Random idea: have pokemon battle contests, and winners receive in-game items (both Pokemon and AC:NL ones) or TBT/collectibles/art; it would give people something fun to do!

Also, may I join? c: (own couple hundred~thousand cards, Pokemon Pearl, HeartGold, White, White 2, and Y)
Random idea: have pokemon battle contests, and winners receive in-game items (both Pokemon and AC:NL ones) or TBT/collectibles/art; it would give people something fun to do!

Also, may I join? c: (own couple hundred~thousand cards, Pokemon Pearl, HeartGold, White, White 2, and Y)

Sure, you can join! I'm impressed with your experience! Want a title?

- - - Post Merge - - -

So will j have to change my Abu or is it optional?

U mean ur avatar? It's optional.
Sure, you can join! I'm impressed with your experience! Want a title?

xD Thank you! I also *had* the original Pokemon Silver and the original Sapphire (lost them both though)

And I'll choose Aquatic Ace!

o: One last thing, the collectible prices:

Pear - 35 TBT x0
Apple - 20 TBT x0
Peach - 29 TBT x0
Cherry - 15 TBT x0
Orange - 23 TBT x1
Cake - 1.5 TBT x0
Yellow Candy - 1.2TBT x1

by 1.2 for the yellow candy, do you mean 1.2k? (1,200) or actually 1.2 TBT?

Either way I'll buy an Orange for 23 TBT~
I mean 1.2k.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and sure thing!
So I have Pokemon pearl, Black, X, As, and over 150+ cards. You can't call me a "master" Pokemon trainer but I am pretty damn good.
I also am a Fire Fanatic.
Can I join?
Oh I also have played the original Ruby up to Sootopolis City.. But I was 5 and didn't know what the hell I needed to do to get in.
XD Ikr? When I figured that out. I knew I was pretty darn stupid. Because it was just obvious. XD
I remember that I used to just fly by my Pok?mon games when I was younger. Probably because I actually read the text back then. Well. 9 year olds have a bigger attention span than 12-year-olds now.
Really? I talk to everyone and I STILL can't beat pearl.
Damn you Cynthia..Your my fav but also my death..
Yup it's true. Watch a playthrough. Usually helps ur soul relax.
Can I join? :p I have quite a few games (oh gosh let me think uh: Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Soul Silver, Black, X and Alpha Sapphire. I've got a couple ranger and mystery fungeon games too), and j have cards too though I have no idea how many.
Can I join? :p I have quite a few games (oh gosh let me think uh: Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Soul Silver, Black, X and Alpha Sapphire. I've got a couple ranger and mystery fungeon games too), and j have cards too though I have no idea how many.

Sure thing! Want a title?