~Fox Spirit~
miharu why dont you make an art dump in the museum and post everyones badges there and post the link to it so they can go there to pick it up?
Hey guys! It's almost the weekend!!!!
Yeah : 'D Also Blog Tree doesn't work LOL The GFX section reached over the limit for the blog
"The text that you have entered is too long (10920 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long." rip
I'm thinking of making another Thread then : 'D But idk ahaha cause even if I re-organize some things on the OP or shorten, I'm still going to need more room in the future for future giveaways/updates/etc : 'D So it'll only be a temp fix also I don't think I could shorten anything else since most things are shortened as much as possible already rip
lol is everyone asleep?
Nuuurp, mooorning~
;o; you could always use a Google Document and store quests/quest info there
and also store badges too
nope I'm awake rip
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good morning-
Oh No My...... info is gonna get leaked gotta quit tbt!!! and hey alby hows it going
Hey Luca, how are you?
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Wait, why would it get leaked? o.o
wait wait how much do you know?
Nothing at all, I only asked because you mentioned.
Oh No My...... info is gonna get leaked gotta quit tbt!!! and hey alby hows it going
Hey Luca, how are you?
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Wait, why would it get leaked? o.o
Morning guys ^-^
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I did so well on all my exams this week I'm so happy!
I did so well on all my exams this week I'm so happy!
Do you guys know how much Togepi Eggs go for?
I want 10 lol xP
I checked the guide, and it says 1.5k-2k tbt per
I wish the stupid inflation would go down ;-;