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Team Fortress 2

Long story short i now have a Unashka, Fro and Bonk helmet
Im willing to trade the unashka but its painted brown by the previous owner soo if you want it brown just tell me if you dont ill remove it

P.s Rubber glove is gone now :(
I wouldn't mind the Unashka. You know where my backpack is.

Also, looking for Ze Goggles, really appreciate help getting them.
I kinda want to learn to make models for TF2 now... if I can make one good enough for the store... then profit!
Sporge27 said:
I kinda want to learn to make models for TF2 now... if I can make one good enough for the store... then profit!
main reason i'm torn about this.

so long as the game's integrity is left alone, sure. i just don't want there to be too much of an influx of "HEY GUYS UPVOTE MY MODEL KTHX"

i think that's a terrible way for the game to go. keeping it the same as it was before, with people being rewarded for their honest desire to make the game more fun? sure. changing the game into a mass-marketing platform? not cool.

but yeah, would be sweet to make a model, get it into the store, and then profit off of it. so sweet.
Psychonaut said:
Sporge27 said:
I kinda want to learn to make models for TF2 now... if I can make one good enough for the store... then profit!
main reason i'm torn about this.

so long as the game's integrity is left alone, sure. i just don't want there to be too much of an influx of "HEY GUYS UPVOTE MY MODEL KTHX"

i think that's a terrible way for the game to go. keeping it the same as it was before, with people being rewarded for their honest desire to make the game more fun? sure. changing the game into a mass-marketing platform? not cool.

but yeah, would be sweet to make a model, get it into the store, and then profit off of it. so sweet.
added bonus for me is it gets my foot in the door of Valve :p
Now, we've all probably had it were we've been stacked against a bunch of clan losers and been steamrolled... alot.
I saw this earlier, and it's a nice little interactive youtube video. You just follow along by clicking the annotations.
So yeah, enjoy "A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story"
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data='http://www.youtube.com/v/KS3ANTUOevY'>
<param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/KS3ANTUOevY' /><param name='play' value='true' />
<param name='loop' value='true' /><param name='quality' value='high' /></object>
Great trading today! Went from a black bonk helmet and handyman's handle to a brain slug, familiar fez, and pyro sombrero. Also got some paint and a few new weapons :D
Animefan said:
-Aaron said:
I also need an Ubersaw, and I'm hoping for 1:1 trades.
Check the 3rd page for possible offers.
Ive got a vita saw that i dont want
I'll take that too, I guess.
Can I have it for free or what?

No one will probably take this, but I'll give it a try:
If you have the Sam and Max set + Bill's Hat, I'll trade you 1 Refined, 1 V. Bonk Helm, 1 Napper's Respite, Gold Paint, 1 Ellis' Cap, 2 Keys and any Steam game worth $10.
:l i hate trading servers... people are soo.... annoying on thosse servers
DERP Gimmie more than just a sober stuntsman for my fedora....
Im pretty sure Sober stuntsman is rarer since its newer ad cant be bought :l
Animefan said:
-Aaron said:
Welp, my refined metal is gone.
I traded it away for a Vintage Modest Pile.
Seriously? wow! thats a great deal!
Really? Cool.
Sucks I traded away my Noble Amassment and Towering Pillar. Would've gotten the Vintage set.
It sucks that it took me Ellis' Cap, Vintage Bonk Helm and Napper's Respite + 2 Keys for it though.
-Aaron said:
It sucks that it took me Ellis' Cap, Vintage Bonk Helm and Napper's Respite + 2 Keys for it though.
Bills hat is cool... should have gotten left 4 dead to get it before :3