TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Wait. Oohhhh. Okay I get it.

Darn you 7's! Quit your trolling actions. At least they aren't doing any cringe dances.
*joins the 7 dance party*
zipper t bunny: :)
me: :(

this photo: *exists*

me: :)
wait, if zipper is a bunny and has kids.......... does he have like 100 kids??

Can confirm, I'm one of this kids and I've been forced to work on making egg collectibles 24/7 :(
this easter egg hunt basically proves my lack of knowledge. i've been stuck on #3 forever.
also i'm sorry if this has been clarified or asked before, but is it compulsory to find all eggs in order?
What is this clue number 21 lmaoo. I'm not even trying nope bye Ty next
this easter egg hunt basically proves my lack of knowledge. i've been stuck on #3 forever.
also i'm sorry if this has been clarified or asked before, but is it compulsory to find all eggs in order?

nope, any order you want!
I'm trying to find 2 more eggs just two more but my brain is aching, my eyes are burning and I can't remember where I've randomly looked for eggs. I'm getting the clues all jumbled up in my mind. I realized that at one point I was trying to figure out how to bop and then cook 12 bald eagles. I only figured out part of number 18 and now have a cake. And I can't even eat it.

Now the dancing 7s are taunting me... just 2 more eggs.... that's all I need for the eggs I'd like... 2 more eggs... I see you, you d*mn dancing 7s...
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I'm trying to find 2 more eggs just two more but my brain is aching, my eyes are burning and I can't remember where I've randomly looked for eggs. I'm getting the clues all jumbled up in my mind. I realized that at one point I was trying to figure out how to bop and then cook 12 bald eagles. I only figured out part of number 18 and now have a cake. And I can't even eat it.

Now the dancing 7s are taunting me... just 2 more eggs.... that's all I need for the eggs I'd like... 2 more eggs... I see you, you d*mn dancing 7s...

I feel. I spent ages looking for 2 more that I needed and eventually did it. If I can do it, you can too! Don't loose hope :D
I propose we seize the means of production and redistribute the eggs equally among the masses. WHO WILL JOIN THE REVOLUTION COMRADES???

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