Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Morning guys, how are you?

sorry i caused trouble guys. wasn't my intention, and i didn't realise she was a member, but i didn't name her so nobody would get mad at her directly.
Good morning! c:

Aaaaaaa Jasmine whenever you wake up and check here I just wanted to post so you could see that I literally DID use the Yo-Ka Sig xD (even made a lovely icon/avatar<3)

*sneaks out 8'D*
i love your work! >w> huehue
Thanks so much <3 <3 I love your adorable sigs huhu, seriously the way you make them pastel and mix them so well is so cute ^__^

Ahh ~ thank you!! <3
I'm just trying out new things & experimenting with PS haha :3
but yeah omgerd I love the effects you used for your sigs though! +u+
Ahh ~ thank you!! <3
I'm just trying out new things & experimenting with PS haha :3
but yeah omgerd I love the effects you used for your sigs though! +u+

Aaaaa you're very welcome ;D
Oooooo ahah I am obsessed with experimenting, I think over the course of my last freebies thread it really helped me improve *__*
OMG LOL I swear that Sig was like 6+ Gradient Overlays and 2 different Gradients on Overlays xD I have a new thing with using Gradients w/ Screen such perfect color combos aaaaa I cannot stop thinking about designing lately 8'D
I even plan to FINALLY revamp my old GFX shop which might take a while </3
But yee, I was sooooo proud of my latest works : D
Aaaaa you're very welcome ;D
Oooooo ahah I am obsessed with experimenting, I think over the course of my last freebies thread it really helped me improve *__*
OMG LOL I swear that Sig was like 6+ Gradient Overlays and 2 different Gradients on Overlays xD I have a new thing with using Gradients w/ Screen such perfect color combos aaaaa I cannot stop thinking about designing lately 8'D
I even plan to FINALLY revamp my old GFX shop which might take a while </3
But yee, I was sooooo proud of my latest works : D

you should be!!! I mean that is like the next lvl stuff you got going on there xD hahah!
Oh man I can't wait to see it ;D
might even submit in a req at this point!! LOLL
yeah I tried GFX stuff like that.. but fail probably not my forte
I can only work with simple gif stuff and that's about it ~ ;u;
you should be!!! I mean that is like the next lvl stuff you got going on there xD hahah!
Oh man I can't wait to see it ;D
might even submit in a req at this point!! LOLL
yeah I tried GFX stuff like that.. but fail probably not my forte
I can only work with simple gif stuff and that's about it ~ ;u;

OMG nonono I swear I still have so long to go LOL, I have this one GOD I look up to who is seriously a freaking master web/graphic designer and can code anything! Ironically he did layouts on Neopets and his work is soooooooooo SHINY! I still have some ways to go before I reach that pro level xD
Oooo I will totally link you, I shall have to start tomorrow because rip 3 am sleep in an hour or so haha, I like to work ALL THE WAY THROUGH my designs 8'D
Dude, you could so master GFX, I only started last year after June because of WonderK and his help was good enough for me to improve to where I am now : O But yeah I have to say GFX is definitely hit and miss for me and I do love those tutorials :3
Nuuuuu PS has so much to do LOL, but regardless you still make those lovely sigs <3
OMG nonono I swear I still have so long to go LOL, I have this one GOD I look up to who is seriously a freaking master web/graphic designer and can code anything! Ironically he did layouts on Neopets and his work is soooooooooo SHINY! I still have some ways to go before I reach that pro level xD
Oooo I will totally link you, I shall have to start tomorrow because rip 3 am sleep in an hour or so haha, I like to work ALL THE WAY THROUGH my designs 8'D
Dude, you could so master GFX, I only started last year after June because of WonderK and his help was good enough for me to improve to where I am now : O But yeah I have to say GFX is definitely hit and miss for me and I do love those tutorials :3
Nuuuuu PS has so much to do LOL, but regardless you still make those lovely sigs <3

thank you for your encouragement ;w; yeah.. I'm still a newb too atm, but definitely would love to expand my skills on it as well!
haha yeah omg! WonderK & Jas also helped me out too they're both so wonderful human beings <333
awesome ~ yeah that'd be great! looking forward to it c:
ahh same here.. it's like freakn almost 6:30am for me
welp better late than ever might as well get some shut eye and wake up at noon LOL
hope you have a good rest! <3
see you ;D

- - - Post Merge - - -

Morning Naekoya!

I downloaded Eden Eternal out of curiosity and now its so addicting UGH!

hahah that's nice!! it's it cute
i love that game's graphics =w=
ahh well I'm going to get some shut eye might be up again in few hours or so
ttyl!! c:
thank you for your encouragement ;w; yeah.. I'm still a newb too atm, but definitely would love to expand my skills on it as well!
haha yeah omg! WonderK & Jas also helped me out too they're both so wonderful human beings <333
awesome ~ yeah that'd be great! looking forward to it c:
ahh same here.. it's like freakn almost 6:30am for me
welp better late than ever might as well get some shut eye and wake up at noon LOL
hope you have a good rest! <3
see you ;D

- - - Post Merge - - -

hahah that's nice!! it's it cute
i love that game's graphics =w=
ahh well I'm going to get some shut eye might be up again in few hours or so
ttyl!! c:

Ahaha, yup! The graphics are amazing...its kept my attention for over 2 years now!

thank you for your encouragement ;w; yeah.. I'm still a newb too atm, but definitely would love to expand my skills on it as well!
haha yeah omg! WonderK & Jas also helped me out too they're both so wonderful human beings <333
awesome ~ yeah that'd be great! looking forward to it c:
ahh same here.. it's like freakn almost 6:30am for me
welp better late than ever might as well get some shut eye and wake up at noon LOL
hope you have a good rest! <3
see you ;D

- - - Post Merge - - -

hahah that's nice!! it's it cute
i love that game's graphics =w=
ahh well I'm going to get some shut eye might be up again in few hours or so
ttyl!! c:

Awww haha you're welcome <3 It's really fun when you get the hang of it and can start experimenting : D Definitely keep at it you have the skills for it ;D
Uwah same here huehue, Jasmine made me want to better my GFX all-around i.e. different styles and Devin AKA WonderK always gave me tips/tricks for certain areas def. two great people <3
Yay haha, will probs just VM you if you don't mind : ) If I can even finish by tomorrow guess I shall see how much time it takes xD
HOLYOMG!! Ahah it's gonna be close to 5 am though when I get to bed hnnnn >__< and omg lol I literally did that last night slept by 6 and woke up hungry at noon-ish (only had cold Caffe Mocha xD)
I hope so too, and sleep well : )
Might just pop in here again in that case hehe^^
Looks like I am not on the raffle list anymore! Can I rejoin the raffle?
Ah yes! See, you went inactive for longer then the admitted time!
Thanks for catching on! I will add you right now

Yeah I know, I didn't have anything to use to go on TBT, that's why I was inactive
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