Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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It all doesn't fit since the size varies, I already got yelled at a few times for it being to big XD
oh well i didn't wanted to crop your chib D;
unless you just want a bust and maybe I can save it like that?

no but i just made a mini spoiler and put lyrics in there
and i don't feel like doing much else lol

oh i see.. yeah I just made a new sig myself too x3
i like it ~ hehe
oh well i didn't wanted to crop your chib D;
unless you just want a bust and maybe I can save it like that?

oh i see.. yeah I just made a new sig myself too x3
i like it ~ hehe

oh no, I meant a spoiler tab XD It would fit without my blue leaf stuff
Hey everyone!! (*?ω`*) How are you guys doing tonight?

Go to bed Jas!!! lOL xD you're sick ~ I'm telling your hubby
i know where you live... jk hahah
I'm all fruited out. QQ I got mandarines, rockmelon, watermelon, strawberries, pineapple and bananas!
I'm all fruited out. QQ I got mandarines, rockmelon, watermelon, strawberries, pineapple and bananas!
Nice!!!! (≧∇≦)b Fruits are so yummy!! We only have bananas here ahahaha

im good doe
GOODDDDD enjoying the egg videos? ʕ?̀ω?́ʔ✧
awe that's good <3 sleeeep missy x3
Hahaha I will (*?ω`*) I am getting sleepyy, probably because of the medicine I took ahahaha Goodnight!!

Also goodnight everyone ❤(ӦvӦ。)
Nice!!!! (≧∇≦)b Fruits are so yummy!! We only have bananas here ahahaha

GOODDDDD enjoying the egg videos? ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

Hahaha I will (*?ω`*) I am getting sleepyy, probably because of the medicine I took ahahaha Goodnight!!

Also goodnight everyone ❤(ӦvӦ。)

kk! good night and do feel better soon! <3
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