I've already moved the sections that wasn't needed on my OP to Jacob's a while back ago when we were organizing our OPs to make it more simple and easy to understand ; v; Same with the rules, I've already moved all the rules that belongs to Jacob's OP over there. I looked through and there isn't anything else I could move since it belongs on my OP ; v ;
I was actually thinking about that! But then there'll be 2 separate galleries I already have ahahaha XD
Thanks for the suggestion! XD I don't use my google account often though and I'll prefer TP's OP to stay in tbt than having others go offsite for it XD I also want to keep Quests on the OP since it's more often used and updated.
Thank you so much for the suggestion you 3! I truly appreciate it! x] I'll be thinking about this for a while! But do you think I should move ALL of the Signatures/Banners/Badges/GFX section to the Museum section and call it "Team Popsicle's GFX"? O: Or should I just stick with the Blog where only the member's badges are there? I'll like your opinion on this! Please and thanks!