Donated ~ ^^
I can sell you my blue bear but your mailbox is too full to Pm xp
- - - Post Merge - - -
directed to bluebirds^
Donated ~ ^^
Sorry I had like no tbt left >.<
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?
My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~
As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3
Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?
My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~
As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3
Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3
Omg you and your usertitle change ahahaha!~ XD1) popsicle
2) cherry
3) Usertitle change lmao
Hammmerrrr!!!!!!! XD bonk bonk bonk! c:1 hammer
2 popsicle
3 swirl
Question for all of you guys!!! c: What are your favorite collectibles?
My #1 is definitely the popsicle collectibles ahaha!~
As for what I REALLY love after the popsicle collectibles they would have to be (not in order as they are all tied in second ahahaha)
: Japanese Houses, Eggs, Hammer, and the Pokeball! <3
Third place would have to be: The swirls and the party poppers! <3
OOHH!! I hope you find the rest soon!!! I only need the yellow house to finish my collection!! >//v/< I doubt I'll get the yellow house anytime soon as well ; v ; so pricey! Ahahaha yes popsicles!! <3Any of the house collectibles, I have 3 outa 6, by the way, and I doubt I'll get a blue or yellow one any time soon lol, are all tied for first, my second fave is the Popsicle, duh, and my third favorite is the Pokeball.
-pats- SOOONNN!~ XDidk man, I really want a popsicle
OOHH!! I hope you find the rest soon!!! I only need the yellow house to finish my collection!! >//v/< I doubt I'll get the yellow house anytime soon as well ; v ; so pricey! Ahahaha yes popsicles!! <3
-pats- SOOONNN!~ XD
Il trade my Popsicle for your toy hammeruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bwuahaha I'll never trade off or sell any of my popsicles XD I'm tooooo addicted to them ahahaha!~ No one can ever bribe me to sell them or trade them C;