Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Welcome, we're BEARY pleased to meet you!
I'm sorry for making that joke, please don't hate me.
Ah, thanks for the heads up! I have no idea what I am having for dinner, but pizza sounds good! Enjoy!

Also, may I request a badge? cX
Ahh!! We wanted pizza ahahaha but I fell asleep XD Whoops ahahha I just woke up from my pretty long nap ahahaha!

And yes you may! Just know it won't be finished until I finish Lizzy's, Alby's and then you are next on the list! :D Is there a certain anime character you'll like on the badge? Or would you just like one like Lucanosa's where there's only your username and a nice background? c:

Nice, and about to go to bed, I have to wake up and help at the new house tomorrow.

I'll see y'all in the morning ;)
Goodnight! <3 Talk to you in the morning! :D

Welcome, we're BEARY pleased to meet you!
I'm sorry for making that joke, please don't hate me.
LOL!!! Omg Alby xD
Frick I didn't know there was a 50k character limit to posts : 'D I tried updating my OP since we have new rewards that'll be added and I finished a badge for lizzy : 'D Now I must think of where to move some of these posts or delete some not necessary ahaha

I'm thinking of making a blog on the blog tree here and using that as where I'll post all the Signatures/Badges/Banners/GFX maybe, and if it gets cramped up in the future again I'll just move the Quests to a blog : 'D We really need a group now rip

Ahahahaha XD
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Frick I didn't know there was a 50k character limit to posts : 'D I tried updating my OP since we have new rewards that'll be added and I finished a badge for lizzy : 'D Now I must think of where to move some of these posts or delete some not necessary ahaha

I'm thinking of making a blog on the blog tree here and using that as where I'll post all the Signatures/Badges/Banners/GFX maybe, and if it gets cramped up in the future again I'll just move the Quests to a blog : 'D We really need a group now rip

Ahahahaha XD

that sucks! D:
might have to re-organize some stuff around or shorten etc... s:
that sucks! D:
might have to re-organize some stuff around or shorten etc... s:

Yeah : 'D Also Blog Tree doesn't work LOL The GFX section reached over the limit for the blog
"The text that you have entered is too long (10920 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long." rip
I'm thinking of making another Thread then : 'D But idk ahaha cause even if I re-organize some things on the OP or shorten, I'm still going to need more room in the future for future giveaways/updates/etc : 'D So it'll only be a temp fix also I don't think I could shorten anything else since most things are shortened as much as possible already rip

Omg I was up all day so I went to sleep and now its 1:43 now ima be up all night again and day lol

LOL OMG DEATH Your sleep schedule is so off ahahaha!! Honestly I can't really complain since I took a nap at 7pm and woke up at 10:30pm and now I'm awake ahahaha

Morning though! :D
LOL OMG DEATH Your sleep schedule is so off ahahaha!! Honestly I can't really complain since I took a nap at 7pm and woke up at 10:30pm and now I'm awake ahahaha

Morning though! :D

Morning to you. But im up because my mom because she went to buy me tacos at 1:40 otherwise i would wake up at 4am or something like that. Well anyways how are you doing?

- - - Post Merge - - -

LOL OMG DEATH Your sleep schedule is so off ahahaha!! Honestly I can't really complain since I took a nap at 7pm and woke up at 10:30pm and now I'm awake ahahaha

Morning though! :D

Morning to you. But im up because my mom because she went to buy me tacos at 1:40 otherwise i would wake up at 4am or something like that. Well anyways how are you doing?

✧ All Member's Badges have now been moved to this link here! I had to move it since my OP exceeded 50k characters : 'D Sorry guys! If I had known there was a limit of 50k characters I would have reserved more than 1 posts when I made Team Popsicle.

All Team Popsicle member's badges will all be posted on this blog here!

✧ New Quests rewards will be added sometime this week! If by any chance you'll like to offer rewards for members, feel free to PM me about it! :D

✧ New rule added to my OP: For Reward rules, please scroll below to the "Quests" section and click on "Quests Content" then you'll see "Rewards" and click on that to read the rules regarding the rewards

✧ The "Rewards" section in the Quests section has been updated with a lot of information and rules! Please head on there to read it! c:

✧ Badge Pick-Up for lizzy541! :D

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Frick I didn't know there was a 50k character limit to posts : 'D I tried updating my OP since we have new rewards that'll be added and I finished a badge for lizzy : 'D Now I must think of where to move some of these posts or delete some not necessary ahaha

I'm thinking of making a blog on the blog tree here and using that as where I'll post all the Signatures/Badges/Banners/GFX maybe, and if it gets cramped up in the future again I'll just move the Quests to a blog : 'D We really need a group now rip

Ahahahaha XD

Maybe move of of your sections/rules to Jacobs op?
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