Thank you so much Daniel!!! ;//v//;Donated more~
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Donated again~
To whom should I donate my extra red candy and 100 BTB?
Lol me
If it's for the team send it to Jacob![]()
Lolz, thanks!
Does anyone knows the difference between unchecking Active and checking Hidden in the shop for the collectibles?
Can I buy the red candy?
omg~~ I was able to get a popsicle all thanks to the generous sunkyung who has kindly donated her popsicle to me in order for me to get in the team ;v; I am forever in her debt!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH SUNKYUNG ;A;
Wow!! Amazing of her!! I will have Miharu add you to the list when she gets back on! congrats!
yay thank you so much c: I honestly didn't think I'd be lucky enough to snag me one! They were so high in demand and so little people selling them... I really am a lucky guy haha! Is there anyway to rearrange the collectibles? o.o it bugs me that i have two yellow candies and then a popsicle!
well, technically no
collectibles are arranged by time they were bought, so you would a yellow candy from 2013 or below to put the popsicle in the middle![]()