Morning peepers! How is everyone doing today?
Morning! ^^ very well thank you ~
how are you? c:
Morning peepers! How is everyone doing today?
Morning! ^^ very well thank you ~
how are you? c:
JANE!!! How are you??? I haven't seen you since the giveaway!!
Haha! I'm on here on & off ~ also been busy with my TBT/sig shop but I do drop by time to time ;D
anything new with you?
Just a stupid broken toe, LOL!!! Also just got all my kiddos all ready for school. Geez what a chore! Good to see you!!!
Just wanted to stop in say hey,
also don't forget to enter the new event if you want!
Omg! Is everything alright now? s: that does not sound pleasant at all!! Hope for a speedy recovery ;n; <3
haha oh yeah I know that feeling.. well I don't have kids, but I have a younger brother and like back then when he was in elementary it as my job to get him ready and drive him to school/pick him up etc =n= lol. Fun being the oldest ~ haha
- - - Post Merge - - -
welcome back ~ fellow egger :3 lol
Ha! Yeah, I got lucky this year as my hubby is in charge of getting the oldest 3 up and ready. That just leaves me with my littlest guy, and he is super easy. Am fighting with the high school bus transportation as they say my oldest is not eligible for transportation. The ONLY safe walking route is 1.9 miles from the school and STILL crosses two major busy roads. AND all of the roads after he leaves our neighborhood have NO sidewalks. SOOOOO, we are now on a list to be put on review.
Ha! Yeah, I got lucky this year as my hubby is in charge of getting the oldest 3 up and ready. That just leaves me with my littlest guy, and he is super easy. Am fighting with the high school bus transportation as they say my oldest is not eligible for transportation. The ONLY safe walking route is 1.9 miles from the school and STILL crosses two major busy roads. AND all of the roads after he leaves our neighborhood have NO sidewalks. SOOOOO, we are now on a list to be put on review.
Yeah, they said they don't have enough bus drivers. WTF ever!!!! The bus picks up other high schoolers on the street directly behind us. REALLY?!?!?! They said its within a one mile RADIUS from the school (like if they drew a one mile circle form the school, a straight line would prob go into our house) but my son can't walk that same straight line to the school or he would be walking through back yards and houses.
I got the 50tbt! I updated your entry to the jackpot entry on the OP! (*?ω`*) Please choose only one name as your jackpot entry (≧∇≦)b Remember, you can always change it, just notify me of it first! Thank you Daniel! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Also did you send the other 100tbt to jacob? O: (Thanks for all the donations (?;ω;`) You are awesome!)Donating 100 tbt for Team Popsicle and adding 50 to my slapping funds!
I got the 50tbt! I updated your entry to the jackpot entry on the OP! (*?ω`*) Please choose only one name as your jackpot entry (≧∇≦)b Remember, you can always change it, just notify me of it first! Thank you Daniel! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Also did you send the other 100tbt to jacob? O: (Thanks for all the donations (?;ω;`) You are awesome!)
I choose The Amzaing Unicorn as my vote!
AWE! I'm so sorry you're feeling bad!!! Low grade fevers are the WORST!!! They always make you feel just icky. Feel better hun!!!
Awwww no worries!!! >/v//< And thank you!! I have been!!!At least my fever isn't at 100 anymore! I had to leave work early last night since my temperature was at 100 ahaha so they let me go home early and I just rested all night XD Feeling so much better now though! c: Still a slight fever, but I'm doing good. <3
How are you doing today? >//v//<