TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Please don't.

Good luck! What ones are you missing?

Red jay, music and pic. I will do more tour for the red jay. Probably miss it while focussing on others.
I have unexpectedly learn more about TBT map now :3
hey guys a lil question: so far, all of the clue eggs have an image? because I've been looking everywhere but i can't see a thing ((also, am i allowed to ask this? or is it spoiler-y?)) or how are the non-image eggs presented? like, in the code?

in the OP it says some eggs dont have graphics/images
Now, I'm just casually hanging around the thread waiting for the neggst batch of eggs to come out.

I don't think I'm sad.
I eggree, I must reggfresh eggvery few minutes to eggsure my reading of all the eggxcellent egg-puns! So many reggspectable puns!

I'm going to slap you silly.

i found 2 and now i need 6 ;-; i thought i had it many times but all were wrong... im just gonna wait it out for now cause im giving myself a headache with this .-. and i get that enough with out trying as it is

Chill out. Remember, good vibes. It's easter.

Idk how the mods can keep up with every single post... I'm trying to read and when i go to the next page you guys have already written 4 more pages D: omfg

As for the egg hunt : Still haven't found any other xD

I use max posts per page. Always have.
Hey man. This game is focused on how active you are on the forum. If you're new or don't come around all that often it's not going to be easy. There will be plenty of chances to earn eggs though, and you don't have to get every single one from this batch in order to get a prize. Notice how many empty slots there are on the main post? That's all going to be filled up. Some of the questions are definitely going to be harder than others, but getting downtrodden now of all times isn't going to help you.

Hang out with some people here, I'm sure your spirits will get right back up. Also as far as mental problems goes, trust me. I'm there with you in excess (eggcess I guess), but you're focused on the wrong thing right now.

I guess being a fairly antisocial person online, maybe this event isn't for me. It doesn't feel like a social one, though, regardless. I don't know what I should be focused on. I can't seem to stop trying to solve these. It's a problem I have. Once I've started something, I can't stop, even it if ruins me. Like I'm having a breakdown, but I keep going. I feel like I wanna at least talk about it, but at the same time, I don't want to bring my negativity to the thread.
Red jay, music and pic. I will do more tour for the red jay. Probably miss it while focussing on others.
I have unexpectedly learn more about TBT map now :3

yeah same here. and i dont get the strength one either. jeebus. master of jacks idiom thing.. nope.

should be said this is hard for people being here for over a year too :p
i had to eggvacuate the keyboard for a minute, but now that I've reggturned, I shell continue to eggxecute more shelly egg puns!
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