a generous community, between the staff who will be donating to the selected charities and the TBT members who also donated money on their own!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year to you all!
I'm so happy we raised over $800 for charity! 🥳 We could have never done it without this wonderful community and TBT members putting in about half of those donations willing, knowing we are helping good causes is a gift of it's own
Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary on TBT and I can safely say TBT's season of giving was my favorite event I've participated in, the events this time were the most relaxing by far! My favorites were Holiday Snowscapes, Tiny Toy Jamboree(although I couldn't get to participate because I wasn't feeling good) Christmas Countdown and Chipper Confections(though I can't participate in this either I loved seeing so many cookies!) I already voted for my favorites on all the events except Lyrical Limericks
I'm so happy there is 3 new food collectables for this event! I love my Hanukkah candy and Gingerbread man! Oooh the Christmas gold candy one of my dream collectables, is 19 tickets maybe enough for a chance to win one of six of these? 👀
I'm actually VERY happy with the presents I got! Normally I have bad luck but this year it was epic! Such a nice Christmas blend!
Omg I love the collectible so much, thanks a lot!!! 🤩 well done all raising all of that for charity too!
One of the best parts about this is that I was only thinking yesterday how nice the festive bell collectible is, and now I can buy one! 😂
I cannot stress enough how absolutely ecstatic I feel about the ducky. We got cat and duck plushies this year, my two most favourite animals and I couldn’t be happier! I also love the bauble, silent night is my favourite carol. The other collectibles are also absolutely adorable! I can’t decide what to line up!
oh these collectibles are amazing!! staff you absolutely knocked it out of the park once again, thank you so much for such a fun event!! <3
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