it doesnt-heres the full story:
So, someone commed me, and I wont mention names, but they didnt' have a reference and simply said "They have brown eyes, brown hair and wear a cute outfit!". I thought it was fine, but when I asked for what style, they asked for a really complicated one, said they wanted random streaks of dye, and the dress they wanted was super complicated. I told them honestly that I may have to charge more if they wanted a full piece, and I got this in response:
"It's fine. You don't have to do it and you can refund me.
I don't need art anyways."
WTH? I was being really nice, and if they didn't need art why did they make a thread asking for it? Ugh, I'm just really annoyed about this....
Well.... maybe she was trying to be nice by asking for you not to do it? :/ If she thought it was too much for you