Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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@MayorEvvie, Call me Daniel, and Sucre
Since you guys were able to get a popsicle of your own, would you like Jacob to take you guys off from the raffles list to give others a chance, or would you like to stay on to get more popsicles? c: Please note, only stay on the raffle list if you genuinely want the popsicles for yourselves (like how I'm crazy about popsicles HAHA) :D

LOL Awww!!! NEXT TIME MAN!!! Good luck!! Also we have 2 popsicles to raffle off so keep your hopes up!!! c:

Sweet!!! Thanks for the feedback!! <3 :D

LOOL YESSS AHAHAH And the beginning when they thought Haru was a he ahahah OHHH You should watch No Game No Life , Overlord, or Your Lie in April!!! <: Great animes!!!​

yes but i do believe that you should not allow those with popsicles to enter future raffles, come on guys lets give others a chance
Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 (If you don't watch anime, then no worries! It's just more options I have to work with for the project! c: ) Thanks! :D

Uchiha Itachi from Naruto. Or maybe Gaara
yes but i do believe that you should not allow those with popsicles to enter future raffles, come on guys lets give others a chance

I agree with this. Not because I'm on the raffle list or anything, but because it seems logical. Of course, you guys can do whatever you want; this is just my feedback. 6v6
little sketch for you guys! Should I complete it or nah?

I agree with this. Not because I'm on the raffle list or anything, but because it seems logical. Of course, you guys can do whatever you want; this is just my feedback. 6v6

Ya i get where you are comin from! :D
but still, they are called collectibles for a reason :D

little sketch for you guys! Should I complete it or nah?


This is amazing! Keep on going!!
Can I join even though I don't have a Popsicle? Ill save up for 1 if that counts

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Btw I meant join the team
Shiki is one of my favorite animes. I guess Tohru can be considered my favorite character. :confused:
Tohru from which anime? :D

yes but i do believe that you should not allow those with popsicles to enter future raffles, come on guys lets give others a chance
We thought about this, but that wouldn't be fair to our members who genuinely want more than one popsicles like Jacob and I. That's why we are allowing everyone who wants popsicles to join in on the raffle. :D Of course we have limited to where if you won a raffle, you won't be able to enter again until we raffle off 5 more popsicles to make it more fair. (But Jacob and I will be discussing about this so please stay tuned! :D )

Uchiha Itachi from Naruto. Or maybe Gaara
Awesome!! Just letting you know though, the project will only be happening for Team Popsicle members and future members! :D (I will be doing a different project for people who donate tbt as well later on.)

I agree with this. Not because I'm on the raffle list or anything, but because it seems logical. Of course, you guys can do whatever you want; this is just my feedback. 6v6
Thanks for the feedback! Like I replied to Call me Daniel, it would be unfair for our members who actually want more than one. >: That's why we decided everyone who GENUINELY wants a popsicle may enter! If we see the popsicle we gave raffled out being sold ASAP or traded off we'll be banning that member from Team Popsicle and any giveaways Jacob and I hosts. (But Jacob and I will be discussing more about this later! So please stay tuned! :D )

little sketch for you guys! Should I complete it or nah?

IT'S LOOKING GREAT!!! XD I think you should complete it!!! <3
Can I join the raffle? Cause I need more Popsicles to be fabulous- no reason.
As long as you don't sell it or trade it off and actually want more popsicles to add to your collection, then yes you may! :D
Can I join even though I don't have a Popsicle? Ill save up for 1 if that counts

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Btw I meant join the team
We can add you to the "Popsicles in Freezing" roster! c: More info about it on the first page! :D To actually join the official Team Popsicle roster, you would need to have a popsicle, but we made another roster for those who don't have one and wants/loves popsicles in general! c:

Tohru-or Tooru- the anime Shiki (mentioned in the comment there) :- )
OHH!! I haven't watched Shiki before ahaha I've heard of it, but never watched it yet XD
Yeee I'll join I'll inform yall when I get a Popsicle

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Also I want to enter the raffle
Fine I'll join. Idc what color my name is
Added to the roster!! :D (Also you don't have to join if you really don't want to!! No pressure at all! > v< )

Yeee I'll join I'll inform yall when I get a Popsicle

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Also I want to enter the raffle

Added to "Popsicles in Freezing"!~

Also I'll have Jacob add you to the raffle list when he's back from dinner! c:
New banners added to the OP thanks to Call me Daniel and TheAhPoCawdOh! c:

Also I have a question for all Team Popsicle members and future members! What are your favorite colors? (You may choose a maximum of two colors! ) This is for a secret project I have in store for you guys! :D

Purple and Silver (if that counts).
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