Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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lmao made this to pass the time ;D
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I can sell you my blue bear but your mailbox is too full to Pm xp

- - - Post Merge - - -

directed to bluebirds^
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?

My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~

As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3

Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?

My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~

As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3

Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3

1) popsicle
2) cherry
3) Usertitle change lmao
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?

My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~

As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3

Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3

1 hammer
2 popsicle
3 swirl
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?

My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~

As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3

Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3

Any of the house collectibles, I have 3 outa 6, by the way, and I doubt I'll get a blue or yellow one any time soon lol, are all tied for first, my second fave is the Popsicle, duh, and my third favorite is the Pokeball.
Any of the house collectibles, I have 3 outa 6, by the way, and I doubt I'll get a blue or yellow one any time soon lol, are all tied for first, my second fave is the Popsicle, duh, and my third favorite is the Pokeball.
OOHH!! I hope you find the rest soon!!! I only need the yellow house to finish my collection!! >//v/< I doubt I'll get the yellow house anytime soon as well ; v ; so pricey! Ahahaha yes popsicles!! <3

idk man, I really want a popsicle
-pats- SOOONNN!~ XD
OOHH!! I hope you find the rest soon!!! I only need the yellow house to finish my collection!! >//v/< I doubt I'll get the yellow house anytime soon as well ; v ; so pricey! Ahahaha yes popsicles!! <3

-pats- SOOONNN!~ XD

Bwuahaha I'll never trade off or sell any of my popsicles XD I'm tooooo addicted to them ahahaha!~ No one can ever bribe me to sell them or trade them C;
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