Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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of course my art is that beautiful
IT IS AHAHHA It's cute omg ahahah XD

Oh Jacob, that sig is fantabulous :)

Sorry guys, have been very inactive the last couple of days. I FINALLY got all my villagers out of main, so I can do HUGE cycle to bring them all back in.
WELCOME BACK!!! So happy to see you back!!! ;//v//; Also congrats on getting all your villagers to move out of your main!!! :D

OMG YESSS DEATH PARADE!!!! ENDING MADE ME SO SAD MAN ; ___________ ; JSKLDFJSLD I haven't read the novels but I have watched the anime!!! ;v ; It was so good ahhh <3

Also ahh I'm so happy you love this thread and group!!! <3 :D

Oh no, I dont know if there is a novel but when you asked about my favorite anime characters
I mean my favorite anime characters are the two little kids from the picture book
in Death Parade.The kids in the picture book, the one about a girl ice skating
and the boy falling in love = ]

Hi DaCoSim! I know you were in the member list but I didn't see you post much! I am also in the middle of cycling to get my dreamies. Cant believe I lost two of my dreamies so now I gotta get three more squirrels T.T hopefully I will be done soon!!

Fantasyrick so young : D

OHHH YEAHH That story was so cute and sad ; v ; I loved it ahahaha I thought you meant there was a novel for the anime ahaha XD

donated! i was poor after the popsicle so i might as well be a tad bit poorer!
Ahhh thank you so much for the donation Daniel!!! ; v;


I'm going to head back to bed now ahahaha I was waiting for Jacob to wake up so he could review the update since I wanted to post it ASAP for your guys ahaha XD Night everyone! <3 I'll be up in around 5 hours or so ahahahaha~
I also like to donate^^ i know i am not most fervent member here but i always cheak this threat and wish for team popsicle to expand! this will be not much but hope it will help ^^
ah and can i join raffle please? i have no luck finding yoshi egg but maybe i will have luck in raffle^^
I would like to join the raffle c:
Added by Jacob! c:

I would love to join the raffle guys! Thanks much!
Added by Jacob!! :D
I also like to donate^^ i know i am not most fervent member here but i always cheak this threat and wish for team popsicle to expand! this will be not much but hope it will help ^^

Ahhh thank you so very much for the donation!!! ;//v/; And pshhh your wish for us to expand and do well is good enough!!! ;//v//; I'm so happy to know you always check this thread!!! <3 And any amount of tbt donated is super helpful!! Thank you so much!! <3


ALSO!~ If anyone is interested in buying a ice cream swirl collectible, Sholee is selling it on the thread they just made! <3
Yep yep yep but school starts next week I don't wanna go XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Omg your dreamie is Ricky XD that's my name

Lol~ Well I also wanted an even number of female and male villagers! Ive had ricky before in my old town!

Hiya Pearly! Yeah, I have been working my butt off, kicking all my babies into another town so I can cycle. PLus I broke my toe on Friday so haven't had my laptop much since I keep it plugged in in the living room and have been in my room keeping my foot elevated. I have pretty much been working on my main and reading. (I just started the 3rd book from the maze trial series.)

well on top ofthat, I am hunting for pwps at the same time no it will take longer! I am
sorry to hear about your toe being broken!! I hope it heals soon and that you dont feel
too much pain! weird, but i often dream that i will break my toe because i dropped
a bowling ball on it T.T Not sure why though! hahaah I love reading too! Im reading The End of Fasion by teri agi!


I'm going to head back to bed now ahahaha I was waiting for Jacob to wake up so he could review the update since I wanted to post it ASAP for your guys ahaha XD Night everyone! <3 I'll be up in around 5 hours or so ahahahaha~

Aww, alrighty!! good night miharu!!
I'd like to enter the raffle too pweaseee ~ >w<
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