Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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it doesnt-heres the full story:
So, someone commed me, and I wont mention names, but they didnt' have a reference and simply said "They have brown eyes, brown hair and wear a cute outfit!". I thought it was fine, but when I asked for what style, they asked for a really complicated one, said they wanted random streaks of dye, and the dress they wanted was super complicated. I told them honestly that I may have to charge more if they wanted a full piece, and I got this in response:
"It's fine. You don't have to do it and you can refund me.
I don't need art anyways."
WTH? I was being really nice, and if they didn't need art why did they make a thread asking for it? Ugh, I'm just really annoyed about this....

Um okay. I know it was me. I tried to be nice if it was too much for you to do.
Great now I'm crying. Everyone's mean to me nowadays. :/ should I leave? like leave? not just leave tbt

just ugh
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Um okay. I know it was me. I tried to be nice if it was too much for you to do.
Great now I'm crying. Everyone's mean to me nowadays. :/ should I leave? like leave? not just leave tbt

just ugh

to be fair, it seems like you did give her a hard time and i know how frustrating it is when that happens ._. if you want to leave then its your choice, but i personally wouldnt leave over something as small as that
to be fair, it seems like you did give her a hard time and i know how frustrating it is when that happens ._. if you want to leave then its your choice, but i personally wouldnt leave over something as small as that

yes but i was actually thinking it would be nice to just not let her do it, if it was too hard.
yes but i was actually thinking it would be nice to just not let her do it, if it was too hard.

she went out of her way to discuss the drawing with you then you just decided to opt out, so i get why she'd be annoyed. simple advice - it'll be much easier for both sides if you provide a reference or two for the artist instead of a vague/complicated description
she went out of her way to discuss the drawing with you then you just decided to opt out, so i get why she'd be annoyed. simple advice - it'll be much easier for both sides if you provide a reference or two for the artist instead of a vague/complicated description

it was my first time asking for art, so i didn't have any references to show her
Um okay. I know it was me. I tried to be nice if it was too much for you to do.
Great now I'm crying. Everyone's mean to me nowadays. :/ should I leave? like leave? not just leave tbt

just ugh

This isn't something you should leave over. It was just a hiccup. It happens all the time. All you can do is to move on. GO your seperate ways if trying to work it out doesn't, well, work out.
Alright guys, please resolve this via PM, thank you! :D

New topic! What have you guys been up to? :D (I am currently working so I apologize if I respond late (?;ω;`) )

- - - Post Merge - - -

I do have to say though, thank you for keeping it nice and friendly, I am glad there wasn't a big argument about it on TP :D
Alright guys, please resolve this via PM, thank you! :D

New topic! What have you guys been up to? :D (I am currently working so I apologize if I respond late (?;ω;`) )

- - - Post Merge - - -

I do have to say though, thank you for keeping it nice and friendly, I am glad there wasn't a big argument about it on TP :D

aww bae <33 ;w;
just excited to get my new 3ds this weekend wooo! c:
ah - sorry about sparking a k drama here ;v;

well one of my closest & only friends irl is moving out of state within the next month, so i'll be going out to the anime store tomorrow to buy him a couple of gifts before he leaves because we're certified weeaboos
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Alright guys, please resolve this via PM, thank you! :D

New topic! What have you guys been up to? :D (I am currently working so I apologize if I respond late (?;ω;`) )

- - - Post Merge - - -

I do have to say though, thank you for keeping it nice and friendly, I am glad there wasn't a big argument about it on TP :D

Oh whoops I just VMed Jacob about this :confused:
Sorry I came here a little late!
To avoid this thread from being closed, I would strongly advise no more arguments.
Anything that may seem to start up an argument will not be tolerated.
Thanks everyone for being good thus far! Remember we are a community!

- - - Post Merge - - -

What have you guys been up to? :D (I am currently working so I apologize if I respond late (?;ω;`) )
I just got finished watching Scorch Trails. It was pretty good
Miharu, Jacob! You might have missed it! sddfhgfjgjjdyjjhjngjnggvhmgm!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS!!!!!!! Can't..... *gasp*..... I'm INCOHERENT!!!!!!


I posted a suprise gift I got in the mail a few pages back, a belated birthday gift....... And just...... eghrftgjtyjtdykdtyktgykyukygkfykh............ NO WORDS.........

I am 25, and I have devolved to 1/5th my age, I swear over this! XD Hahahaha......

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know at least roseflower and I have signed the petition (Quest 14) since the last update..... I think..... ><
Miharu, Jacob! You might have missed it! sddfhgfjgjjdyjjhjngjnggvhmgm!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS!!!!!!! Can't..... *gasp*..... I'm INCOHERENT!!!!!!


I posted a suprise gift I got in the mail a few pages back, a belated birthday gift....... And just...... eghrftgjtyjtdykdtyktgykyukygkfykh............ NO WORDS.........

I am 25, and I have devolved to 1/5th my age, I swear over this! XD Hahahaha......

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know at least roseflower and I have signed the petition (Quest 14) since the last update..... I think..... ><

Oh happy belated birthday! if I missed it? sorry ;w;
Oh happy belated birthday! if I missed it? sorry ;w;

Oh! No worries! XD Thank you sooooo much! It was on Tuesday. But HHD came out today in Canada, and he preordered the New HHD 3DS for me and just..... sdgrgdgjghmdhmgmg........ went that came in the mail...... grfhdtjytgyjykjhkmghmsfm....... I can't even....... erftgnfmgmgmhmvhjghcf....... YA KNOW??!?! XD

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Sorry..... He = my common-law, my boyfriennd of 8 years.
Miharu, Jacob! You might have missed it! sddfhgfjgjjdyjjhjngjnggvhmgm!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS!!!!!!! Can't..... *gasp*..... I'm INCOHERENT!!!!!!


I posted a suprise gift I got in the mail a few pages back, a belated birthday gift....... And just...... eghrftgjtyjtdykdtyktgykyukygkfykh............ NO WORDS.........

I am 25, and I have devolved to 1/5th my age, I swear over this! XD Hahahaha......

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know at least roseflower and I have signed the petition (Quest 14) since the last update..... I think..... ><

Ah, Happy Belated Birthday!! Seems like you had a good one!!
Hey, out of curiosity, could I become a popsicle in freezing?
Of course!! I just added you to the rosters! Welcome to TP! I hope you enjoy your time here! :D

Quest #14 (I believe) - I signed our restock petition! :D
Your Quest Log has been updated! :D Thanks for signing! <3

Hi, Kilo! How are you doing?
I think I haven`t done this quest so far, I?ll sign as well:)

Edit: Quest #14 I signed for the group restock petition!
Your Quest Log has been updated! :D Thanks for signing! <3

Okay can't contain excitement, I thought I would share with you guys first before posting on the official "Post Here Every time You Get something!" thread.....

Ready? Remember how my birthday was on Tuesday, right?

My boyfriend of 8 years, who I can't thank enough surprised me with THIS today as a belated birthday gift.....
I can't even.....

WOWWW!! CONGRATS!!!!! You and your boyfriend are so great together!! I'm so happy for you!! That's an amazing present!!! x] I hope your birthday was the best!

Doing a few quests now:)

Quest #11 Voted at SOWT

Quest #12 I like strawberry popsicles the most, because they taste amaaazing:blush:

And I?d like to redeem for 100pps an extra entry into the popsicle raffle list!
OHH!! I haven't had a strawberry popsicle in a while!!! XD

And woo! Your Quest Log is updated! I'll have Jacob add your second entry soon!

Quest 11: Voted!
Quest 12: BOMBPOPS!!!! Omg I LUV choc/banana BOMBPOPS!!!!!! Sooo so much!!! I used to get them every time i had strep throat. They always made me feel better!
Your Quest Log has been updated! :D Thanks for voting! <3

AND OHH!!! I honestly don't think I've had a choc/banana bombpop before!!! I'll definitely try to find it in store and try it!! XD

aww bae <33 ;w;
just excited to get my new 3ds this weekend wooo! c:
AND OOHHH!!! NICEEE!!!! Are you getting HHD with it?? XD

ah - sorry about sparking a k drama here ;v;

well one of my closest & only friends irl is moving out of state within the next month, so i'll be going out to the anime store tomorrow to buy him a couple of gifts before he leaves because we're certified weeaboos
Hahaha no worries! Thanks for apologizing! c:

And aww!!! ; __ ; I hope you guys are able to make tons of memories before your friend moves!! And that's so sweet of you!! (Also welcome to TP! :D This is my first time seeing you here! x] )

Sorry I came here a little late!
To avoid this thread from being closed, I would strongly advise no more arguments.
Anything that may seem to start up an argument will not be tolerated.
Thanks everyone for being good thus far! Remember we are a community!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I just got finished watching Scorch Trails. It was pretty good
I just want to add to this, but if you see a comment/post you don't like that's regarding to you indirectly, please send Jacob or I a PM regarding it! There's no need to quote the said post. c: Quoting the said post will only spark an argument, which we'll like to avoid! This goes towards everyone! x] Thanks for being good and following the rules to the best of your abilities you guys! :D We truly appreciate it! <3

Miharu, Jacob! You might have missed it! sddfhgfjgjjdyjjhjngjnggvhmgm!!!!!!!!!!!! WORDS!!!!!!! Can't..... *gasp*..... I'm INCOHERENT!!!!!!


I posted a suprise gift I got in the mail a few pages back, a belated birthday gift....... And just...... eghrftgjtyjtdykdtyktgykyukygkfykh............ NO WORDS.........

I am 25, and I have devolved to 1/5th my age, I swear over this! XD Hahahaha......

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know at least roseflower and I have signed the petition (Quest 14) since the last update..... I think..... ><
I SAW THE PRESENT JUST NOW!!! THAT's AMAZING AAHHHHHH <3333 I'm so happy for you!!!!

And yes I saw! Sorry I can't update the OP or quests when I'm at work! :c But please do not worry! I'll ALWAYS read back the posts I miss when I'm not on tbt or when I'm at work! I'll always update when I can! :D

✧ New Rewards has been added! I just want to thank naekoya, Jacob, and Kairi-Kitten for their participation in these amazing rewards! <3

✧ Expired/Past Quests has now been moved to the new Team Popsicle Thread in the museum section! (We have now renamed it to "Team Popsicle's Gallery")

✧ Don't forget! Our raffle will be ending tomorrow, 9/26/15, at 7pm PST time! Make sure you are on the raffle list as it is currently up to date! (Some member(s) have been removed due to 3 days of inactivity! Even if you are active again after those 3 days have passed, you'll need to let us know you'll like to rejoin again to be put back into the raffle list!)

✧ Quests #11 & #12 will be ending on Sunday at 9pm PST time! Make sure to get those quests in if you haven't already! Earn those pps! ;)
Yess! the whole bundle new 3ds, game, and comes with 6 cards I think? >w<
wee ~ can't wait hehe sleepy!
Morning guys, how are you?

sorry i caused trouble guys. wasn't my intention, and i didn't realise she was a member, but i didn't name her so nobody would get mad at her directly.
Aaaaaaa Jasmine whenever you wake up and check here I just wanted to post so you could see that I literally DID use the Yo-Ka Sig xD (even made a lovely icon/avatar<3)

*sneaks out 8'D*
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