Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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That talent!
I'm finally off work omg!!! ;//v//; Also one of the popsicles shall be raffled off around 10pm ish on 8/19/15 PST time! c: I will be posted the exact date, time, and rules soon! We have a big update!

Yess! Also, I updated my first post with the list, if that makes a difference lol! But I heard many good things about Your Lie In April! I am gonna watch it soon hopefully!
It's perfect hahaha!~ AND YESSS YOU SHOULD!! Please be prepared to have tissues next to you as you will need them ahahaha

First, anyone that says Soul Eater is bad, I will eat their souls (cuz I'm a Death Scythe), and second, do you know when the next raffle is?
Around 10pm ish on 8/19/15 PST time!~ Exact time will be posted shortly! :D

Madoka magica= Mami
Sword Art Online= Asuna
Sailor Moon= Venus
My little monster= Mitzi(i think her name was)
sadly the only animes ive seen
Your anime choices = 10/10 XD

Hey everyone of Team Popsicle! I may not be a member yet, but I told everyone who comes to my trading post to donate to me, AND Team Popsicle. I told them you are accepting Popsicle Collectibles and TBT to buy those collectibles!
Awww that's so sweet of you!!! Thank you so very much!! We appreciate it!!! :D

Can you please add me to the people looking for Popsicle list? QQ Going to fill my last line with Popsicles and ice cream swirls!


I suggest some changes to the raffles. I think is fair to include people without popsicles but I don't think is fair for someone that isn't active in the Team to actually win the popsicle, if someone wins you should how many times he/she has posted here and when was the last time, people that have only posted here hoping to win shouldn't win, that's not the spirit behind the Team Popsicle.

Also, what happens if someone wins and sell their popsicle? Or if they win and already had other popsicles and they sell "one of those others" in a short amount of time since they won?

In general I think more rules should be added, those two being suggestions, of course feel free to take them into consideration or ignore them.

Thanks for the suggestion!! But it's as Jacob said! c: We are currently talking about it!~ We'll be posting what we think and the exact rules for it later on! c: As for the posting, I don't think it's fair to make them post here if they are busy or just don't know what to talk about. We do not want to force people to post here just so they could win a popsicle, we just mainly want people who actually wants a popsicle and would love to join Team Popsicle to win and have fun! :D

We will be definitely clarifying the rules soon! c: And again, thank you for your suggestion!! It's always nice to hear what everyone's opinions are on this!! We are always open to suggestions! :D

darn this question has too many answers!

But I must say, I love death parade and my favorite character is the two little kids from a novel one fictional author writes in the death parade anime! I also love the oneshot too!! Im not sure if you know what im talking about!

Im so glad you are interested in joining and hope you win the raffle!!

Jacob & Miharu: no one can win against or break down a team (*ahem just like No game no Life)! Theres the reason why that have massive amounts of collectibles!

I really love this thread and group <33

OMG YESSS DEATH PARADE!!!! ENDING MADE ME SO SAD MAN ; ___________ ; JSKLDFJSLD I haven't read the novels but I have watched the anime!!! ;v ; It was so good ahhh <3

Also ahh I'm so happy you love this thread and group!!! <3 :D

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Me and my silly....I mean great art!



That talent!
Talent indeed omg ahaha did you draw this? Or did Daniel draw this? XD
Where did u get your art in your sig cause I want one of those in my profile pic XD

MTurtle did it for me. I was a IRL comission for real $$$ She did my Avatar as well. I think my avatar was like $15.
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OMG YESSS DEATH PARADE!!!! ENDING MADE ME SO SAD MAN ; ___________ ; JSKLDFJSLD I haven't read the novels but I have watched the anime!!! ;v ; It was so good ahhh <3

Also ahh I'm so happy you love this thread and group!!! <3 :D

Oh no, I dont know if there is a novel but when you asked about my favorite anime characters
I mean my favorite anime characters are the two little kids from the picture book
in Death Parade.The kids in the picture book, the one about a girl ice skating
and the boy falling in love = ]

Hi DaCoSim! I know you were in the member list but I didn't see you post much! I am also in the middle of cycling to get my dreamies. Cant believe I lost two of my dreamies so now I gotta get three more squirrels T.T hopefully I will be done soon!!

Fantasyrick so young : D
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Yep yep yep but school starts next week I don't wanna go XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Omg your dreamie is Ricky XD that's my name

✧New rules posted on the first page! (New rules shall take place now. Anything that may have happened before these new rules have been posted are excused. c: )

✧New section added! "FAQ" please make sure to read that before posting any questions! c:

✧Jacob and I have been talking about the changes that could be made with the raffle! Unfortunately we can not make it where only people without popsicles could get a popsicle as that would be unfair to those who are in Team Popsicle who actually genuinely want more popsicles for their line ups! Also since we have already stated in the OP that all donations will go towards popsicles (and now group donations) for team popsicle members AND future members who don't have one but want one, we can't take that back, as that would be completely unfair to everyone who has donated for everyone thus far. On the bright side, you won't need a popsicle collectible to chat in this thread or to join our future group as that would be open to any future members who would like to join upon request!

✧Please only enter the raffles if you actually want the popsicle! (If you don't have a popsicle yet please don't worry about this rule hahaha) If you have 1 popsicle or more, please only enter if you genuinely want it. Such as you want it because you want to rank up in titles on the roster thread, or because you want your line up to consist of more than one popsicles! DO NOT enter the raffle if you plan on trading it off for another collectible, selling it, OR trying to make a profit out of it. This WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE BAN from Team Popsicle, all of TP's future activities, and giveaways hosted by Jacob and myself. If you have any concerns please feel free to PM me!

✧Since new rules have been added, we will be resetting the "People Looking for Popsicles" List aka the "Raffle List"!! If you would like to join the list again AFTER reading the new rules, please comment on this thread saying you would like to join the raffle list! c: Thank you!

✧The first raffle shall be taking place on 8/19/15 at 10pm PST time. Good luck everyone!! >//v//<

Hiya Pearly! Yeah, I have been working my butt off, kicking all my babies into another town so I can cycle. PLus I broke my toe on Friday so haven't had my laptop much since I keep it plugged in in the living room and have been in my room keeping my foot elevated. I have pretty much been working on my main and reading. (I just started the 3rd book from the maze trial series.)
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