TBT's Second Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I'm a little confused on where I enter in the code for any eggs. I know the answer to the puzzle with egg number six, but where do I enter that answer? I must be missing something, so if you could explain things to me, that would be greatly appreciated. :)
I'm a little confused on where I enter in the code for any eggs. I know the answer to the puzzle with egg number six, but where do I enter that answer? I must be missing something, so if you could explain things to me, that would be greatly appreciated. :)

Puzzle: Use the clue to construct the code. Use all caps and no spaces/symbols.
htt p://www.belltreeforums.com/credits.php?code=PUTTHECODEHERE
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I've just finished some really difficult easter puzzles on other sites in a couple of hours. But then I come here and spend just over 5 hours trying to work out any of this xD I don't feel smart any more. Will come back tomorrow and see if any of it makes sense then but I fear my cultural inepitude is going to cost me here.
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To those who have been stuck on finding certain egg(s):

Take a break and don't overthink it :) many of them are way easier than you think they are.
Puzzle: Use the clue to construct the code. Use all caps and no spaces/symbols.
htt p://www.belltreeforums.com/credits.php?code=PUTTHECODEHERE

Ah, thank you so much. I can't believe I didn't realize that sooner. I kept clicking the link the Jeremy had when he posted the thread, and it just kept bringing me to the currency page. I guess I should read the link, first, from now on. ^^;
Guys, all I can say is "Fighting!"

myself not included, since I'm thisclose to giving up on #11 XD
How can #3 sound so straightforward but it is so complicated to find the egg??? I feel like I'm over thinking this :?
How I tried this Egg Hint: Worked at it for about 2 hours, found NOTHING, went out with the family for 9 hours, come back and hunt for another hour and still cant figure a single question out..... Brilliance is what I must have to not be able to figure out these questions XD
Did egg #3 go away? I thought I figured it out, but there's no link.
Wow, I thought I figured out the solitude one, but It's not where I thought it would be :/
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