Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 (If you don't watch anime, then no worries! It's just more options I have to work with for the project! c: ) Thanks! :D
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Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 Thanks! :D

O my gosh i-is this a question?
My favorite anime character is likely Black Star from Soul Eater!
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Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 Thanks! :D
ahh i don't watch anime!! not sure what really counts as anime but chances are i don't.. does it matter a ton?
O my gosh i-is this a question?
My favorite anime character is likely Black Star from Soul Eater!

Bruh Yass sorry to intrude but I love Sao naruto and fairly tail and soul eater just wanted to say that
I'm currently watching fairy tail episode 58 yass
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Death Gunnnn ahahaha omg XD Gotta say, I love Sinon so much <3 She's so boss ; v ;

Oh god i had a typo xD
Black star is from soul eater, my bad!!!

Sword Art Online is my SECOND favorite, so i typed it in instead! hehe, i updated my first response!
(I love Sinon too xD)
Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 (If you don't watch anime, then no worries! It's just more options I have to work with for the project! c: ) Thanks! :D

do i watch anime
Yes, I do! My current favorite is Black Butler and my favorite characters are Grelle Sutcliff and the Undertaker~
Bruh Yass sorry to intrude but I love Sao naruto and fairly tail and soul eater just wanted to say that
I'm currently watching fairy tail episode 58 yass
FAIRY TAILL YESSSSS!~ <3 I love Fairy Tail ahahhaah it's wayy too funny!!! XD I finished SAO and it was so good <3 I love the first arc and the last one. Wasn't too big on ALO though ahaha XD As for Naruto, it's good, but I gave up on watching it since the fillers destroyed me ahahha it's over now so I may try to watch it again just need to figure out where I left off XD

As for Soul Eater omg ahahah such an old but great anime <3
Oh god i had a typo xD
Black star is from soul eater, my bad!!!

Sword Art Online is my SECOND favorite, so i typed it in instead! hehe, i updated my first response!
(I love Sinon too xD)
LOL I THOUGHT SO ahaha when you said Black Star from SAO I was like (He likes Death Gun? XD or does he mean Black Star from Soul Eater? Hmmm XD )


I'm still watching the second season of Sao I'm to lazy to finish
LOL FINISH ITTTT! Gun Gale Online is so awesome!!!
I wish I could join team Popsicle but I'm lacking tbt and Popsicles XD

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Nuuu I wanted to join but I don't have a Popsicle :(
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