Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Congrats!! c:

Ahahaha!~ Line ups are fun! <3 I wish they had an option where we could just move the collectibles ourselves though ; v ;

I agree with you, I kind of want to show my more favorite collectibles, and not hide all my others.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ohh yeah got a swirl :DDD

Lolz I want ur swirlz.

- - - Post Merge - - -

One more thing, add me to that list of people looking for popsicles! Although, as you see, I'm quite broke...
Okay, I've been wondering this for a while now, and I'm just gonna ask it. SAO?


Could I buy the pear and yellow candy collectible? ; w ;
I'll pay extra, for a donation~

well, there is a pending request for the candy, idk if they went offline or not,

I can sell you the pear right now, and if they do not respond in a day, or they withdraw their offer, I can sell you the yellow candy too!
i will send the pear if u send the bells! :D thanks lewlew <3
would u like to be added to the "looking for" list? Or do u have no interest in these?

Yes please. Speaking of popsicle, my bedroom is like a giant freezer rite now. I like it! But I'm shivering up a storm!
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