Team Pokemon

Every match was pretty much the same,
laggy start
thaier out
me and ryudo up in the 100's with one life left
me out... o_O
nintenmad said:
Every match was pretty much the same,
laggy start
thaier out
me and ryudo up in the 100's with one life left
me out... o_O
I think I won every match I was 100% in, in the first I had to grab some stuff, btw, pause means please do not hit me. >.>
ryudo_dragoon said:
nintenmad said:
Every match was pretty much the same,
laggy start
thaier out
me and ryudo up in the 100's with one life left
me out... o_O
I think I won every match I was 100% in, in the first I had to grab some stuff, btw, pause means please do not hit me. >.>
Hey!!!! That was the only match I won ya gotta gimme one win :D :D