TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I feel like this is mostly a thing for people use to the forum. As a newer member i feel kinda left out lol
Not true. As 2015 was my first Easter Egg Hunt, I was a little unaware what was going on. But I of course, looked everywhere and I found a total of 14 eggs. That’s decent (Or very good) for a novice at the event.
13 and 14 were the easiest ones yet! Now I have enough to get the disco egg!!!
Ooh, these clues look relatively easy. But I’m betting they’re in the non-obvious places.

Here I go.
We can transfer eggs right? If I end up not getting enough eggs I think I?ll give mine to someone who needs a few more to buy one

Sorry, but you can't transfer eggs to another user. However, you can buy Zipper Sakuras for just one egg each! I'm going to buy an entire line-ups worth! Once I find more than 4 eggs, that is...
I'M CRYING I GOT THE DREAMY EGG !!!(!!!!!) i have never felt this happy i want to cry
thanks staff for the new 4 clues, im so glad they clicked in my mind the moment i read them :lemon:
Ok, I just woke up from bed, and I immediately found three of the new eggs. I still got to find that other one and the four eggs I didn’t get yesterday.
Got 12 and 13 so far from the new batch, I'm hoping I can figure out the leaf ticket clue soon, too, since I feel so close!
I got 12-14, but can't figure out 15 or some of the earlier ones, but I already felt really close multiple times. Gotta keep going for that Nightmare egg
Yay thanks for the new clues ; w ;
I was finally able to find some for the first time!.

Accidentally found egg 1 while looking for another xD
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