Team Pokemon

Thank you guys! I just updated the thread. Also would you like to battle now?
I'll let you use ubers. But use the regular clauses, Sleep Clause, Evasion Clause, ect. Ok?
Thaier said:
Thank you guys! I just updated the thread. Also would you like to battle now?
I'll let you use ubers. But use the regular clauses, Sleep Clause, Evasion Clause, ect. Ok?
Alright, I'll take away Kyogre's splash plate when I battle so he won't be overpowered.
Thaier said:
No, no, no it is fine. My FC is:4983-6899-6631
Yeah but Kyogre's power already increases because of his Drizzle ability, the splash plate makes his power almost double.
It is fine Mega I know the metagame like the back of my hand so don't worry.
Also guys I can make pokemon for you guys through Pokesav! So need anything just ask me.
Thaier said:
It is fine Mega I know the metagame like the back of my hand so don't worry.
Also guys I can make pokemon for you guys through Pokesav! So need anything just ask me.
you can make pokemon?
It isn't hacking in a bad way... >_>
It is legit hacking... You don't get any benefits than training your pokemon...