TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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this easter egg hunt is brought to you by the number 7
I'd say whoever figures out #21 is going to be a legend.

(Which isn't gonna be me sadly)
Honestly #11 and #15 seem so simple but I just. can't. get them.
Why exactly is it raining sevens?

Edit: Hol up. Is this because it's the seventh egg hunt, or is it part of a clue? HMMMMMMM
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Clue #21 is worse than this monster.
I finally got egg #1 but I thought it was for a different one? Oh well
Now the Zippers in the posts are dancing & the giant Zipper in the banner has 7s for eyes. This is nightmare fuel. I have to get off of here....
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I vaguely remember this

I never forget. Out of all of the Egg Hunt clues and TBT Fair Mirrors, the butterly mirror that turns out to be Princess Peach is the lowest point the staff has ever done to us. Maybe I should keep bringing up Butterfly Peach when something like this gets too hard. And let’s not forget Clue #10 from 2015.
Really glad Laudine woke up at the perfect time for this banner
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