OMG nonono I swear I still have so long to go LOL, I have this one GOD I look up to who is seriously a freaking master web/graphic designer and can code anything! Ironically he did layouts on Neopets and his work is soooooooooo SHINY! I still have some ways to go before I reach that pro level xD
Oooo I will totally link you, I shall have to start tomorrow because rip 3 am sleep in an hour or so haha, I like to work ALL THE WAY THROUGH my designs 8'D
Dude, you could so master GFX, I only started last year after June because of WonderK and his help was good enough for me to improve to where I am now : O But yeah I have to say GFX is definitely hit and miss for me and I do love those tutorials :3
Nuuuuu PS has so much to do LOL, but regardless you still make those lovely sigs <3