Omelette yall finish, but I got the best egg puns of all time.
Your presence is an eggs benediction to this thread
Omelette yall finish, but I got the best egg puns of all time.
Kanye Whisk?Omelette yall finish, but I got the best egg puns of all time.
I feel eggsolutely eggxalted to be reggognized as a princess! Eggtreme thanks to you! I eggpreciate the atteggtion!
I feel eggsolutely eggxalted to be reggognized as a princess! Eggtreme thanks to you! I eggpreciate the atteggtion!
Well don't forgeggt me! You called me Jesus resurreggcted!!! I should be up there somewhere! Lol! J/k Ok going to work now.
Omigosh. I found egg #3. Someone please claps for me. I have been searching it for hours~
This is the best thing ever.
Omeggosh. I found egg #3. Someone please claps for me. I have been searching it for hours~
Omelette yall finish, but I got the best egg puns of all time.
sorry not sorry
Fixed it.
sorry not sorry
Omelette yall finish, but I got the best egg puns of all time.
This pun is the most EGGCELENT pun.
Eggryone go home.